Neuerwerbungen der MZES Bibliothek 2020

Reference books

Greve, Bent (Hrsg.)
Routledge international handbook of poverty
London New York, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/122

Hampson, Fen Osler (Hrsg.)
Routledge handbook of peace, security and development
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/124

Jenco, Leigh K. (Hrsg.)
The Oxford handbook of comparative political theory
New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/122

Juárez-Gámiz, Julio (Hrsg.)
Routledge international handbook on electoral debates
New York London, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/125

Muro, Diego (Hrsg.)
The Oxford handbook of Spanish politics
Oxford, United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E/Info/Handb/002

Richmond, Lesley (Hrsg.)
Overview of business archives in Western Europe
Glasgow, University Archives & Business Record Centre, 1996
Shelfmark: E.K./Info/Adress/005

Rohrschneider, Robert (Hrsg.)
The Oxford handbook of political representation in liberal democracies
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/123

Suhay, Elizabeth (Hrsg.)
The Oxford handbook of electoral persuasion
New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Info/Handb/126

EU Integration

Broad, Matthew (Hrsg.)
European integration beyond Brussels unity in East and West Europe since 1945
Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/636

Bulmer, Simon ; Bache, Ian
Politics in the European Union
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/381=5

De Witte, Floris
re:generation Europe Ten Proposals for Another Europe
Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/626

Grimmel, Andreas (Hrsg.)
Die neue Europäische Union zwischen Integration und Desintegration
Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/634

Höffe, Otfried
Für ein Europa der Bürger!
Tübingen, Klöpfer Narr, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/631

Ideas for the Future of Europe Salzburg Veranstaltung; Pausch, Markus (Hrsg.)
Perspectives for Europe historical concepts and future challenges
Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/630

Jóhann Páll Árnason (Hrsg.)
European integration historical trajectories, geopolitical contexts
Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/627

Laer, Ewoud van
The desperate union what is going wrong in the European Union?
London, Union Bridge Books, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/629

McCormick, John
European Union politics
London, Red Global Press; Macmillan International Higher Education, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/496,3

Müller-Graff, Peter-Christian, (Hrsg.)
Kernelemente der europäischen Integration
Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/633

Rohan, Sally
The Western European Union international politics between alliance and integration
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/637

Veit, Winfried
Europas Kern eine Strategie für die EU von morgen
Bonn, Verlag JHW Dietz Nachf GmbH, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Allg/632

General, social, economic history

Dabashi, Hamid
Europe and its shadows coloniality after empire
London, Pluto Press, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A/Allg/628

Hane, Mikiso ; Perez, Louis G.
Modern Japan a historical survey
New York London, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
Shelfmark: ASI/Allg/014=5

Kertzer, David I. - Hrsg.
Aging in the past demography, society, and old age
Berkeley [u.a.], Univ of California Press, 1995
Shelfmark: E.K./Allg/305

Mallinson, William
Britain and Cyprus key themes and documents since World War II
London New York Oxford New Delhi Sydney, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Allg/306

Wood, Tasha (Hrsg.)
Slovakia culture, history and people
New York, Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2018
Shelfmark: SK/Allg/017

Population, migration, urbanism, social geography

Farer, Tom
Migration and integration the case for liberalism with borders
Cambridge New York Port Melbourne New Delhi Singapore, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/561

Goularas, Gökçe Bayındır, (Hrsg.)
Refugee crises and migration policies from local to global
Lanham Boulder New York London, Lexington Books, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/559

Hilz, Wolfram ; Saracino, Daniele
Nordic Perspectives on the European Asylum System the cases of Sweden and Finland
Marburg [Baden-Baden], Tectum Verlag, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/556

Johler, Reinhard (Hrsg.)
Konfliktfeld Fluchtmigration historische und ethnographische Perspektiven
Bielefeld, transcript, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/242

Kühlmeyer, Katja, (Hrsg.)
Ethical, legal and social aspects of healthcare for migrants perspectives from the UK and Germany
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/562

Mihálik, Jaroslav, (Hrsg.)
Migration - the challenge of European states
Stuttgart, Ibidem Verlag, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/560

Safi, Mirna
Migration and inequality
Cambridge, UK Medford, MA, Polity, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/239

Smith, Sara
Political geography a critical introduction
Hoboken, NJ Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/241

Suter, Brigitte (Hrsg.)
Contemporary European emigration situating integration in new destinations
London New York, NY, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Bevgeo/558

Tazzioli, Martina
The making of migration the biopolitics of mobility at Europe's borders
Los Angeles London New Delhi Singapore Washington DC Melbourne, SAGE, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Bevgeo/240

Education, science, research

Breen, Richard (Hrsg.)
Education and intergenerational social mobility in Europe and the United States
Stanford, California, Stanford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Bild/344

Hall, James (Hrsg.)
International perspectives in educational effectiveness research
Cham, Springer, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Bild/347

Hirsch, Eric D.
How to educate a citizen the power of shared knowledge to unify a nation
Melton, Woodbridge, John Catt Educational Ltd, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Bild/051

