Search Help

Search Terms and Search Limits

The text in the Search Term box is used to run a full-text search on the title, abstract, and keywords fields of records in the database.

The Authors box allows you to limit the search to particular authors. It does not use the search syntax described below, and works best if you only enter author surnames.

You can set further limits for the search in the Search Limits box.

If you do not type anything in the Search Term box, you will get all records that match on any limits you have set, such as authors, keywords, publication type, or discipline.

If you have set no limits at all and you have not entered a search term, you will get all records in the database.

Controlling the effect of the search terms

Normally, records are retrieved that contain any of the words entered. This search apples oranges will retrieve all records that contain either apples or oranges (or both).

Specifying terms that must be present

A + (plus sign) before a word means that it must be present in the records retrieved. For example, the search +apples +oranges will retrieve records that contain both apples and oranges.

This search apples +oranges will find all records with oranges in them, ranking those that also contain apples higher than those that do not.

Specifying terms that must not be present

A - (minus sign) before a word means that it must not be present in the records retrieved. For example, the search -apples +oranges will retrieve records that contain oranges if they do not contain apples.


An asterisk * at the end of a word finds matches for any word that begins with the word. This search apple* will find apple, apples, and any other word beginning with apple.



To search for a phrase, put it in quotation marks " ". This search "oranges and lemons" will retrieve records containing the phrase oranges and lemons

Grouping Expressions

Parentheses () can be used to group expressions. This query (+apples -oranges) (+pears -bananas) will retrieve records that either contain apples but no oranges, or pears but no bananas.