Do citizens disobey the law when they feel that elections are rigged? Evidence from Germany.
[8th GESIS Political Science Research Roundtable, Mannheim, 23. Oktober 2024]
Suchen in Publikationen nach
3632 Ergebnisse
Assessing ambiguous crime scenarios: A vignette experiment using AI-generated images.
[4th Workshop on Experimental Sociology, (virtual conference), 11. bis 12. September 2024]
Knowing your research data in the age of ubiquitous data: Are we even measuring what we think we are measuring?.
[Computational Sociology: Methodologische Herausforderungen für Forschung und Lehre, Bremen, 09. bis 11. Oktober 2024]
The role of face-to-face ties in voting behaviour in requests for adminship.
[Wiki Workshop, (virtual conference), 20. Juni 2024]
Voting on Wikipedia: Do offline ties matter?.
[10th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), Philadelphia, USA, 17. bis 20. Juli 2024]
The impact of migration background salience on national belonging: Evidence from a field experiment during the European Football Championship.
[Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, Venice, 18. bis 21. November 2024]
Measurement of physical activity in older adults through data donation.
[Data Donation Symposium 2024, Amsterdam, 30. bis 31. Mai 2024]
Measurement of physical activity in older adults through data donation of smartphone health data and Google Location History.
[5th MASS Workshop, Washington, DC, 06. bis 07. März 2024]
Measuring the effect of a seven-day Instagram abstinence on users’ body image by combining survey and donated data.
[Data Donation Symposium 2024, Amsterdam, 30. bis 31. Mai 2024]
Mechanisms of Participation in Smartphone App Data Collection: A Systematic Review.
[Workshop on "User-centered longitudinal collection of digital behavioral and survey data", Mannheim, 25. November 2024]