Egbert Jahn (ed.)

  Nationalism in Late and Post-Communist Europe  
  Volume 2 - Nationalism in the Nation States vergrößerte Ansicht in neuem Fenster  
  633 p., Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2009  
  ISBN 978-3-8329-3969-4  
Go to Contents Notes on Contributors


The breakdown of the communist party rule was accompanied by an unexpected renaissance of nationalism and secessionism. Of the nine communist states only five nation states have survived. Whereas the GDR became unified with the FRG, the three multinational states dissolved into 16 hybrid ethno-national states and two states of federated nations. The latter remain imperilled in their territorial integrity. In all countries, state and ethnic nationalism combine in peculiar ways, which leaves room for sub-national stateness and various other forms of ethnic and national heterogeneity. In this volume, experts describe the unfolding of nationalism in each of the post-communist states during the late and post-communist period of upheaval from 1985-1995. First, the relationship of the titular ethnic group with its own ethnic nationalism is discussed, as well as the nationalism that refers to the whole state including the minorities. This relationship influences the way the states treat the minorities, which often aim for sub-stateness or at least for representation through a political party organisation.


Case studies on the post-Soviet European states

Gerhard Simon
Russian Federation nationalism of Russians and Non-Russians

Franz Preißler
Russian (ethnic) nationalism

Beate Eschment
The Russians of Kazakhstan in search of their national identity

Volodymyr Kulyk
Nationalisms in Ukraine, 1986-1996

Astrid Sahm
Sovereignty until revoked? Belarus-nationalism and Belorusian nationalism

Claus Neukirch
The Republic of Moldova between unionism, Moldovanism and civic nationalism

Mart Laar
National awakening in Estonia – then and now

Susanne Nies
The Latvian national movement and Latvian nationalism, 1986-1996

Barbara Christophe
Cohesion und difference. Nation and nationalism in Lithuania

Oliver Reissner
Georgia and its new national movement

Tessa Hofmann
From irredenta to independence and back: Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh 1986-1997

Raoul Motika
Nationalism in Azerbaidzhan and Azeri-Turkish nationalism

Case studies on the East Central European states

Peter Tokarski
Political and socio-economic normalisation: An opportunity for the dismantlement of romanticised nationalism in Poland

David Čanĕk
Czech nationalism and ethnic minorities from the late 1980s to 1997

Silvia Miháliková
Nationalism and minority problems in Slovakia

Éva Petrás/ Norbert Spannenberger
(Dis-)continuities in Hungarian nationalism in the light of systemic transformation

Case studies on the South East European states

Jože Pučnik
Slovenia: The road to nation statehood

Mojmir Križan
Croatia: A paradigmatic case of ethnic nationalism

Holm Sundhaussen
Serbian nationalism, 1985-1995

Heinz Willemsen/ Stefan Troebst
Scarce continuities, multiple fractures: The Republic of Macedonia, 1987-1995

Michael Schmidt-Neke
Albania: The unfinished nation state

Ulrich Büchsenschütz
Nationalism and democracy in Bulgaria

Mariana Hausleitner
The patriot race. Nationalism in Romania

Additional bibliography

List of authors

Notes on Contributors

Büchsenschütz, Ulrich
Born 1965, Associate Director of consulting firm ‘Control Risks’ in Germany. For several years free lance analyst for Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty.
Publications on the general history of South Eastern Europe and on minorities and nationalism in this region.

Čaněk, David
Born 1974, a graduate of the Comparative Studies Program at Charles University, Prague with research scholarships at the universities of Vienna, Berlin and Budapest.
Publications on Czech nationalism and in particular on the representation of ethnic minorities in post-1989 Czech history textbooks.

Christophe, Barbara
Born 1964, PhD habil., Political Scientist at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).
Publications on transformation processes in post-Soviet countries, (especially in Lithuania, Georgia, and Kyrgyzstan) and on ethnic conflicts in the post-Soviet South Caucasus.

Eschment, Beate
Born in 1960, PhD, senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Martin- Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg.
Publications on the politics and history of the Central Asian states, particularly on problems of political transformation and nationality issues in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

Hausleitner, Mariana
Born 1950, lecturer at the Freie Universität Berlin, research fellow at the Institute for German Culture and History in Southeast Europe at the Ludwig-Maximilians- University in Munich.
Publications on nationalism in Eastern Europe, the history of national minorities, the Holocaust, and on stalinism and memory politics, especially in Romania, Moldova and Ukraine.

Hofmann, Tessa PhD, philologist (Slavic and Armenian studies) and sociologist; research fellow at the department of sociology at the Institute for Eastern European Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Publications on the history, culture and present situation of Armenia and its diaspora; on the history and present situation of Ireland; on ethnic minorities in the Middle East and South Caucasus; and contributions to genocide studies.

Jahn, Egbert
Born 1941, Professor emeritus of Political Science and Contemporary History at the University of Mannheim, head of the research area “New democracies and conflict regulation” at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research.
Publications on nationalism in Eastern Europe, East-West relations, Soviet armaments and détente policy, as well as on peace, peace movements, peace and conflict research and current political issues.

Križan, Mojmir
Born 1943, Dr. ing., Dr. disc.pol., senior researcher at the Institute of Biophysical Chemistry of the Max Planck Society, Göttingen.
Publications on Croatia and theories of justice, as well as on cultural traditions and modernisation.
Kulyk, Volodymyr
Born 1963, senior research fellow at the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Publications on contemporary Ukrainian nationalism and national identity, the politics of language and ethnicity, language ideologies and media discourse in post- Soviet Ukraine.

