Who should be selected to the highest courts? Evidence from Survey Experiments in France, Germany and the United States.
[ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck, 22. bis 26. August 2022]
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848 Ergebnisse
Acceptance of the Automated Online Collection of Geographical Information.
Sociological Methods and Research, 51, Heft 2, S. 866–886.
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Brigitta Schmidt-Lauber, Manuel Liebig
Begriffe der Gegenwart. Ein kulturwissenschaftliches Glossar.
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
Mapping emerging and legacy outlets online by their democratic functions – agonistic, deliberative or corrosive?.
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 27, Heft 2, S. 417-438.
Temporal Strategies. Governments Alter the Pace of Legislation in Bicameralism Depending on Electoral Expectations.
Legislative Studies Quarterly, 47, Heft 1, S. 127-156.
Evaluating political parties: criterion validity of open questions with requests for text and voice answers.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 25, Heft 2, S. 135-141.
Innovating the collection of open-ended answers: The linguistic and content characteristics of written and oral answers to political attitude questions.
Journal of Royal Statistical Society: Series A, Statistics in Society, 185, Heft 3, S. 872-890.
Convergence of European security and defense preferences? A quantitative text analysis of strategy papers, 1994-2018.
European Union Politics, 23, Heft 4, S. 662 - 679.
Social impacts of algorithmic decision-making: A research agenda for the social sciences.
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Demographic change and group boundaries in Germany: The effect of projected demographic decline on perceptions of who has a migration background.
Sociological Science, 9, Heft May, S. 206-220.