Sonderheft Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft (M&K).
[Themenheft: Selbstbestimmung in der digitalen Welt, Vol. 66, issue 4]
Dr. Eike Mark Rinke

Früherer Projektmitarbeiter
E.M.Rinke [at] leeds.ac.uk
University of Leeds
Vereinigtes Königreich
University of Leeds
- Politische Kommunikation
- Internationale Kommunikation
- Wirkungen von Massenkommunikation
(Anmerkung: In der Regel sind auf den Seiten ehemaliger Mitarbeiter/innen nur die am MZES entstandenen Publikationen verzeichnet sowie Publikationen, die nach dem Ausscheiden in Ko-Autorenschaft mit aktiven MZES-Mitarbeiter/innen entstanden sind.)
Beiträge in Zeitschriften
Löb, Charlotte, Eike Mark Rinke, Carina Weinmann und Hartmut Wessler
Unpacking the determinants of outrage and recognition in public discourse: Insights across socio-cultural divides, political systems, and media types.
International Journal of Press/Politics, 29, Heft 1, S. 273–294.
Breznau, Nate, Eike Mark Rinke, Alexander Wuttke, Hung Nguyen, Daniel Auer, Oke Bahnsen, Paul C. Bauer, Julian Bernauer, Simon Ellerbrock, Tobias Gummer, Stefanie Heyne, Matthias Mader, Christoph Wolf, Nan Zhang und et al.
Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: PNAS, 119, Heft 44, (article no. e2203150119), pp. 1-8.
Rinke, Eike Mark, Timo Dobbrick, Charlotte Löb, Cäcilia Zirn und Hartmut Wessler
Expert-informed topic models for document set discovery.
Communication Methods and Measures, 16, Heft 1, S. 39-58.
Rinke, Eike Mark, und Alexander Wuttke
Open Minds, Open Methods: Transparency and Inclusion in the Pursuit of Better Scholarship.
PS: Political Science & Politics, 54, Heft 2, S. 281-284.
Chan, Chung-hong, Hartmut Wessler, Eike Mark Rinke, Kasper Welbers, Wouter van Atteveldt und Scott Althaus
How Combining Terrorism, Muslim, and Refugee Topics Drives Emotional Tone in Online News: A Six-Country Cross-Cultural Sentiment Analysis.
International Journal of Communication, 14, S. 3569–3594.
Wessler, Hartmut, Patrik Haffner und Eike Mark Rinke
Selbstbestimmung in der digitalen Welt: Über die Vorteile eines ebenenübergreifenden normativen Basiskonzepts für die empirische Erforschung der digitalen Kommunikation.
Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 66, Heft 4, S. 395-406.
Rinke, Eike Mark
The impact of sound-bite journalism on public argument.
Journal of Communication, 66, Heft 4, S. 625-645.
Wessler, Hartmut, Eike Mark Rinke und Charlotte Löb
Should we be Charlie? A deliberative take on religion and secularism in mediated public spheres.
Journal of Communication, 66, Heft 2, S. 314-327.
Rinke, Eike Mark, Lars Willnat und Thorsten Quandt
The Obama factor: Change and stability in cultural and political anti-Americanism.
International Journal of Communication, 9, S. 2954–2979.
Wessler, Hartmut, und Eike Mark Rinke
Deliberative performance of television news in three types of democracy: Insights from the United States, Germany, and Russia.
Journal of Communication, 64, Heft 5, S. 827-851.
Rinke, Eike Mark, Hartmut Wessler, Charlotte Löb und Carina Weinmann
Deliberative qualities of generic news frames: Assessing the democratic value of strategic game and contestation framing in election campaign coverage.
Political Communication, 30, Heft 3, S. 474-494.
Rinke, Eike Mark
Teaching the dynamics of framing competitions.
Communication Teacher, 26, Heft 3, S. 143-146.
Rinke, Eike Mark, und Maria Röder
Media ecologies, communication culture, and temporal-spatial unfolding: Three components in a communication model of the Egyptian regime change.
