When Europe hits the subnational authorities: the transposition of EU directives in Germany between 1990 and 2018.
Journal of Public Policy, 41, Heft 4, S. 798 - 817.
Jana Paasch

Ehemalige Projektmitarbeiterin
B3 Regieren in Mehrebenensystemen und Europäisierung
(Anmerkung: In der Regel sind auf den Seiten ehemaliger Mitarbeiter/innen nur die am MZES entstandenen Publikationen verzeichnet sowie Publikationen, die nach dem Ausscheiden in Ko-Autorenschaft mit aktiven MZES-Mitarbeiter/innen entstanden sind.)
Beiträge in Zeitschriften
Beiträge in Büchern
Paasch, Jana
Nationale Parlamente als Arenen der Politisierung der EU. Die Wahrnehmung der Kommunikationsfunktion nationaler Parlamente in EU-Angelegenheiten in Theorie und Empirie.
S. 193-217 in:
Lisa H. Anders, Henrik Scheller, Thomas Tuntschew
Parteien und die Politisierung der Europäischen Union.
Springer VS.
Paasch, Jana
Multi-level policy implementation in the European Union.
University of Mannheim.
Paasch, Jana
Better late than never? EU Implementation beyond the National Level – An Analysis of the Sixteen German Regional Parliaments and their Political Parties between 1990 and 2018.
[International PhD-Workshop on Advances in Comparative Politics, Köln, 24. bis 25. September 2019]
Paasch, Jana, und Christian Stecker
Better late than never? EU Implementation beyond the National Level – An Analysis of the Sixteen German Regional Parliaments between 1990 and 2018.
[ECPR General Conference, Wrocław, 04. bis 07. September 2019]
Paasch, Jana, und Christian Stecker
Better late than never? EU Implementation beyond the National Level – An Analysis of the Sixteen German Regional Parliaments between 1990 and 2018.
[Annual DSE-ECSA Conference 2019: Europe and the Rule of Law, Aarhus, 03. bis 04. Oktober 2019]
Paasch, Jana, und Christian Stecker
EU Implementation beyond the National Level – An Analysis of the Sixteen German Regional Parliaments between 1990 and 2018.
[5th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Leiden, 27. bis 29. Juni 2019]
Paasch, Jana, Christian Stecker und Jale Tosun
Party Competition and Implementation of European Law in the Multi-level Polity of Germany.
[ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, 22. bis 25. August 2018]
Paasch, Jana
When Europe hits the subnational authorities – The transposition of EU directives in the German regional parliaments between 1990 and 2016.
[Conference of the ECPR Standing Groups on the European Union, Paris, 13. bis 15. Juni 2018]
Paasch, Jana, und Christian Stecker
Better late than never? – The transposition of EU directives in the German regional parliaments between 1990 and 2016.
[4th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Basel, 29. Juni bis 01. Juli 2017]
Paasch, Jana, und Christian Stecker
Backbenchers to the Front? Parliamentary Questions in National Parliaments as a Communicative Instrument in EU Affairs.
[3rd General Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Munich, 30. Juni bis 02. Juli 2016]