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3632 Ergebnisse

Debus, Marc, Christopher Klamm, Simone Ponzetto, Ines Rehbein und Sarah Wagner (2023): How parties frame the Covid-19 pandemic: an analysis of parties’ press releases and parliamentary speeches. [80th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, 13. bis 16. April 2023] mehr
Debus, Marc, Johannes Lattmann und Sarah Wagner (2023): Candidate-Party Ideological Congruence, Competitive Electoral Districts, and the Outcomes of Candidate Selection Processes. [13th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Glasgow, 22. bis 24. Juni 2023] mehr
Debus, Marc, Johannes Lattmann und Sarah Wagner (2023): Candidate-Party Ideological Congruence, Competitive Electoral Districts, and the Outcomes of Candidate Selection Processes. [80th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, Il, 13. bis 16. April 2023] mehr
Debus, Marc, Leon Siefken und Christian Stecker (2023): When three quarrel, who rejoices? Intra-coalition conflict and the evaluation of parties and democracy. [46th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of German Politics: “Shocks to the German system? German politics in 2023” , Mannheim, 30. November bis 01. Dezember 2023] mehr
Debus, Marc, Noam Himmelrath und Christian Stecker (2023): How a history of migration affects citizens’ political attitudes. [29th International Conference of Europeanists, Reykjavik, 27. bis 29. Juni 2023] mehr
Dillhöfer, Jan, und Julia Kleinewiese (2023): The More the Merrier? How Group Size Influences Perceptions of Community Status on Reddit. [General Online Research 2023, Kassel, 20. bis 22. September 2023] mehr
Dolinsky, Alona O., und Lena Maria Huber (2023): Group Appeals as Representative Claims: A New Perspective on Parties’ Efforts to Connect with Voters. [Zurich Workshop on Political Representation, Zürich, 30. November bis 01. Dezember 2023] mehr
Dollmann, Jörg (2023): Impulsvortrag: Inklusive Datenerhebung. [Diversity-Tag an der Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 23. Mai 2023] mehr
Dollmann, Jörg, Irena Kogan und Markus Weißmann (2023): The role of regional accent and dialect in ethnic minorities' youth transitions. [Approaches to Migration, Language, and Identity (AMLI) , Zürich, 07. bis 08. September 2023] mehr
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2023): The Future of Social Protection and the Future of the Welfare State in the EU. [High-Level Group Report Launch Event, Brussels, 07. Februar 2023] mehr