Jørgensen, Christian Helms (Hrsg.)
Vocational education in the Nordic countries learning from diversity
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Bild/346

Sixt, Michaela (Hrsg.)
Bildungsentscheidungen und lokales Angebot die Bedeutung der Infrastruktur für Bildungsentscheidungen im Lebensverlauf
Münster New York, Waxmann, 2018
Shelfmark: D/Bild/237

Tarabini, Aina (Hrsg.)
Educational choices, transitions and aspirations in Europe systemic, institutional and subjective challenges
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Bild/345

Labour market, classes, professions, status groups

Blanke, Hermann-Josef (Hrsg.)
Streik als Mittel des Arbeitskampfes das Tarifeinheitsgesetz und die Tarifautonomie
Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2019
Shelfmark: D/Erwkla/288

Chau, Huey Shy
Brokering circular labour migration a mobile ethnography of migrant care workers' journey to Switzerland
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: CH/Erwkla/018

MacLaughlin, Eithne Hrsg.
Understanding unemployment new perspectives on active labour market policies
London [u.a.], Routledge, 1992
Shelfmark: GB/Erwkla/018

Papastephanakē, Lēda (Hrsg.)
Labour history in the European semi-periphery Southern Europe, 19th-20th centuries
Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2021
Shelfmark: E.K./Erwkla/536

Voigt, Douglas
Social justice and the German labour market a critical inquiry into normative institutional analysis
London New York, Rowman & Littlefield International, 2019
Shelfmark: D/Erwkla/289

Family, household, kinship

Developments in national family policies
York, Univ Social Policy Research Unit, 1996
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/033

Apostolova, Iva (Hrsg.)
Ageing in an ageing society critical reflections
Sheffield, UK Bristol, CT, Equinox, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Famil/192

Commaille, Jacques; Strobel, Pierre
Enjeux et perspectives de la politique familiale française
[Paris], 1994
Shelfmark: F/Famil/046

Deutschland Enquete-Kommission Demographischer Wandel - Herausforderungen Unserer Älter Werdenden Gesellschaft an den Einzelnen und die Politik
Zweiter Zwischenbericht der Enquete-Kommission "Demographischer Wandel - Herausforderungen Unserer Älter Werdenden Gesellschaft an den Einzelnen und die Politik"
Bonn, 1998
Shelfmark: D/Famil/102=2

Doling, John (Hrsg.)
Ageing matters European policy lessons from the East
London New York, Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: ASI/Famil/014

Dørum, Knut (Hrsg.)
Nordic gender equality policy in a Europeanisation perspective
London New York, NY, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/418

Hepburn, Stephanie ; Simon, Rita J.
Women's roles and statuses the world over
Lanham, MD [u.a.], Lexington Books, 2006
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/278

Hiitola, Johanna (Hrsg.); Turtiainen, Kati (Hrsg.); Tiilikainen, Marja (Hrsg.)
Family life in transition borders, transnational mobility, and welfare society in Nordic countries
London New York, NY, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/420

Höpflinger, François, (Hrsg.)
Wohnen in den späten Lebensjahren Grundlagen und regionale Unterschiede
Zürich Genf, Seismo Verlag Sozialwissenschaften, 2019
Shelfmark: CH/Famil/013=4

Jackson, Natalie ; Pool, Ian
Fertility and family formation in the "second demographic transition" New Zealand patterns and trends
Christchurch, New Zealand Institute for Social Research & Development, 1994
Shelfmark: AUS/Famil/004

Leira, Arnlaug
Working parents and the welfare state family change and policy reform in Scandinavia
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/239

Neubauer, Erika
Wege der Familienpolitik in Europa Kurzdarstellung der familienpolitischen Fördersysteme in den zwölf Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und in Anrainerstaaten; Arbeitsmaterialien zum Forschungsprojekt "Vergleichende Analyse der familienpolitischen Fördersysteme in den Staaten der Europäischen Gemeinschaft" im Auftr. des Bundesministeriums für Familie und Senioren
Bonn, BMFuS, 1993
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/032

Nuroğlu, Elif, (Hrsg.)
The role of women in Turkish economy current situation, problems and policies
Berlin, Peter Lang, 2020
Shelfmark: TR/Famil/004

Portier-Le Cocq, Fabienne (Hrsg.)
Motherhood in contemporary international perspective continuity and change
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/417

Radziwinowiczówna, Agnieszka,; Rosińska, Anna
Ethnomorality of care migrants and their aging parents
London New York, NY, Routledge, 2018
Shelfmark: PL/Famil/002

Steel, Gill (Hrsg.)
Beyond the gender gap in Japan
Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2019
Shelfmark: ASI/Famil/013

Tate, Charlotte Chucky; Ben Hagai, Ella
Undoing the gender binary
Cambridge New York, NY Port Melbourne New Delhi Singapore, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: THEO/Famil/041

Titzmann, Peter F. (Hrsg.)
Youth in superdiverse societies growing up with globalization, diversity, and acculturation
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Famil/191

