German Candidate Study 2002

[Deutsche Version]

From November 2002 until March 2003, we have conducted a survey among all constituency candidates of the parties currently represented in the Bundestag. 51% of the candidates have been participating in our survey.

This candidate study is part of an international comparative research project. Largely identical questionnaires have been used in previous surveys among candidates standing for office in parliamentary elections in Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and The Netherlands. In each of these countries, a number of questions have also been asked in representative voter surveys. Studies in other countries are about to follow.

First analyses have been done and resulted in two publications. Please take a look at the English Version of the questionaire here.


Hermann Schmitt/Andreas M. Wüst: Direktkandidaten bei der Bundestagswahl 2002: Politische Agenda und Links-Rechts-Selbsteinstufung im Vergleich zu den Wählern, in: Frank Brettschneider et al. (eds.): Bundestagswahl 2002: Analysen der Wahlergebnisse und des Wahlkampfes, Wiesbaden 2004, pp. 303-325.

Andreas M. Wüst: Einstellungen von Parlamentskandidaten gegenüber Einwandererminoritäten in Deutschland und den Niederlanden, in: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 36 (1), 2005, pp. 142-152.

Project Directors:

PD Dr. Hermann Schmitt [e-mail; Homepage]
Dr. Andreas M. Wüst [e-mail; Homepage]

MZES, Universität Mannheim
L 7, 1
68161 Mannheim

Last modification: June 10, 2005.