Combining self-reports with passive mobile data collection: New forms of data collection lead to new forms of nonresponse.
[International Workshop on Household Survey Nonresponse, (virtual), 25. bis 28. August 2020]
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273 Ergebnisse
Participation rates and bias in a smartphone study collecting self-reports and passive mobile measurements using a research app.
[AAPOR 75th Annual Conference, (virtual conference), 11. bis 12. Juni 2020]
Social Networks on Smartphones. Congruence of Online and Offline Networks and Their Effect on Labor Market Outcomes.
[6th International Conference on Computational Social Science, (virtual conference), 17. bis 20. Juli 2020]
The impact of need on distributive decisions: Experimental evidence on anchor effects of exogenous thresholds in the laboratory.
PLOS ONE, 15, Heft 4, (article no. e0228753).
Putting D-efficiency under the microscope: Impacts of design resolution on aliasing and sample size in factorial surveys.
[40th Congress of the German Sociological Association, online conference, 14. bis 24. September 2020]
Ethical decisions between the conflicting priorities of legality and group loyalty: Scrutinizing the “code of silence” among volunteer firefighters with a vignette-based factorial survey.
Deviant Behavior, 42, Heft 10, S. 1228-1241.
An empirical-analytical approach to the study of recent refugee migrants in Germany.
Soziale Welt, 71, Heft 1-2, S. 3-23.
Religion and Sexuality: Between- and Within-Individual Differences in Attitudes to Pre-marital Cohabitation among Adolescents in Four European Countries.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46, Heft 17, S. 3630-3654.
Religion and integration among immigrant and minority youth.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (Special Issue), 46, Heft 17, S. 3543-3558.
Die Vergemeinschaftung wirtschaftlicher Interessenvertretung.
S. 367-388 in:
Peter-Christian Müller-Graff
Kernelemente der europäischen Integration.