Zaleski, Kristen (Hrsg.)
Women's journey to empowerment in the 21st century a transnational feminist analysis of women's lives in modern times
New York, Oxford University Press, 2019
Shelfmark: AE/Famil/016

Česnuitytė, Vida (Hrsg.)
Families in economically hard times experiences and coping strategies in Europe
United Kingdom North America Japan India Malaysia China, Emerald Publishing, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Famil/419

Monetary, financial institutions

Schilde, Kaija E.
The political economy of European security
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Finanz/219

EU institutions

De Feo, Alfredo (Hrsg.)
Shaping parliamentary democracy collected memories from the European Parliament
Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A./Inst/241

Heudtlaß, Karsten-Kristian
Der Europäische Rechnungshof - Rechtsstellung und Befugnisse
Berlin Bern Bruxelles New York Oxford Warszawa Wien, Peter Lang, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Inst/242

Yordanova, Nikoleta
Organising the European Parliament the role of committees and their legislative influence
Colchester, ECPR Press, 2013
Shelfmark: E.A./Inst/215

International relations

Bátora, Jozef (Hrsg.)
Towards a segmented European political order the European Union's post-crises conundrum
London New York, NY, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/666

Dreyer-Plum, Domenica
Die Grenz- und Asylpolitik der Europäischen Union
München, Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH; UVK Verlag, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/668

Mattheis, Frank Thomas (Hrsg.)
Broadening the debate on EU-Africa relations
London New York, NY, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/665

Naumescu, Valentin (Hrsg.)
The new European Union and its global strategy from Brexit to PESCO
Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/664

Steingass, Sebastian
Transnational networks and EU international cooperation in pursuit of effectiveness
London New York, NY, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2021
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/669

White, Jonathan
Politics of last resort governing by emergency in the European Union
Oxford New York, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Intbez/667

Religion, culture, media

Carlson, Taylor N.; Abrajano, Marisa A.
Talking politics political discussion networks and the new American electorate
New York, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Medien/024

Driscoll, Christopher M. (Hrsg.)
Kendrick Lamar and the making of black meaning
London New York, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Kultur/090

Powers, Matthew (Hrsg.)
Rethinking media research for changing societies
Cambridge New York, NY Port Melbourne, VIC New Delhi Singapore, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Medien/069

EU member states

König, Helmut - Hrsg.
Gehört die Türkei zu Europa? Wegweisungen für ein Europa am Scheideweg
Bielefeld, Transcript-Verl, 2005
Shelfmark: E.A./MGS/275

Nationalism, minorities, regionalism

Cuadras-Morató, Javier, (Hrsg.)
Catalonia a new independent state in Europe?$da debate over secession within the European Union
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E/Nation/037

Foy, Steven L.
Racism in America a reference handbook
Santa Barbara, California Denver, Colorado, ABC-CLIO, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Nation/046

Hasters, Alice
Was weisse Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen, aber wissen sollten
München, hanserblau, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Nation/156

Jones, Martin
Cities and regions in crisis the political economy of sub-national economic development
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
Shelfmark: GB/Nation/054

Kazharski, Aliaksei
Eurasian Integration and the Russian world regionalism as an identitary enterprise
Budapest New York, Central European University Press, 2019
Shelfmark: RUS/Nation/042

Pollock, Mica (Hrsg.)
Everyday antiracism getting real about race in school
New York London, New Press, 2008
Shelfmark: USA/Nation/045

Political parties, elections, participation, elites, public opinion

Accetti, Carlo Invernizzi
What is Christian democracy? politics, religion and ideology
Cambridge New York Port Melbourne New Delhi Singapore, Cambridge University Press, 2019
Shelfmark: THEO/Polsoz/222

Allchorn, William (Hrsg.)
Tracking the rise of the radical right globally
Stuttgart, ibidem Verlag, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1299

Andeweg, Rudy B. ; Irwin, Galen A.
Governance and politics of the Netherlands
London, Red Globe Press, 2020
Shelfmark: NL/Polsoz/019=5

Arat, Yeşim, ; Pamuk, Şevket
Turkey between democracy and authoritarianism
Cambridge New York, NY Port Melbourne, VIC, Cambridge University Press, 2019
Shelfmark: TR/Polsoz/031

Ashbee, Edward; Dumbrell, John
The American right after Reagan
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
Shelfmark: USA/Polsoz/270

Ashe, Jeanette
Political candidate selection who wins, who loses, and under-representation in the UK
London New York, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: GB/Polsoz/310

Atikcan, Ece Özlem, ; Nadeau, Richard
Framing risky choices brexit and the dynamics of high-stakes referendums
Montreal Kingston London Chicago, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: GB/Polsoz/313

Ágh, Attila,
Declining democracy in East-Central Europe the divide in the EU and emerging hard populism
Cheltenham, UK$PNorthampton, MA,USA, EE Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A./Polsoz/354