International Journal of Communication, 5, S. 1273-1285.
Beiträge in Büchern
Hefner, Dorothée, Eike Mark Rinke und Frank M. Schneider
The POPC citizen: Political information in the fourth age of political communication.
S. 199-207 in:
Peter Vorderer, Dorothée Hefner, Leonard Reinecke, Christoph Klimmt
Permanently online, permanently connected: Living and communicating in a POPC world.
New York, NY:
Moy, Patricia, David Tewksbury und Eike Mark Rinke
Agenda-setting, priming, and framing.
S. 52-64 in:
Klaus Bruhn Jensen, Robert T. Craig
The international encyclopedia of communication theory and philosophy.
Rinke, Eike Mark
Mediated deliberation.
S. 813–826 in:
Gianpietro Mazzoleni, Kevin G. Barnhurst, Ken'ichi Ikeda, Rousiley C. M. Maia, Hartmut Wessler
The international encyclopedia of political communication.
Chichester, UK:
Wessler, Hartmut, und Eike Mark Rinke
Journalismus und Politik.
S. 639-653 in:
Martin Löffelholz, Liane Rothenberger
Handbuch Journalismustheorien.
Springer VS.
Rinke, Eike Mark, Katherine R. Knobloch, John Gastil und Lyn Carson
Mediated meta-deliberation: Making sense of the Australian Citizens’ Parliament.
S. 260-273 in:
Lyn Carson, John Gastil, Janette Hartz-Karp, Ron Lubensky
The Australian Citizens’ Parliament and the future of deliberative democracy.
University Park, PA:
Pennsylvania State University Press.
Wessler, Hartmut, und Eike Mark Rinke
S. 637-650 in:
Steffen Mau, Nadine Schöneck
Handwörterbuch zur Gesellschaft Deutschlands.
3. Aufl.,
Springer VS.
Moy, Patricia, und Eike Mark Rinke
Attitudinal and behavioral consequences of published opinion polls.
S. 225-245 in:
Christina Holtz-Bacha, Jesper Strömbäck
Opinion polls and the media: Reflecting and shaping public opinion.
Basingstoke, UK:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Rinke, Eike Mark, und Julia Lück
Cognitive style, selectivity, and reinforcement: Toward clarifying the role of political ideology in the reception of political communication.
S. 219-234 in:
Kathrin Mok, Michael Stahl
Politische Kommunikation heute: Beiträge des 5. Düsseldorfer Forums Politische Kommunikation.
1. Aufl.,
Frank & Timme.
Rinke, Eike Mark
Justificatory news: Investigating the contextual antecedents of justification in the news.
University of Mannheim.
[Institute for Media and Communication Studies]
(Doctoral dissertation)
Web Publications
Rinke, Eike Mark
Normative analysis of political communication,
Oxford bibliographies in communication, 2018 (25.09.2018)
Rinke, Eike Mark
Bringing listening to the theory and practice of deliberative pedagogy.
[International Communication Association Pre-Conference “Deliberative Pedagogy: Theory and Practice”, Prague, 24. Mai 2018]
Rinke, Eike Mark
Measuring apophatic and cataphatic listening styles.
[68th Annual ICA Conference, Prague, 25. bis 28. Mai 2018]
Rinke, Eike Mark, und Patricia Moy
Political correlates of apophatic and cataphatic listening styles.
[114th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Boston, MA, 30. August bis 02. September 2018]
Rinke, Eike Mark
A framework for critical-empiricist research in political communication.
[International Communication Association Preconference “Normative Theory in Communication Research”, San Diego, CA, 25. Mai 2017]
Rinke, Eike Mark, Cäcilia Zirn, Charlotte Löb und Hartmut Wessler
Big-Data-Forschung als Interaktion zwischen Topic Models und Expertendaten: Ein neuer Ansatz zur Erfassung der thematischen Vernetzung nationaler Onlinedebatten.
