On the polarization premium for radical parties in PR electoral systems.
[APSA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 05. bis 08. September 2024]
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3618 Ergebnisse
The structure of West European policy spaces: A stable mismatch or increasing alignment between voters and parties?.
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What is my opinion? Immigrants, (Post-)Authoritarianism and ideological positioning.
[Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, St. Gallen, 08. bis 09. Februar 2024]
The paradox of progressive politics: Immigrant support for green parties.
[14th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Köln, 04. bis 06. Juli 2024]
The paradox of progressive politics: Immigrant support for green parties.
[120th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Philadelphia, 05. bis 08. September 2024]
The paradox of progressive politics: Immigrant support for green parties.
[Pre-EPSA Workshop, Münster, 03. Juli 2024]
Experimental evidence on the international human trafficking vulnerability of wo(men) in Tanzania.
[DeZIM-Tagung, Mannheim, 09. bis 11. Oktober 2024]
Social inequality and super-diversity: The impact of minority-contact on political preferences. A field experiment with text-as-data insights.
[DeZIM Tagung, Mannheim, 09. bis 11. Oktober 2024]
Gender differences in migration decision making.
[New knowledge on migration, development and policy, Oxford, 24. bis 26. Juni 2024]
Understanding Survey Cooperativeness in Dynamic Political Environments: An Agent-Based Approach.
[74th Annual International Conference of the Political Studies Association, Glasgow, 25. bis 27. März 2024]