Baume, Sandrine (Hrsg.)
Compromises in democracy
Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
Shelfmark: THEO/Polsoz/226

Bergman, Torbjörn, (Hrsg.)
Coalition governance in Central Eastern Europe
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1298

Berlet, Chip (Hrsg.)
Trumping democracy from Reagan to the Alt-Right
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Polsoz/271

Biard, Benjamin (Hrsg.)
Do they make a difference? the policy influence of radical right populist parties in Western Europe
London New York, ECPR Press Rowman & Littlefield International, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1303

Blais, André ; Daoust, Jean-François
The motivation to vote explaining electoral participation
Vancouver Toronto, UBC Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/416

Bogdanor, Vernon
Britain and Europe in a troubled world
New Haven London, Yale University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: GB/Polsoz/314

Brewer, Mark D. ; Maisel, Louis Sandy
Parties and elections in America the electoral process
Lanham Boulder New York London, Rowman & Littlefield, 2021
Shelfmark: USA/Polsoz/272

Bruter, Michael ; Harrison, Sarah
Inside the mind of a voter a new approach to electoral psychology
Princeton Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1308

Bulgarēs, Giannēs ; Blümlein, Gerhard - ÜbersetzerIn
Politische Geschichte Griechenlands Parteien, Institutionen und politische Kultur vom Fall der Militärdiktatur bis zur Wirtschaftskrise"
Berlin, Edition Romiosini, 2017
Shelfmark: GR/Polsoz/039

Buštíková, Lenka
Extreme reactions radical right mobilization in Eastern Europe
Cambridge New York Port Melbourne New Delhi Singapore, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1305

Cerovac, Ivan
Epistemic democracy and political legitimacy
Cham, palgrave macmillan, 2020
Shelfmark: THEO/Polsoz/224

Chaisty, Paul; Cheeseman, Nic
Coalitional presidentialism in comparative perspective minority presidents in multiparty systems
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/368:2

Colomer, Josep Maria ; Beale, Ashley L. (Hrsg.)
Democracy and globalization anger, fear, and hope
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/421

Cooley, Alexander ; Nexon, Daniel H.
Exit from hegemony the unraveling of the American global order
New York, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Polsoz/273

Cotta, Maurizio (Hrsg.)
The EU through multiple crises representation and cohesion dilemmas for a "sui generis" polity
London New York, NY, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2021
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1324

Damhuis, Koen
Roads to the radical right understanding different forms of electoral support for radical right-wing parties in France and the Netherlands
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1318

Damiani, Marco
Populist radical left parties in Western Europe
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1315

Demker, Marie (Hrsg.)
Nordic party members linkages in troubled times
London New York, ECPR Press; Rowman & Littlefield International, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1300

Dietze, Gabriele (Hrsg.)
Right-wing populism and gender European perspectives and beyond
Bielefeld, transcript, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1321

Dunphy, Richard; March, Luke
The European left party
Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Polsoz/355

Ellinas, Antonis A.
Organizing against democracy the local organizational development of the far right parties in Greece and Europe
Cambridge, United Kingdom New York Australia New Delhi, India Singapore, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1319

Falter, Jürgen W.
Hitlers Wähler die Anhänger der NSDAP 1924-1933
Frankfurt New York, Campus Verlag, 2020
Shelfmark: D/Polsoz/008=2

Fieldhouse, Ed; Green, Jane
Electoral shocks the volatile voter in a turbulent world
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: GB/Polsoz/308

Flesher Fominaya, Cristina (Hrsg.)
Routledge handbook of contemporary European social movements protest in turbulent times
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1304

Froio, Caterina; Castelli Gattinara, Pietro
CasaPound Italia contemporary extreme-right politics
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: I/Polsoz/202

García Agustín, Óscar,
Left-wing populism the politics of the people
Bingley, UK, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1297

Garnett, Mark (Hrsg.)
The Routledge handbook of British politics and society
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: GB/Polsoz/312

Gibson, Rachel Kay
When the nerds go marching in how digital technology moved from the margins to the mainstream of political campaigns
New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1323

Guérot, Ulrike (Hrsg.)
Old and new cleavages in Polish society
Krems an der Donau, Edition Donau-Universität Krems, 2019
Shelfmark: PL/Polsoz/058

Hartzell, Caroline A.; Hoddie, Matthew
Power sharing and democracy in post-civil war states the art of the possible
Cambridge, United Kingdom New York, NY, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/420

Hellwig, Timothy ; Kweon, Yesola
Democracy under siege? parties, voters and elections after the great recession
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/417

Hinojosa, Magda ; Kittilson, Miki Caul
Seeing women, strengthening democracy how women in politics foster connected citizens
New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: AME/Polsoz/031

Holloway, John (Hrsg.)
Beyond crisis after the collapse of institutional hope in Greece, what?
Oakland, CA, PM Press, 2020
Shelfmark: GR/Polsoz/040

Hopkin, Jonathan
Anti-system politics the crisis of market, liberalism in rich democracies
New York, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1314

