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275 Ergebnisse

Helbling, Marc (2020): Migration Governance at the State Level: Policy Developments and Effects. S. 121-136 in: Tim Krieger, Diana Panke, Michael Pregering (Hrsg.) Environmental Conflicts, Migration and Governance. Bristol: Bristol University Press. mehr
Helbling, Marc, und Daniel Meierrieks (2020): Transnational Terrorism and Restrictive Immigration Policies. Journal of Peace Research, 57, Heft 4, S. 564–580. mehr
Helbling, Marc, und Richard Traunmüller (2020): What is Islamophobia? Disentangling Citizens’ Feelings Towards Ethnicity, Religion and Religiosity Using a Survey Experiment. British Journal of Political Science, 50, Heft 3, S. 811-828. mehr
Helbling, Marc, und Sebastian Jungkunz (2020): Social Divides in the Age of Globalization. West European Politics, 43, Heft 6, S. 1187-1210. mehr
Helbling, Marc, Stephan Simon und Samuel D. Schmid (2020): Restricting immigration to foster migrant integration? A comparative study across 22 European countries. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46, Heft 13, S. 2603-2624. mehr
Henninger, Felix, und Alexander Hart (2020): Open toolmakers’ birds of a feather session. [Annual Meeting of the Society of Improving Psychological Science, (virtual conference), 22. bis 23. Juni 2020] mehr
Henninger, Felix, und Benjamin E. Hilbig (2020): Easy Online Experimentation with lab.js. [Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, (virtual conference), 19. bis 22. November 2020] mehr
Herziger, Atar, Jana Berkessel und Kamilla Knutsen Steinnes (2020): Wean off green: On the (in)effectiveness of biospheric appeals for consumption curtailment. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 69, (article 101415). mehr
Hofmann, Elias, und Sandra Krapf (2020): Homogamy in personality traits and union dissolution. [18th Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, (virtual conference), 14. bis 16. Oktober 2020] mehr
Holingue, Calliope, Elena Badillo-Goicoechea, Kira E. Riehm, Cindy B. Veldhuis, Johannes Thrul, Renee M. Johnson, M. Daniele Fallin, Frauke Kreuter, Elizabeth A. Stuart und Luther G. Kalb (2020): Mental Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic among US Adults without a Pre-Existing Mental Health Condition: Findings from American Trend Panel Survey. Preventive Medicine, 139, Heft Oktober 2020, (article no. 106231). mehr
