Domain-specific policy positions of state and federal parties in Germany


The data contains the policy positions and ministerial ambitions of German state parties.

The data set relies on election manifestos for state elections from 1975 to 2010 to derive both measures of interest intensity and policy positions in various policy domains. The section headings of the platforms were coded as belonging to a certain policy domain, the text length dedicated to a domain was interpreted as a salience measure and the domain specific policy positions were extracted from the text by Wordfish. Government formations within the parliamentary systems of the German states are an ideal test ground for coalition theories.

Directors MZES: 
Directors other: 
Susumu Shikano
Eric Linhart
Data publication date: 
Data citation: 
Pappi, Franz Urban, and Nicole Seher (2014): Die Politikpositionen der deutschen Landtagsparteien und ihr Einfluss auf die Koalitionsbildung. Pp. 171-205 in: Eric Linhart, Bernhard Kittel, André Bächtiger (Eds.) Räumliche Modelle der Politik. Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Number citations cumulative: 
1 google scholar citation
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