Husbands, Christopher T.
Reflections on the extreme right in Western Europe, 1990-2008
New York New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1307

James, Toby S.
Comparative electoral management performance, networks, and instruments
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1301

Kaeding, Michael (Hrsg.)
Die Europawahl 2019 Ringen um die Zukunft Europas
Wiesbaden [Heidelberg], Springer VS, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Polsoz/357

Kampfner, John
Why the Germans do it better notes from a grown-up country
London, Atlantic Books, 2020
Shelfmark: D/Polsoz/368

Kernalegenn, Tudi (Hrsg.)
Political parties abroad a new arena for party politics
London New York, NY, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1313

Khmelko, Irina (Hrsg.)
Legislative decline in the 21st century a comparative perspective
New York London, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1309

Klikauer, Thomas
Alternative für Deutschland The AFD$dGermanys new nazis or another populist party?
Brighton Chicago Toronto, Sussex Academic Press, 2020
Shelfmark: D/Polsoz/369

Kohl, Sebastian
Homeownership, renting and society historical and comparative perspectives
London, New York, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/557

Krick, Eva (Hrsg.)
Experts and democratic legitimacy tracing the social ties of expert bodies in Europe
London New York, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1294

Krzemiński, Ireneusz ; Poniatowska, Patrycja ÜbersetzerIn
Solidarity the unfulfilled project of Polish democracy
Berlin Bern Wien, Peter Lang, 2019
Shelfmark: PL/Polsoz/059

Lammert, Norbert (Hrsg.)
Christlich Demokratische Union Beiträge und Positionen zur Geschichte der CDU
München, Siedler, 2020
Shelfmark: D/Polsoz/370

Landemore, Hélène,
Open democracy reinventing popular rule for the twenty-first century
Princeton Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/422

Laumond, Bénédicte
Policy responses to the radical right in France and Germany public actors, policy frames, and decision-making
London New York, NY, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1310

Li, Yuhui
Dividing the rulers how majority cycling saves democracy
Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2019
Shelfmark: THEO/Polsoz/225

Maskivker, Julia
The duty to vote
New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/412

Mauk, Marlene
Citizen support for democratic and autocratic regimes
New York, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/414

Moffitt, Benjamin
Cambridge, UK Medford, MA, Polity, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/415

Moldovan, Raluca (Hrsg.)
The European Union policies, perspectives and politics
New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Polsoz/360

Munk Christiansen, Peter (Hrsg.)
The Oxford handbook of Danish politics
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: DK/Polsoz/007

Möller, Tommy
Political party dynamics and democracy in Sweden developments since the 'Golden Age'
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: S/Polsoz/031

Navin, Mark Christopher (Hrsg.); Nunan, Richard (Hrsg.)
Democracy, Populism, and Truth
Cham, Imprint Springer; Springer International Publishing, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Polsoz/274

Otobe, Nobutaka
Stupidity in politics its unavoidability and potential
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2021
Shelfmark: THEO/Polsoz/227

Pasquino, Gianfranco
Italian democracy how it works
London New York, NY, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: I/Polsoz/201

Paxton, Pamela Marie; Hughes, Melanie M.
Women, politics, and power a global perspective
Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2021
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/418

Pierre, Jon ; Peters, B. Guy
Governance, politics and the state
London, Red Globe Press, 2020
Shelfmark: THEO/Polsoz/223

Prysby, Charles L.
Rich voter, poor voter, red voter, blue voter social class and voting behavior in contemporary America
New York London, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Polsoz/275

Qvortrup, Mads (Hrsg.)
Nationalism, referendums and democracy voting on ethnic issues and independence
London New York, NY, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1312

Revolution! - Aufbruch ins Offene Berlin Veranstaltung; Grünbaum, Robert (Hrsg.)
Revolution! 1989 - Aufbruch ins Offene
Berlin, Metropol, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1316

Ron, Amit (Hrsg.)
Mapping populism approaches and methods
London New York, NY, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1311

Ruth-Lovell, Saskia P. (Hrsg.)
Clientelism and democratic representation in comparative perspective
Colchester, Rowman & Littlefield International; ECPR Press, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1295

Saresella, Daniela
Catholics and communists in twentieth-century Italy between conflict and dialogue
London New York Oxford New Dehli Sydney, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020
Shelfmark: I/Polsoz/200

Schroeder, Wolfgang (Hrsg.)
Smarte Spalter die AfD zwischen Bewegung und Parlament
Bonn, Dietz, 2019
Shelfmark: D/Polsoz/367

Shaw, Sylvia
Women, language and politics
Cambridge, United Kingdom New York, NY, USA Port Melbourne, Australia New Delhi, India Singapore, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/423

Silander, Daniel (Hrsg.)
Sweden and the European Union an assessment of the influence of EU-membership on eleven policy areas in Sweden
Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press, 2020
Shelfmark: S/Polsoz/032

Steven, Martin H. M.
The European conservatives and reformists (Ecr) politics, parties and policies
Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Polsoz/359

