Franz Rothenbacher
The Demography of Central and Eastern Europe: Differences to Western Europe and Internal Heterogeneity

Kolloquium des Imre Kertész Kollegs, Jena, 18. November 2013

The presentation discussed major differences in demographic developments and structures between the "average Western demographic pattern" and selected Central and South East European countries. Structural differences were found with respect to population density and population growth, the type of demographic transition, infant mortality, and mainly marriage behaviour. Household and family structures in the East are still partly complex and extended revealing more traditional features. Despite these territorial differences, the modernization trends are the same. There is on the one hand convergence in several indicators and domains like infant mortality and the disappearance of traditional household structures, while on the other hand "new" family forms increasingly diverge between Central and East European countries. Thus, with respect to territorial differences there are two counter movements.