Under pressure? How regional dominant parties shift their EU positions when challenged by Euroskeptic parties.
Journal of European Integration, (publ. online before print).
Anna Adendorf
Ehemalige Projektmitarbeiterin
MZES Gleichstellungsreferentin
B2 Kontexte demokratischen Regierens: Politische Institutionen
(Anmerkung: In der Regel sind auf den Seiten ehemaliger Mitarbeiter/innen nur die am MZES entstandenen Publikationen verzeichnet sowie Publikationen, die nach dem Ausscheiden in Ko-Autorenschaft mit aktiven MZES-Mitarbeiter/innen entstanden sind.)
Beiträge in Zeitschriften
Papers / Reports
Adendorf, Anna, und Christoffer Florczak
Where Is My Party Now? New Data on Media Coverage of Parties' Ideological Positions Before Elections.
Adendorf, Anna
Topic Order in Election Manifestos. How the Order of Policy Issues Affects Voters' Perceptions of Parties' Key Issues.
[European Politics Online Workshop, (virtual workshop), 12. April 2022]
Adendorf, Anna, Markus Baumann und Rosa M. Navarrete
Tweeting Out Loud. Coalition Signals in Social Media.
[11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association, (virtual conference), 24. bis 25. Juni 2021]
Adendorf, Anna, Ines Rehbein, Oke Bahnsen, Thomas Gschwend, Simone Paolo Ponzetto und Lukas F. Stötzer
Who wants to go with whom? Identifying coalition signals in newspaper articles using transfer learning.
[11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association, (virtual conference), 24. bis 25. Juni 2021]
Adendorf, Anna, Ines Rehbein, Oke Bahnsen, Thomas Gschwend, Simone Paolo Ponzetto und Lukas F. Stötzer
Who wants to go with whom? Identifying coalition signals in newspaper articles using transfer learning.
[28. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, (virtual conference), 14. bis 16. September 2021]
Adendorf, Anna
Talk Dirty to Me: Coalition Signals throughout the Electoral Cycle.
[Workshop "Party Competition in the Electoral Cycle", (virtual), 04. Dezember 2020]
Adendorf, Anna, und Martin Gross
Under Pressure: Dominant Parties' Reactions to Euroskeptic Challenger Parties in European Regions.
[ECPR General Conference, (virtual conference), 24. bis 28. August 2020]
Adendorf, Anna
First Things First. Topic Order as an Indicator of Issue Emphasis in Election Manifestos.
[Summer School of ECPR Standing Group on Political Parties, Aarhus, 06. bis 15. August 2019]
Adendorf, Anna
Talk Dirty to Me. Coalition Signals throughout the Electoral Cycle.
[3-Länder-Tagung DVPW, ÖGPW, SVPW, Zürich, 14. bis 16. Februar 2019]
Adendorf, Anna
Talk Dirty to Me. Coalition Signals throughout the Electoral Cycle.
[9th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Belfast, 20. bis 22. Juni 2019]