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2279 Ergebnisse

Mayer, Sabrina J., Jörg Dollmann, Jannes Jacobsen und Lisa Walter (2024): Armed conflict as a threat to social cohesion: Large-scale displacement and its short- and long-term effects on in-group perceptions. Research & Politics, 11, Heft 2, (e-only). mehr
Naumann, Elias, Marvin Marcus Brinkmann und Katja Möhring (2024): The ethnic penalty in welfare deservingness: A factorial survey experiment on welfare chauvinism in pension attitudes in Germany. Journal of European Social Policy, 34, Heft 2, S. 190-202. mehr
Poertner, Mathias, und Nan Zhang (2024): The Effects of Combating Corruption on Institutional Trust and Political Engagement: Evidence from Latin America. Political Science Research and Methods, 12, Heft 3, S. 633-642. mehr
Schnaudt, Christian (2024): Conspiracy Beliefs and Perceptions of Electoral Integrity: Cross-National Evidence from 29 Countries. Public Opinion Quarterly, 88, Heft SI, S. 814-827. mehr
Schwitter, Nicole, und Ulf Liebe (2024): Using Natural Experiments to Uncover Effects of Anti-Refugee Riots on Attitudes of Refugees. Sociology, 58, Heft 1, S. 253-262. mehr
Solano, Giacomo, Samuel D. Schmid und Marc Helbling (2024): Extending Migrants’ Rights but Limiting Long-Term Settlement: Migrant Integration Policy Trends in EU and OECD Countries Between 2010 and 2019. International Migration Review, 58, Heft 3, S. 1568-1591. mehr
Steiner, Nils D., Matthias Mader und Harald Schoen (2024): Subjective losers of globalization. European Journal of Political Research, 63, Heft 1, S. 326-347. mehr
Szafran, Daria, und Ruben Bach (2024): “The Human Must Remain the Central Focus”: Subjective Fairness Perceptions in Automated Decision-Making. Minds and Machines, 34: Article: 24, S. 1-37. mehr
Tuttnauer, Or, und Reuven Y. Hazan (2024): Government–Opposition Relations and the Vote of No Confidence. Political Studies, 72, Heft 3, S. 984-1004. mehr
van Tubergen, Frank, Irena Kogan, Yuliya Kosyakova und Steffen Pötzschke (2024): Self-selection of Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons in Europe. Journal of Refugee Studies, 37, Heft 1, S. 72–96. mehr