[62nd Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Heinrich-Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, 30. März bis 01. April 2017]
Rinke, Eike Mark, Cäcilia Zirn, Charlotte Löb und Hartmut Wessler
Combining expert surveys and topic modeling to identify unknown issues in multinational media discourses.
[67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA, 26. bis 29. Mai 2017]
Rinke, Eike Mark, Patricia Moy und Maria Len-Ríos
Need for cognitive closure, listening styles, and political news consumption among Latinos in U.S. Election 2016.
[70th Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research, Lisbon, 15. bis 17. Juli 2017]
Löb, Charlotte, Eike Mark Rinke und Hartmut Wessler
Measuring mediated contestation: Four dimensions of democratic news cultures.
[International Communication Association Preconference on "Media Performance and Democracy: Defining and Measuring the Quality of News", Fukuoka, 09. Juni 2016]
Rinke, Eike Mark
A general survey measure of individual listening styles: Short form of the Listening Styles Profile-Revised (LSP-R8).
[71st Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Austin, TX, 12. bis 15. Mai 2016]
Rinke, Eike Mark, und Patricia Moy
Political information for closed minds: Effects of the need for cognitive closure on political interest and news consumption.
[66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan, 09. bis 13. Juni 2016]
Zirn, Cäcilia, Eike Mark Rinke, Charlotte Löb und Hartmut Wessler
Big data research as interaction between topic models and expert data: A new approach to capturing national online debates.
[3rd GESIS Computational Social Science Winter Symposium 2016, Cologne, Germany, 30. November bis 01. Dezember 2016]
Rinke, Eike Mark
An empiricist framework for normative analysis in political communication.
[111th Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, 03. bis 06. September 2015]
Rinke, Eike Mark, und Frank M. Schneider
Probabilistic misconceptions are pervasive among communication researchers.
[65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 21. bis 25. Mai 2015]
Rinke, Eike Mark
A general survey measure of the need for closure.
[69th Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Anaheim, CA, 15. bis 18. Mai 2014]
Rinke, Eike Mark, und Patricia Moy
Need for closure, political interest, and the consumption of political information.
[ECREA’s 5th European Communication Conference, Lisbon, 12. bis 15. November 2014]
Rinke, Eike Mark
The substantive cost of the sound bite: Short utterance durations decrease opinion justification in television news.
[64 th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA, 22. bis 26. Mai 2014]
Schieferdecker, David, und Eike Mark Rinke
Measuring mediated intergroup contact: Using a content-list technique to indicate exposure to outgroup characters.
[64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA, 22. bis 26. Mai 2014]
Barthel, Michael, Patricia Moy, Eike Mark Rinke, Sheetal D. Agarwal und Muzammil M. Hussain
Webmalaise in the social media era: Interactivity and internet effects on trust.
[Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, London, 17. bis 21. Juni 2013]
Rinke, Eike Mark
Democracy based on reasons: Investigating the justificatory function of television news.
[Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Ill., 28. August bis 01. September 2013]
Rinke, Eike Mark, und Hartmut Wessler
Multiperspectival normative assessment of mediated contestation.
[Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, London, 17. bis 21. Juni 2013]
Wessler, Hartmut, und Eike Mark Rinke
Deliberative strengths and weaknesses in television news: Insights from the US, Germany, and Russia.
[63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, London, 17. bis 21. Juni 2013]
Barthel, Michael, Patricia Moy, Sheetal D. Agarwal und Eike Mark Rinke
The impact of locally-based media on political trust, knowledge, and participation.
[Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Orlando, FL, 17. bis 20. Mai 2012]
Rinke, Eike Mark, Hartmut Wessler, Charlotte Löb und Carina Weinmann
Deliberative qualities of generic news frames: Assessing the democratic value of strategic game and contestation framing in election campaign coverage.
[Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ, 24. bis 28. Mai 2012]
Rinke, Eike Mark
When entertainment and justification intersect: Analyzing democratic functions of political talk shows.
[Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ, 24. bis 28. Mai 2012]