Ste̜pińska, Agnieszka (Hrsg.)
Populist Political Communication across Europe Contexts and Contents
Berlin, Peter Lang GmbH Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1320

Symposium in Honor of Alberta Sbragia Pittsburgh, Pa.) (; Spoon, Jae-Jae (Hrsg.)
The European Union and beyond multi-level governance, institutions, and policy-making
Colchester, Rowman & Littlefield International; ECPR Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1306

Timothy, Nick
Remaking one nation the future of conservatism
Cambridge Medford, MA, Polity, 2020
Shelfmark: GB/Polsoz/311

Twist, Kimberly A.
Partnering with extremists coalitions between mainstream and far-right parties in Western Europe
Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1317

Veugelers, John Welly Peter
Empire's legacy roots of a far right in contemporary France
New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: F/Polsoz/212

Vries, Catherine E. de; Hobolt, Sara Binzer
Political entrepreneurs the rise of challenger parties in Europe
Princeton Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Polsoz/358

Vít, Michal; Pető, Andrea, - eines Vorworts
The EU’s impact on identity formation in East-Central Europe between 2004 and 2013 perceptions of the nation and Europe in political parties of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia
Stuttgart, ibidem Verlag, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1302

Wattenberg, Martin P.
Is voting for young people? completely updated through the 2018 election
New York London, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Polsoz/158=5

Wilkin, Sam
History repeating why populists rise and governments fall
London, Profile Books, 2018
Shelfmark: ALLG/Polsoz/419

Williamson, Adrian
Europe and the decline of social democracy in Britain from Attlee to Brexit
Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2019
Shelfmark: GB/Polsoz/309

Winter, Lieven de (Hrsg.)
Parliamentary candidates between voters and parties a comparative perspective
Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY, Routledge, 2021
Shelfmark: E.K./Polsoz/1322

Regional policy, integration of minorities

Abels, Gabriele (Hrsg.)
Regional governance in the EU regions and the future of Europe
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A./Region/299

Fylling, Ingrid (Hrsg.)
EU social inclusion policies in post-socialist countries top-down and bottom-up perspectives on implementation
London New York, NY, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Region/300

Geddes, Andrew ; Hadj-Abdou, Leila
Migration and mobility in the European Union
London, Macmillan international higher education Red Globe Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Region/259:2

Miškova, Diana,
Beyond Balkanism the scholarly politics of region making
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Region/302

Welfare state, social policy, public health

Rapporto sulla situazione sociale del paese ...
Milano, CENSIS; Franco Angeli, 1968
Shelfmark: I/Sozsta/007

Careja, Romana (Hrsg.)
The European social model under pressure Liber amicorum in honour of Klaus Armingeon
Wiesbaden [Heidelberg], Springer VS, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Sozsta/1055

Case, Anne ; Deaton, Angus
Deaths of despair and the future of capitalism
Princeton Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Sozsta/184

Copeland, Paul
Governance and the European social dimension politics, power and the social deficit in a post-2010 EU
London New York, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Sozsta/499

Daly, Mary
Gender inequality and welfare states in Europe
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Sozsta/501

Gingrich, Luann Good (Hrsg.)
Transnational social policy social welfare in a world on the move
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
Shelfmark: E.K./Sozsta/1057

Grenier, Amanda (Hrsg.); Phillipson, Chris (Hrsg.)
Precarity and ageing understanding insecurity and risk in later life
Bristol Chicago, IL, Policy Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Sozsta/267

Jensen, Carsten
Life cycle risks and the politics of the welfare state
Aarhus, Aarhus University Press, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Sozsta/268

Jensen, Carsten ; Wenzelburger, Georg
Reforming the welfare state
London, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Sozsta/1058

Kaya, Hülya
The EU-Turkey Statement on refugees assessing its impact on fundamental rights
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Sozsta/502

Kenworthy, Lane
Social democratic capitalism
New York, NY, United States of America, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Sozsta/186

Kluckert, Sebastian (Hrsg.)
Das neue Infektionsschutzrecht
Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2020
Shelfmark: D/Sozsta/335

Laenen, Tijs
Welfare deservingness and welfare policy popular deservingness opinions and their interaction with welfare state policies
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
Shelfmark: THEO/Sozsta/106

Lane, Shannon R.; Shdaimah, Corey S.
Social welfare policy in a changing world
Los Angeles London New Delhi Singapore Washington DC Melbourne, SAGE, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Sozsta/185

McDonough, Brian ; Bustillos Morales, Jessie
Universal basic income
London New York, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Sozsta/265

Moulaert, Frank ; MacCallum, Diana
Advanced introduction to social innovation
Cheltenham Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishig, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Sozsta/271

Mulgan, Geoff
Social innovation how societies find the power to change
Bristol Chicago, Il., USA, Policy Press, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Sozsta/269

Musikanski, Laura; Phillips, Rhonda
The happiness policy handbook how to make happiness and well-being the purpose of your government
Gabriola Island, BC, Canada, New Society Publishers, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Sozsta/266

