Change Through Data: A Data Analytics Training Program for Government Employees.
Harvard Data Science Review, 1, Heft 2, (e-only).
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1243 Ergebnisse
Birth Dynamics of Ethnic German Migrants: Arrival Effect or Disruption?.
[EAPS conference “Children in Migrant or Ethnic Minorities: Demographic and Social Prossess in a Comparative Perspective”, Rostock, 16. bis 17. Mai 2019]
Deregulation, self-employment, and economic integration: the 2004 reform of the German trade and crafts code as a natural experiment.
[InGRID2 Spring School: ‘Vulnerable groups on the labour market’ – determinants and consequences of economic vulnerability across Europe, Amsterdam, 01. bis 05. April 2019]
Does Deregulation Lead to Better Economic Performance Among Immigrants? The 2004 Reform of the German Trade and Crafts Code as a Natural Experiment.
[ECSR Spring School: “New and Old Data. Cutting-Edge Approaches to Quantitative Social Research”, Turin, 25. bis 29. März 2019]
Does Deregulation Lead to Better Economic Performance Among Immigrants? The 2004 Reform of the German Trade and Crafts Code as a Natural Experiment.
[ECSR Annual Conference "Inequality Over the Life Course", Lausanne, 12. bis 14. September 2019]
A Comparison of Couples' Living Arrangements between Migrants and Non-Migrants in Germany.
[14th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Manchester, 20. bis 23. August 2019]
The science of behavior and decision-making.
S. 59-79 in:
Kai Ruggeri
Behavioral Insights for Public Policy: Concepts and Cases.
Why the recent success of radical right parties does not indicate a right shift in public opinion.
[Invited Talk at the Unequal Democracies Seminar, Genève, 11. April 2019]
Candidate Spillover Effects in the German Mixed-Member System.
[115th American Political Science Association's Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Washington, DC, 29. August bis 01. September 2019]
National Partyism. From Institutional Choices Toward Euroskeptic Populism in European Integration.
[1st CefES International Conference on European Studies, Milano, 10. bis 11. Juni 2020]