How gendered religious norms contribute to the emerging gender gap in Muslim youths’ interreligious friendships.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 98, Heft 101919, S. 1-20.
Dr. Lars Leszczensky
Ehemaliger MZES Fellow und Projektleiter
A3 Fokusgruppen gesellschaftlicher Integration: Migration und ethnische Minderheiten
(Anmerkung: In der Regel sind auf den Seiten ehemaliger Mitarbeiter/innen nur die am MZES entstandenen Publikationen verzeichnet sowie Publikationen, die nach dem Ausscheiden in Ko-Autorenschaft mit aktiven MZES-Mitarbeiter/innen entstanden sind.)
Beiträge in Zeitschriften
Kretschmer, David, und Lars Leszczensky
In-Group Bias or Out-Group Reluctance? The Interplay of Gender and Religion in Creating Religious Friendship Segregation among Muslim Youth.
Social Forces, 100, Heft 3, S. 1307–1332.
Leszczensky, Lars, und Tobias Wolbring
How to Deal With Reverse Causality Using Panel Data? Recommendations for Researchers Based on a Simulation Study.
Sociological Methods & Research, 51, Heft 2, S. 837-865.
Leszczensky, Lars, und David Kretschmer
Religious Friendship Preferences of Muslim and Non-Muslim Students in German Schools: Bright Boundaries Everywhere or Contingent on the Proportion of Muslim Classmates?.
Social Networks, 68, S. 60-69.
Leszczensky, Lars, Sebastian Pink, David Kretschmer und Frank Kalter
Studying Youth' Group Identities, Intergroup Relations, and Friendship Networks: The Friendship and Identity in School Data.
European Sociological Review, 38, Heft 3, S. 493-506.
Kaiser, Anna, David Kretschmer und Lars Leszczensky
Social network-based cohorting to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in secondary schools: A simulation study in classrooms of four European countries.
The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 8, Heft Sept. 21, (article no. 100166).
Jugert, Philipp, Sebastian Pink, Fenella Fleischmann und Lars Leszczensky
Changes in Turkish- and resettler-origin adolescents' acculturation profiles of identification: A three-year longitudinal study from Germany.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, Heft 12, S. 2476–2494.
Jugert, Philipp, Lars Leszczensky und Sebastian Pink
Differential Influence of Same- and Cross-Ethnic Friends on Ethnic-Racial Identity Development in Early Adolescence.
Child Development, 91, Heft 3, S. 949-963.
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
Are Birds of a Feather Praying Together? Assessing Friends’ Influence on Muslim Youths’ Religiosity in Germany.
Social Psychology Quarterly, 83, Heft 3, S. 251-271.
Leszczensky, Lars, Andreas Flache und Lisa Sauter
Does the share of religious ingroup members affect how important religion is to adolescents? Applying Optimal Distinctiveness Theory to four European countries.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46, Heft 17, S. 3703-3721.
Leszczensky, Lars, Rahsaan Maxwell und Erik Bleich
What Factors Best Explain National Identification among Muslim Adolescents? Evidence from Four European Countries.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46, Heft 1, S. 260-276.
Pink, Sebastian, David Kretschmer und Lars Leszczensky
Choice Modelling in Social Networks Using Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models.
Journal of Choice Modelling, 34, Heft March, (article 100202).
Fleischmann, Fenella, Lars Leszczensky und Sebastian Pink
Identity Threat and Identity Multiplicity among Minority Youth: Longitudinal Relations of Perceived Discrimination with Ethnic, Religious and National Identification in Germany.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 58, Heft 4, S. 971-990.
Leszczensky, Lars, Philipp Jugert und Sebastian Pink
The Interplay of Group Identifications and Friendships: Evidence from Longitudinal Social Network Studies.
Journal of Social Issues, 75, Heft 2, S. 460-485.
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
What Drives Ethnic Homophily? A Relational Approach on How Ethnic Identification Moderates Preferences for Same-Ethnic Friends.
American Sociological Review, 84, Heft 3, S. 394-419.
Jugert, Philipp, Lars Leszczensky und Sebastian Pink
The Effects of Ethnic Minority Adolescents’ Ethnic Self-Identification on Friendship Selection.
Journal of Research on Adolescence, 28, Heft 2, S. 379-395.
Kretschmer, David, Lars Leszczensky und Sebastian Pink
Selection and Influence Processes in Academic Achievement - More Pronounced for Girls?.
