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1243 Ergebnisse

Hobolt, Sarah B., Sebastian Adrian Popa, Wouter van der Brug und Hermann Schmitt (2022): The Brexit deterrent? How member state exit shapes public support for the European Union. European Union Politics, 23, Heft 1, S. 100-119. mehr
Huber, Lena Maria (2022): Beyond policy: The use of social group appeals in party communication. Political Communication, 39, Heft 3, S. 293–310. mehr
Huber, Lena Maria, Anita Bodlos, Elisabeth Graf und Thomas M. Meyer (2022): Disseminating legislative debates: How legislators communicate the parliamentary agenda. Party Politics, 28, Heft 2, S. 365-376. mehr
Höhne, Jan Karem, Christoph Kern, Konstantin Gavras und Stephan Schlosser (2022): The Sound of Respondents: Predicting Respondents’ Level of Interest with Voice Data in Smartphone Surveys. Rochester, NY [SSRN platform] mehr
Höhne, Jan Karem, Dagmar Krebs und Steffen-M. Kühnel (2022): Measuring Income (In)equality: Comparing Survey Questions With Unipolar and Bipolar Scales in a Probability-Based Online Panel. Social Science Computer Review, 40, Heft 1, S. 108–123. mehr
Jakob, Julia (2022): Supporting Digital Discourse? The Deliberative Function of Links on Twitter. New Media & Society, 24, Heft 5, S. 1196–1215. mehr
Jankowski, Michael, Anna-Sophie Kurella, Christian Stecker, Andreas Blätte, Thomas Bräuninger, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller und Susanne Pickel (2022): Die Positionen der Parteien zur Bundestagswahl 2021: Ergebnisse des Open Expert Surveys. Politische Vierteljahresschrift/German Political Science Quarterly, 63, S. 53-72. mehr
John, Melvin, und Niklas Schliesmeier (2022): Unequal effects of inequality: Political orientation moderates the effect of inequality on subjective well-being. [24 hours of Political Psychology. Interdisciplinary Conference of the German Political Psychology Network, (virtual conference), 10. bis 11. März 2022] mehr
John, Melvin, Lucia Boileau, Herbert Bless, Helen Dümmig, Elena Kippenberger und Jessica Wagner (2022): Effect of Social Class on Perceived Control. [52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs) , Hildesheim, 10. bis 15. September 2022] mehr
Juhl, Sebastian, Roni Lehrer, Annelies G. Blom, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Ulrich Krieger, Marina Fikel, Carina Cornesse, Elias Naumann, Katja Möhring und Maximiliane Reifenscheid (2022): Preferences for centralized decision-making in times of crisis: the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. S. 1–27 in: Jan Sauermann, Markus Tepe, Marc Debus (Hrsg.) Jahrbuch für Handlungs-und Entscheidungstheorie: Band 12. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. mehr