Laar, Mart
Born 1960, PhD, Estonian statesman and historian, Prime minister of Estonia 1992 - 1994 and 1999 - 2002. Currently member of the Estonian Parliament.
Academic publications on the Estonian national movement in the 19th century, on the battles of World War II, and on insurgency and counter-insurgency on Estonian territory. Political publications on international politics, transition societies, flat tax, and current political issues.

Miháliková, Silvia
Born 1952, Professor of Political Science and European Studies at the Comenius University Bratislava. Director of the Institute for European Studies and International Relations and Director of the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights Education at Comenius University, Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration and European Centre of Excellence at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University.
Publications on post-communist transformation, political culture, identity politics, and symbolic politics.

Motika, Raoul
Born 1941, Professor of Turkology at the University of Hamburg and Director of the Heidelberg Centre for Euro-Asiatic Studies at the University of Heidelberg (HECEAS e.V.).
Publications on the history, politics and religions of Turkey, Iran, Caucasia, Central Asia and the Ottoman Empire.

Neukirch, Claus
Born in 1970, Political Scientist and currently press spokesperson for the OSCE Mission in Moldova.
Publications on Moldova, including the Transnistrian conflict, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and conflict studies in general.

Nies, Susanne
1963, PhD, senior researcher at the Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI), Governance of Energy Programme and Brussels Office.
Publications on Eastern Europe, the European Union and on governance of enclaves of international relations. Present research focus: energy policy of Europe.

Petrás, Éva
Senior researcher at the Foundation for Comparative Research on Minorities in Europe (Európai Összehasonlító Kisebbségkutatások Közalapítvány) in Budapest with a focus on Hungary and Slovakia. Co-editor of the journal Mérleg in Budapest.
Publications on contemporary history, especially on church history in Hungary and on minority problems in the Danube area.

Preißler Franz
Born 1965, PhD candidate at the J. W. Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.
Publications on the prospects of democratisation in Russia, on the second Chechen War and on Russia’s foreign policy. The doctoral thesis examines Russia’s policy on the issue of the Russian-minority in Latvia.

Pučnik, Jože 1932-2003, PhD, sociologist and politician, imprisoned for seven years in Yugoslavia charged with “heretical writings”, asylum in Germany; lecturer at the University of Lüneburg from 1971 to 1989; President of the Socialdemocratic Party of Slovenia and leader of the Demos coalition in the first democratic elections in Slovenia in 1990. Later on member of the Slovenian parliament.
Academic publications on philosophical and sociological topics, and on the relationship between culture and technology, author of moral and political manifestos and critical social and political commentaries.

Reisner, Oliver
Born 1964, PhD, programme coordinator of „Central Asia/Caucasus“ studies at the Central Asia Seminar at the Humboldt University of Berlin, World Vision project manager of an EU-project in minority regions in Georgia (2000-2003), project manager of the delegation of the European Commission in Georgia (since July 2005).
Publications on the history, politics and conflicts of Georgia.

Sahm, Astrid
Born 1968, PhD, 1994-2000 assistant researcher at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research and at the department of Political Science and Contemporary History at the University of Mannheim, 2000-2005 assistant professor at the department of Political Science and Contemporary History at the University of Mannheim. Since 2006 Director of the Johannes Rau International Educational Centre in Minsk (Belarus).
Publications on the processes of integration, transformation and national identity building in the western CIS countries, on environmental and energy policy, as well as on topics of peace and conflict research.

Schmidt-Neke, Michael PhD, historian, at present researcher within the parliamentary group of the German Social Democratic Party in the Schleswig-Holstein parliament.
Publications on the history of and on present topics in Albania.

Simon, Gerhard
Born in 1937, PhD, Professor of East European History at the University of Cologne, former Head of Department and Deputy Director at the Federal Institute of East European and International Studies in Cologne.
Publications on Russian and Soviet history, especially on the nationalities question and the churches in the Soviet Union, on past and present developments in Ukraine, nation- and state- building in post-communist Ukraine and Russia.

Spannenberger, Norbert
Born 1969, senior researcher at the Arts and Humanities Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe (GWZO) at the university of Leipzig, working on the project “Intermediary organisations and democratic stability in East Central and South Eastern Europe in the Inter-War period (1918-1939/41)”.
Publications on the history of Hungary and the Danube area, and on the Greek- Catholic Church in East-, East Central and South Eastern Europe.

Sundhaussen, Holm
Born 1942, Co-Director of the “Berlin School for Comparative European History” and Professor emeritus for Southeast European History at the Institute for East European Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Publications on the history of Southeast Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries with special focus on nation- and state-building, nationalism, ethnic conflicts and socioeconomic history.

Tokarski, Peter
Born 1961, at present DAAD lecturer at the Institute of German studies at the University of Warsaw.
Publications on the history of Poland after the Second World War and on German- Polish relations in the 19th and 20th century.

Troebst, Stefan
Born 1955, historian specialising on Eastern Europe and Slavic studies, Professor for Cultural Studies on East Central Europe at the School of Philology at the University of Leipzig and head of research of the Arts and Humanities Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe (GWZO) at the university of Leipzig (GWZO).
Publications on the economic history of North Eastern Europe, on international and interethnic relations in South Eastern Europe, on the cultural history of East Central Europe, as well as on the European culture of rememberance from early modern times until present.

Willemsen, Heinz
M.A., PhD candidate at the Department of History at the Ruhr-University in Bochum.
Publications on the political development and on conflicts in Makedonia.