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3631 Ergebnisse

De Bièvre, Dirk (2004): The Dynamics of Institutional Choice: Why the EU pursues non-trade goals in the WTO rather than in other international institutions. [6th Workshop of the European Research Training Network (RTN) Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, 20. bis 23. September 2004] mehr
De Bièvre, Dirk (2004): Governance in international trade: Judicialisation and positive integration in the WTO. [5th Workshop of the European Research and Training Network (RTN) Dynamics and Obstacles of European Goverance, University of Westminster, 07. bis 11. Juni 2004] mehr
De Bièvre, Dirk, und Andreas Dür (2004): Delegation and Agency Control in European and American Trade Policy. [4th Workshop of the European Research Training Network (RTN) Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance, Technische Universität München, 29. Februar bis 05. März 2004] mehr
De Bièvre, Dirk, und Andreas Dür (2004): Delegation and Agency Control in European and American Trade Policy. [European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Joint Sessions of Workshops, Uppsala, 13. bis 18. April 2004] mehr
De Bièvre, Dirk, und Christoph Humrich (2004): Judicialisation and positive integration in the WTO. [European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) International Relations Conference, Section Legalization and World Politics, Den Haag, 09. bis 11. September 2004] mehr
Dollmann, Jörg (2004): Ethnic Differences in Educational Attainment: Italian Immigrants in Germany and Switzerland (Poster Presentation). [European Society or European Societies? EURESCO/ECSR-Conference on the Causes and Consequences of Low Education in Contemporary Europe, Granada, 18. bis 23. September 2004] mehr
Dür, Andreas (2004): Assessing Bargaining Efficiency: A Comparison of the IGCs of 2000 and of 2003-04. [ECSA Denmark Annual Conference, Odense, 24. bis 25. September 2004] mehr
Dür, Andreas (2004): Avoiding Deadlock: Veto Players and Offsetting Effects. [5th Workshop of the European Research Training Network (RTN) Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance, University of Westminster, 07. bis 11. Juni 2004] mehr
Dür, Andreas (2004): Avoiding Deadlock: Veto Players and the Offsetting Effects of Institutions in European Trade Policy. [6th Workshop of the European Research Training Network (RTN) Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance, Odense, 20. bis 23. September 2004] mehr
Esser, Hartmut (2004): Anmerkungen (von den lieben Soziologen). [SFB 504 "Field Day" an der Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, 26. April 2004] mehr