Social Networks, 52, S. 251-260.
Leszczensky, Lars
(K)eine Frage der Religion? Die Entwicklung der sozialen Integration christlicher und muslimischer Neuzuwanderer.
Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 47, Heft 2, S. 119–133.
Leszczensky, Lars, Andreas Flache, Tobias Stark und Anke Munniksma
The Relation between Ethnic Classroom Composition and Adolescents' Ethnic Pride.
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 21, Heft 7, S. 997-1013.
Leszczensky, Lars
Young Immigrants' Host Country Identification and their Friendships with Natives: Does Relative Group Size Matter?.
Social Science Research, 70, S. 163-175.
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
Intra- and Inter-group Friendship Choices of Christian, Muslim, and Non-religious Youth in Germany.
European Sociological Review, 33, Heft 1, S. 72-83.
Stark, Tobias, Lars Leszczensky und Sebastian Pink
Are there Differences in Ethnic Majority and Minority Adolescents' Friendship Preferences and Social Influence with Regard to their Academic Achievement?.
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 20, Heft 3, S. 475-498.
Leszczensky, Lars, Tobias H. Stark, Andreas Flache und Anke Munniksma
Disentangling the Relation between Young Immigrants' Host Country Identification and their Friendships with Natives.
Social Networks, 44, S. 179-189.
Schulz, Benjamin, und Lars Leszczensky
Native Friends and Host Country Identification Among Adolescent Immigrants in Germany: The Role of Ethnic Boundaries.
International Migration Review, 50, Heft 1, S. 163-196.
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
Ethnic Segregation of Friendship Networks in School: Testing a Rational-Choice Argument of Differences in Ethnic Homophily between Classroom- and Grade-Level Networks.
Social Networks, 42, S. 18-26.
Leszczensky, Lars, und Aitana Gräbs Santiago
The Development and Test of a Measure of Youth's Ethnic and National Identity.
Methods, data, analyses - mda , 9, Heft 1, S. 87-110.
Leszczensky, Lars
Do National Identification and Interethnic Friendships Affect One Another? A Longitudinal Test with Adolescents of Turkish Origin in Germany.
Social Science Research, 42, Heft 3, S. 775-788.
Beiträge in Büchern
Carol, Sarah, und Lars Leszczensky
(In Press):
Soziale Integration: Interethnische Freund- und Partnerschaften und ihre Determinanten.
(publ. online before print).
Gert Pickel, Oliver Decker, Steffen Kailitz, Antje Röder, Julia Schulze Wessel
Handbuch Integration.
Springer VS.
Jugert, Philipp, und Lars Leszczensky
Reference Collection in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology.
Leszczensky, Lars, und Tobias Stark
Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Segregation in Youth’s Friendship Networks: Opportunities and Challenges for Research.
S. 233-248 in:
Peter F. Titzmann, Philipp Jugert
Youth in Superdiverse Societies: Growing up with globalization, diversity, and acculturation.
Leszczensky, Lars, und Pink Sebastian
The Virtue of High Performance Computing for the Statistical Analysis of Social Networks.
S. 45-48 in:
Sabine Richling, Martin Baumann, Vincent Heuveline
Proceedings of the 3rd bwHPC-Symposium: Heidelberg 2016.
MZES Arbeitspapiere
Leszczensky, Lars, Harald Beier, Hanno Kruse und Sebastian Pink
Collecting Network Panel Data in Schools: Practical Guidance Based on the Experiences of Three German Research Projects.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 166]
Leszczensky, Lars, Sebastian Pink und Frank Kalter
Friendship and identity in school: Field report on Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 (Technical Report).
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 161]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Aitana Gräbs Santiago
Die Messung ethnischer und nationaler Identität von Kindern und Jugendlichen.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 155]
Leszczensky, Lars, Sebastian Pink und Frank Kalter
Freundschaft und Identität in der Schule: Feldbericht zu Welle 1 und Welle 2 (Technical Report).
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 157]
Leszczensky, Lars
Tell Me Who Your Friends Are? Disentangling the Interplay of Young Immigrants’ Host Country Identification and Their Friendships with Natives.
University of Mannheim.
Papers / Reports
Kretschmer, David, Kathrin Lämmermann und Lars Leszczensky
Dokumentation der Primärdatenerhebung in Form eines Online-Surveyexperiments im Rahmen des Projekts „Religion, Religiosität und die sozial-identifikative Integration muslimischer Jugendlicher“.
