Ethnische Unterschiede in der elterlichen Unterstützung beim Übergang in eine Berufsausbildung in Deutschland.
[BIBB-Kolloquium zur Berufsbildungsforschung, Bundesinstitut für Berufsforschung, Bonn, 18. Januar 2024]
Suchen in Publikationen nach
3631 Ergebnisse
Conflict and support during apprenticeship training in Germany: Consequences for apprenticeship success and further employment in the company.
[31st Annual Workshop Transitions in Youth (TiY), University of Warsaw, 04. bis 06. September 2024]
Crafting cohesion: Interethnic contact and prejudice reduction in vocational training.
[Sixth Annual Conference of Experimental Sociology (ACES), Turin, 28. bis 30. August 2024]
The girl next door? Childhood cross-group exposure and inter-ethnic marriage.
[Eighth International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (IMEBESS), Riga, 23. bis 25. Mai 2024]
Using large language models for evaluating and improving survey questions.
[General Online Research (GOR 24), Cologne, 21. bis 23. Februar 2024]
Issue Responsiveness in Time and Space.
[29. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Göttingen, 24. bis 27. September 2024]
Solidarity among the marginalised?.
[29. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Göttingen, 24. bis 27. September 2024]
Low education, high effects? The impact of Voting Advice Applications on an underexposed segment of users.
[ECPR General Conference, Dublin, 12. bis 15. August 2024]
The Divided Tribes of Fluency or: What is Fluency Anyhow?.
[53rd DGPs Congress/15th ÖGP Conference, Wien, 16. bis 19. September 2024]
Election Posters of Right and Left Candidates Emphasize Different Personal Traits.
[24 Hours of Political Psychology Conference (5th Annual Meeting of the German Political Psychology Network), Wien, 19. bis 20. September 2024]