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1292 Ergebnisse

Steiner, Nils D., und Matthias Mader (2019): Intra-Party Heterogeneity in Policy Preferences and Its Effect on Issue Salience: Developing and Applying a Measure Based on Elite Survey Data. Party Politics, 25, Heft 3, S. 336–348. mehr
Steinert, Christoph, Janina Steinert und Sabine C. Carey (2019): Spoilers of peace: Pro-government militias as risk factors for conflict recurrence. Journal of Peace Research, 56, Heft 2, S. 249-263. mehr
Stötzer, Lukas F., Marcel Neunhoeffer, Thomas Gschwend, Simon Munzert und Sebastian Sternberg (2019): Forecasting Elections in Multiparty Systems: A Bayesian Approach Combining Polls and Fundamentals. Political Analysis, 27, Heft 2, S. 255-262. mehr
Tjaden, Jasper, Daniel Auer und Frank Laczko (2019): Linking Migration Intentions with Flows: Evidence and Potential Use. International Migration, 57, Heft 1, S. 36-57. mehr
Tosun, Jale, José L. Arco-Tirado, Maurizio Caserta, Zeynep Cemalcilar, Markus Freitag, Felix Hörisch, Carsten Jensen, Bernhard Kittel, Levente Littvay, Martin Lukeš, William A. Maloney, Monika Mühlböck, Emily Rainsford, Carolin Rapp, Bettina Schuck, Jennifer Shore, Nadia Steiber, Nebi Sümer, Panos Tsakoglou, Mihaela Vancea und Federico Vegetti (2019): Perceived economic self-sufficiency: a country- and generation-comparative approach. European Political Science, 18, Heft 3, S. 510-531. mehr
Traunmüller, Richard, Sara Kijewski und Markus Freitag (2019): The Silent Victims of Sexual Violence During War: Evidence from a List Experiment in Sri Lanka. Journal of Conflict Resolution , 63, Heft 9, S. 2015-2042. mehr
Vancea, Mihaela, Jennifer Shore und Mireia Utzet (2019): Role of employment-related inequalities in young adults’ life satisfaction: A comparative study in five European welfare state regimes. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 47, Heft 3, S. 357-365. mehr
Vehrkamp, Robert, und Theres Matthieß (2019): Besser als ihr Ruf. Halbzeitbilanz der Großen Koalition zur Umsetzung des Koalitionsvertrags 2018. Gütersloh [Demokratiemonitor - WZB/Bertelsmann Stiftung] mehr
Vogel, Tobias, Mandy Hütter und Jochen E. Gebauer (2019): Is evaluative conditioning moderated by Big Five personality traits?. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10, Heft 1, S. 94-102. mehr
Voßemer, Jonas, und Stefanie Heyne (2019): Unemployment and housework in couples: Task-specific differences and dynamics over time. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81, Heft 5, S. 1074-1090. mehr