Kretschmer, David, Swetlana Nowoshenowa und Lars Leszczensky
Dokumentation der Primärdatenerhebung in Form von Gruppendiskussionen im Rahmen des Projekts „Religion, Religiosität und die sozial-identifikative Integration muslimischer Jugendlicher“.
Web Publications
Leszczensky, Lars, und Aitana Gräbs Santiago
Ethnische und nationale Identität von Kindern und Jugendlichen,
Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen, http://zis.gesis.org/ZisApplication/DoiId/zis158 mehr
Leszczensky, Lars, David Kretschmer und Kathrin Lämmermann
Gendered Mutual Evaluations of Young Muslims and Non-Muslims in Germany.
[Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA, 23. bis 25. Februar 2023]
Kretschmer, David, Lars Leszczensky und Kathrin Lämmermann
Evaluations and Friendships of Muslim Youth in Germany: The Interplay of Religion and Gender. Results from a Survey Experiment among Young Adults.
[14th Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists (INAS), Florence, 26. bis 27. Mai 2022]
Leszczensky, Lars
Beeinflusst muslimische Religiosität die Entstehung oder das Ausbleiben von Freundschaften zwischen muslimischen und nichtmuslimischen Jugendlichen?.
[41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bielefeld, 26. bis 30. September 2022]
Leszczensky, Lars
Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Social Network Analysis.
[Large Scale Data and Qualitative Research, virtual, 21. Oktober 2022]
Kretschmer, David, und Lars Leszczensky
Strong ties, strong homophily? Variation in uni- and multidimensional homophily on socio-demographic characteristics by relationship strength.
[13th Annual Conference of International Network of Analytical Sociologists INAS, (virtual conference), 31. Mai bis 01. Juni 2021]
Kretschmer, David, und Lars Leszczensky
Strong ties, strong homophily? Variation in uni- and multidimensional homophily on socio-demographic characteristics by relationship strength.
[ECSR Annual Conference 2021, (virtual conference), 07. bis 08. Oktober 2021]
Kretschmer, David, und Lars Leszczensky
Strong ties, strong homophily? Variation in uni- and multidimensional homophily on socio-demographic characteristics by relationship strength.
[AS 3rd Conference. Cohesive Societies? Analytical-empirical Perspectives, (virtual conference), 29. September bis 01. Oktober 2021]
Leszczensky, Lars
Gendered Religious Friendship Segregation.
[Migration, Integration, and Social Networks, (virtual conference), 30. September bis 01. Oktober 2020]
Leszczensky, Lars, und David Kretschmer
Religious Friendship Segregation in German Schools: Bright Boundaries Everywhere or Contingent on Local Religious Composition?.
[43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), (virtual conference), 14. bis 16. Juli 2020]
Leszczensky, Lars, und David Kretschmer
Religious Friendship Segregation in German Schools: Bright Boundaries Everywhere or Contingent on Local Religious Composition?.
[Content Meets Structure - Integrating Different Perspectives on Social Networks Conference, (virtual conference), 28. bis 30. September 2020]
Kretschmer, David, und Lars Leszczensky
Are there age-specific gender differences in the segregation of Muslim adolescents’ friendship networks?.
[4th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2019), Zurich, 09. bis 12. September 2019]
Kretschmer, David, Lars Leszczensky und Swetlana Nowoshenowa
Gender differences in religious segregation of adolescents’ friendship networks.
[ISA RC28 Spring Meeting, Frankfurt, 21. bis 23. März 2019]
Leszczensky, Lars
(K)eine Frage der Religion? Die Entwicklung der sozialen Integration christlicher und muslimischer Neuzuwanderer.
[39. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Göttingen, 24. bis 28. September 2018]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Andreas Flache
Interdependence of Ethnic Identities?.
[2nd International CILS4EU User Conference, Utrecht, 24. bis 25. Januar 2018]
Leszczensky, Lars
Religion, Religiosity, and Friendships between Muslim and Non-Muslim Youth.
[EASP Group Meeting “Introducing Structure: Networks in Social Psychology”, Brussels, 31. Oktober bis 03. November 2018]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Tobias Wolbring
Wenn Y einen Einfluss auf X hat: Eine Simulationsstudie zum Umgang mit umgekehrter Kausalität mit Paneldaten.