Pietikäinen, Petteri (Hrsg.)
Social class and mental illness in Northern Europe
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Sozsta/1056

Rock, Joachim (Hrsg.)
Die Zukunft des Sozialen - in Europa? soziale Dienste und die europäische Herausforderung
Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2019
Shelfmark: E.A./Sozsta/500

Rodgers, John H.
The welfare system and the social lifeworld paradox and agency in the policy process
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019
Shelfmark: THEO/Sozsta/105

Ruland, Franz
Die Verfassungswidrigkeit der Grundrente Gutachten zur Verfassungsmäßigkeit bzw. -widrigkeit des Entwurfs eines Grundrentengesetzes (BR-Drucks. 85/20; BT-Drucks. 19/18473)
Köln, KUV Kölner Universitätsverlag, 2020
Shelfmark: D/Sozsta/336

Stiglitz, Joseph E. ; Fitoussi, Jean-Paul
Measuring what counts the global movement for well-being
New York London, The New Press, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Sozsta/272

Van den Broeck, Pieter (Hrsg.)
Social innovation as political transformation thoughts for a better world
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Sozsta/1059

Whitworth, Adam (Hrsg.)
Towards a spatial social policy bridging the gap between geography and social policy
Bristol Chicago, IL, Policy Press, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Sozsta/270

Yang, Chae-jin (Hrsg.)
The small welfare state rethinking welfare in the US, Japan, and South Korea
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
Shelfmark: AE/Sozsta/020

Constitution, european treaties, government, administration, law

Ağir, Bülent Sarper, (Hrsg.)
Kosovo past, present and future
New York, nova science publishers, 2019
Shelfmark: RKS/Staat/004

Bouckaert, Geert (Hrsg.)
European perspectives for public administration the way forward
Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/703

Danopoulos, Constantine P. (Hrsg.)
Crises in the Balkans views from the participants
London, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/706

Garben, Sacha (Hrsg.)
The division of competences between the EU and the member states reflections on the past, the present and the future
Oxford London New Delhi Sydney, Hart, 2017
Shelfmark: E.A./Staat/594

Le Saout, Rémy, (Hrsg.)
La rémunération du travail politique en Europe
Boulogne-Billancourt, Berger-Levrault, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/705

Malin, Nigel
De-professionalism and austerity challenges for the public sector
Bristol, Policy Press, 2020
Shelfmark: GB/Staat/122

Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina
Europe's burden promoting good governance across borders
Cambridge New York Port Melbourne New Delhi Singapore, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/702

Owusu-Bempah, Akwasi; Gabbidon, Shaun L.
Race, ethnicity, crime, and justice an international dilemma
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2021
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/707

Reget, Kerstin
Die Auswirkungen der Ost-Erweiterung auf die Handlungsfähigkeit der Europäischen Union Fallstudien zu den Haushaltsverhandlungen der EU
Berlin Bern Bruxelles New York Oxford Warszawa Wien, Peter Lang, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Staat/592

Schimmelfennig, Frank ; Winzen, Thomas
Ever looser union? differentiated European integration
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Staat/593

Singh, Pushpa (Hrsg.)
Comparative government and politics
Los Angeles London New Delhi Singapore Washington DC Melbourne, SAGE, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Staat/704

Stivers, Camilla
Democracy, bureaucracy, and the study of administration
Boulder, CO [u.a.], Westview Press, 2001
Shelfmark: THEO/Staat/031

Verheyen, Dirk (Hrsg.)
The Germans and their neighbors
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 1993
Shelfmark: D/Staat/200

Concepts & theories of integration, federalism, special theories

Asako, Yasushi
Analyzing electoral promises with game theory
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2021
Shelfmark: THEO/Ent/084

Caramani, Daniele (Hrsg.)
Comparative politics
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: THEO/Kompar/016=5

Hechter, Michael
Rational choice sociology essays on theory, collective action and social order
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
Shelfmark: THEO/Ent/083

Environmental policy

Vanderheiden, Steve
Environmental political theory
Cambridge, UK Medford, MA, Polity, 2020
Shelfmark: THEO/Umwelt/005

Inequality, mobility, social stratification

Barbehön, Marlon; Geugjes, Marilena
Middle class and welfare state making sense of an ambivalent relationship
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/190

Francis, Ronald D.
Equality in theory and practice a moral argument for ethical improvements
Singapore, Springer, 2020
Shelfmark: THEO/Unglei/082

Furchtgott-Roth, Diana (Hrsg.)
United States income, wealth, consumption, and inequality
New York, Oxford University Press, 2021
Shelfmark: USA/Unglei/101

Hugrée, Cédric,; Penissat, Etienne
Social class in Europe new inequalities in the Old World
London New York], Verso Books, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/193

Major, Lee Elliot; Machin, Stephen
What do we know and what should we do about social mobility?
Thousand Oaks London, Sage Publications, 2020
Shelfmark: GB/Unglei/070

Morlino, Leonardo ; Piana, Daniela
Equality, freedom, and democracy Europe after the great recession
Oxford New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/194