[Gemeinsame Frühjahrstagung der Sektionen Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung und Modellbildung und Simulation der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Leipzig, 23. bis 24. März 2018]
Leszczensky, Lars, Rahsaan Maxwell und Erik Bleich
What Factors Best Explain Adolescent European Muslims National Identification?.
[25th International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, IL, 28. bis 30. März 2018]
Jugert, Philipp, Lars Leszczensky und Sebastian Pink
Der Einfluss ethnischer Selbst-Zuschreibungen auf Freundschaftswahlen von Jugendlichen in ethnisch diversen Schulen.
[5. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung "Durch Bildung gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen meistern", Heidelberg, 13. bis 15. März 2017]
Jugert, Philipp, Lars Leszczensky und Sebastian Pink
The Effects of Ethnic Minority Adolescents’ Ethnic Self-Identification on Friendship Selection.
[RC28 Spring Meeting 2017, Köln, 30. März bis 01. April 2017]
Leszczensky, Lars, Philipp Jugert und Sebastian Pink
Adolescents. Ethnic Self- Identification and the Formation of Interethnic Friendships.
[10th Annual Meeting of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists, University of Oslo, 08. bis 09. Juni 2017]
Leszczensky, Lars
Friendship Networks and Group Identities.
[Seminar at the Institute of Analytical Sociology, Linköping University, 26. Oktober 2017]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Tobias Wolbring
Kausale Inferenz mit Paneldaten. Eine Simulationsstudie zur Modellierung umgekehrter Kausalität.
[Herbsttagung der Sektion Modellbildung und Simulation der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, TU Kaiserslautern, 13. bis 14. Oktober 2017]
Leszczensky, Lars, Philipp Jugert und Sebastian Pink
The Effects of Ethnic Minority Adolescents' Ethnic Self-Identification on Friendship Selection.
[18th General Meeting of The European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Granada, 05. bis 08. Juli 2017]
Leszczensky, Lars
The Effects of Ethnic Self-Identification on Friendships among Ethnic Majority and Minority Adolescents.
[EASP-SPSSI Joint Meeting. "To be both (and more)": Immigration and identity multiplicity, Utrecht, 15. bis 17. September 2017]
Leszczensky, Lars
What Drives Ethnic Homophily?.
[Forschungskolloquium Soziologie, University of Bern, 04. November 2017]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
What Drives Ethnic Homophily? How Ethnic Identification Moderates Ingroup Preferences.
[3rd European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN2017), Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, 26. bis 29. September 2017]
Fleischmann, Fenella, Lars Leszczensky und Sebastian Pink
More Compatible or More Conflicting? A Longitudinal Approach to the Patterns of Ethnic, Religious, and National Identity among Minority Youth in Germany.
[Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), University of Warsaw, Poland, 13. bis 16. Juli 2016]
Jugert, Philipp, Lars Leszczensky und Sebastian Pink
The effects of ethnic minority children's ethnic self-categorization on friendship selection in multi-ethnic schools.
[Talk at the Dept. of Developmental and Comparative Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, 26. Mai 2016]
Kretschmer, David, Lars Leszczensky und Sebastian Pink
Achievement Similarity Among Friends: Selection and Influence Processes.
[XXXVI Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Newport Beach, CA, 05. bis 10. April 2016]
Kruse, Hanno, Sebastian Pink und Lars Leszczensky
Measuring Homophily in Social Networks: How (not) to proceed using Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models for Network Change.
[Advanced Siena Users Meeting, ETH, Zürich, 19. bis 20. Februar 2016]
Leszczensky, Lars
Are Friendship Choices of Immigrant and Native Adolescents Affected by Immigrants' Host Country Identification? The Role of Relative Group Size.
[Seminar Rational Choice Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, Venice International University, San Servolo, 21. bis 24. November 2016]
Leszczensky, Lars
Are Friendship Choices of Immigrants and Natives Affected by Immigrants’ Host Country Identification? The Role of Relative Group Size.
[9th Annual Meeting of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists, Utrecht University, 03. bis 04. Juni 2016]
Leszczensky, Lars
Does Ethnic Classroom Composition Affect Identity-Based Friendship Choices of Immigrant and Native Adolescents?.
[Social Interaction and Society (SIS 2016): Perspectives of Modern Sociological Science, ETH Zürich, 26. bis 28. Mai 2016]
Leszczensky, Lars
Henne oder Ei? Paneldaten und das Problem umgekehrter Kausalität.
[38. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Universität Bamberg, 26. bis 30. September 2016]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
Intra- and Inter-group Friendship Choices of Christian, Muslim and Nonreligious Adolescents in Germany.
[ECSR 2016 Conference, University of Oxford, 22. bis 24. September 2016]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
Intra- and Inter-group Friendship Choices of Christian, Muslim and Nonreligious Adolescents in Germany.
[Immigration and Integration in Cross-National Comparison, MZES, Mannheim, 17. bis 18. November 2016]
Leszczensky, Lars, Rahsaan Maxwell und Erik Bleich
National Identification among Muslim Adolescents in Europe: How (Un)Important Is Religiosity?.
[1st International CILS4EU User Conference, MZES, Mannheim, 01. bis 02. Dezember 2016]
Leszczensky, Lars, Rahsaan Maxwell und Erik Bleich
National Identification among Muslims in Europe: How (Un)important is Religiosity?.
[Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), University of Warsaw, Poland, 13. bis 16. Juli 2016]
Leszczensky, Lars
Can Panel Data Resolve Questions of Causal Ordering–and If So, How?.
[6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Reykjavik, 13. bis 17. Juli 2015]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
Ethnic Friendship Segregation in School.
[6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Reykjavik, 13. bis 17. Juli 2015]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
Ethnic Segregation of Friendship Networks in School.
[8th Annual Meeting of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists (INAS), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 12. bis 13. Juni 2015]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
Ethnic Segregation of Friendship Networks in School: Testing a Rational Choice Argument of Differences in Ethnic Homophily between Classroom- and Grade-Level Networks.
[Frühjahrstagung der DGS-Sektion "Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung'', Universität Bremen, 27. bis 28. März 2015]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
Ethnic Segregation of Friendship Networks in School: Testing a Rational-Choice Argument of Differences in Ethnic Homophily between Classroom- and Grade-Level Networks.
[Workshop "The science of choice - How to model the decision-making process?", Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, 28. bis 30. Oktober 2015]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
The Co-Evolution of Friendship Networks and Host Country Identification of Young Immigrants.
[Herbsttagung der DGS-Sektion “Modellbildung und Simulation” , Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 01. bis 02. Oktober 2015]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Sebastian Pink
Ethnic Friendship Segregation in School: Testing a Rational-Choice Argument of Differences between Class- and Grade-Level Networks.
[1st Annual BAGSS Conference: Migration and Integration, University of Bamberg, 14. bis 15. Juli 2014]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Tobias H. Stark
Disentangling the Relationship between Young Immigrants' National Identification and their Friendships with Natives.
[10th International Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA 2013), University of Zurich, 27. bis 30. August 2013]
Schulz, Benjamin
Group Differences in the Effect of Native Friends on National Identification of Adolescent Immigrants in Germany.
[Migration: Global Development, New Frontiers, London, 10. bis 13. April 2013]
Leszczensky, Lars
Do National Identity and Interethnic Friendships Affect One Another?.
[I.N.T.E.G.R.A.T.I.O.N. 2.0 - Institutional and Life-Course Perspectives on Migration, Bremen, 23. bis 25. Februar 2012]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Benjamin Schulz
Ethnic Network Composition and National Identification of Young Immigrants in Germany.
[ECSR/EQUALSOC Conference: Economic change, Quality of life and Social cohesion, Stockholm, 24. bis 26. September 2012]
Leszczensky, Lars, und Benjamin Schulz
Intergenerationaler Wandel ethnischer Identifikationen? Die Bedeutung der sozialen Einbettung von Migranten.
[Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt. 36. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bochum, 02. Oktober 2012]
Schulz, Benjamin, und Lars Leszczensky
Intergenerationaler Wandel nationaler Identität? Die Rolle elterlicher Identität für die nationale Identität ihrer Kinder.
[Intergenerationale Transmissionsprozesse in Migrantenfamilien, Wien, 04. Dezember 2012]
Leszczensky, Lars
The Causal Interplay between Ethnic Identification and Friendship Networks of Turkish Youths in Germany.
[European Consortium for Sociological Research 20th Anniversary: European Society or Societies? A 20-Year Perspective, European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR), Dublin, 15. bis 17. Dezember 2011]