Muzergues, Thibault
The great class shift how new social class structures are redefining Western politics
London New York, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/189

Reuter, Julia (Hrsg.)
Vom Arbeiterkind zur Professur sozialer Aufstieg in der Wissenschaft : autobiographische Notizen und soziobiographische Analysen
Bielefeld, transcript, 2020
Shelfmark: D/Unglei/098

Saraceno, Chiara; Benassi, David
Poverty in Italy features and drivers in a European perspective
Bristol, Policy Press, 2020
Shelfmark: I/Unglei/021

Spicker, Paul
The poverty of nations a relational perspective
Bristol, Policy Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Unglei/205

Streib, Jessi
Privilege lost who leaves the upper middle class and how they fall
New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Unglei/100

Ware, Alan
Inequality in Britain
London New York, NY, Routledge, 2020
Shelfmark: GB/Unglei/068

Wickham, James
European societies today inequality, diversity, divergence
London New York, Routledge Taylor $ Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Unglei/192

Wiener, Gary (Hrsg.)
Privilege in America
New York, Greenhaven Publishing, 2020
Shelfmark: USA/Unglei/099

Trade unions, employers' organisations, associations at EU level

Eising, Rainer (Hrsg.)
National interest organizations in the EU multilevel system
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.A./Verbän/129

Schmalz, Stefan (Hrsg.)
Confronting crisis and precariousness organised labour and social unrest in the European Union
London New York, Rowman & Littlefield International, 2019
Shelfmark: E.K./Verbän/177

Vorholt, Dominik
Konkurrenzausschluss bei deutschen Wirtschaftsverbänden eine populationszentrierte Untersuchung
Berlin, Lit, 2019
Shelfmark: D/Verbän/115

Economic structure and -growth, entrepreneurs, internal market

Becchetti, Leonardo ; Bruni, Luigino
The microeconomics of wellbeing and sustainability recasting the economic process
London San Diego Cambridge, MA Oxford, Elsevier Academic Press, 2020
Shelfmark: THEO/Wirt/080

Chertkovskaya, Ekaterina (Hrsg.)
Towards a political economy of degrowth
London New York, Rowman & Littlefield International, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Wirt/222

George, Gerard (Hrsg.)
Handbook of inclusive innovation the role of organizations, markets and communities in social innovation
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Wirt/223

Kallis, Giorgos ; Paulson, Susan
The case for degrowth
Cambridge, UK Medford, MA, Polity Press, 2020
Shelfmark: ALLG/Wirt/225

Marcuzzo, Maria Cristina (Hrsg.)
Economic policy, crisis and innovation beyond austerity in Europe
London New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
Shelfmark: E.K./Wirt/425

Nicholls, Alex (Hrsg.)
Creating economic space for social innovation
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019
Shelfmark: ALLG/Wirt/224

Son, Joonmo
Social capital
Cambridge Medford, MA, Polity, 2020
Shelfmark: THEO/Wirt/081

Warner, Alaina (Hrsg.)
Albania social, economic, and environmental issues
New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2019
Shelfmark: AL/Wirt/005


Auspurg, Katrin ; Hinz, Thomas
Factorial survey experiments
Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a.], Sage, 2015
Shelfmark: MET/Design/041=175

Beatty, Paul C. (Hrsg.)
Advances in questionnaire design, development, evaluation, and testing
Hoboken, NJ, USA, Wiley, 2020
Shelfmark: MET/Design/250

Boswell, John ; Corbett, Jack
The art and craft of comparison
Cambridge, United Kingdom New York, NY, USA Port Melbourne, Australia New Delhi, India Singapore, Cambridge University Press, 2019
Shelfmark: MET/Design/251

Coppedge, Michael ; Gerring, John
Varieties of democracy measuring two centuries of political change
Cambridge New York Port Melbourne New Delhi Singapore, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Shelfmark: MET/Erheb/110

Doreian, Patrick (Hrsg.)
Advances in network clustering and blockmodeling
Hoboken, NJ, Wiley, 2020
Shelfmark: MET/Design/253

Hill, Craig A. (Hrsg.)
Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods
Hoboken, NJ, Wiley, 2021
Shelfmark: MET/Erheb/111

Pauwels, Luc (Hrsg.)
The SAGE handbook of visual research methods
Los Angeles London New Delhi Singapore Washington DC MelbourneSAGE reference, 2020
Shelfmark: MET/Design/254

Peters, B. Guy (Hrsg.)
Handbook of research methods and applications in comparative policy analysis
Cheltenham Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
Shelfmark: MET/Design/252

Working Papers

Rentenversicherung in Zeitreihen
Berlin, Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund, 2020
Shelfmark: WP/D/DRV/SCHRIF/22=2020

Zollmann, Pia
Die Weiterentwicklung der Rehabilitation im Auftrag der Deutschen Rentenversicherung
Berlin, Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund, 2020
Shelfmark: WP/D/DRV/SCHRIF/121