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3473 Ergebnisse

Kleinewiese, Julia, und Jan Dillhöfer (2023): "(Not) Welcome to Digital Germany"? - First Results. [3rd FoDiRa Workshop about Discrimination and Racism , Mannheim, 23. März 2023] mehr
Kleinewiese, Julia, Jan Dillhöfer und Frank Kalter (2023): "(Not) welcome to digital Germany"? Causes and mechanisms of cyber discrimination. [MZES Ethnic Diversity Spring Workshop, Mannheim, 30. März 2023] mehr
Kleinschlömer, Pauline (2023): Child Well-Being in Post-Separation Families. [Norwegian Institute for Public Health, Oslo, 26. Mai 2023] mehr
Kleinschlömer, Pauline (2023): Do Kids See it Coming? Analyzing Anticipation Effects of Children's Cognitive Abilities on Parental Separation. [21st Conference of the European Divorce Network, Utrecht, 12. bis 13. Oktober 2023] mehr
Kleinschlömer, Pauline (2023): Do Kids See it Coming? Analyzing Anticipation Effects of Children's Cognitive Abilities on Parental Separation. [4th Academy of Sociology Conference "Knowledge Societies", Bern, 28. bis 30. August 2023] mehr
Kleinschlömer, Pauline (2023): Time heals all wounds? Stepfamily formation and Children’s Educational Outcomes in Norway. [ECSR Annual Conference, Prague, 18. bis 20. September 2023] mehr
Kleinschlömer, Pauline (2023): Das Wohlbefinden von Kindern in Scheidungsfamilien. [ifb-Kolloquium, Bamberg (virtual), 28. März 2023] mehr
Kogan, Irena, Irem Karacay, Aigul Alieva, Taylor Kroezen, Auli Toom und Katri Kleemola (2023): Intersectional inequalities in academic achievement in primary and secondary education from a cross-country perspective. [ECSR Thematic Conference: Effort and Social Inequality, Madrid, 14. bis 16. Juni 2023] mehr
Kommol, Alexandra, und Nan Zhang (2023): Cross-cutting cleavages and refugee-native contact. [V Annual Conference of Experimental Sociology, Madrid, 30. August bis 01. September 2023] mehr
Kommol, Alexandra, und Nan Zhang (2023): Cross-cutting cleavages and refugee-native contact. [IMEBESS 7th Annual Conference, Lisbon, 18. bis 20. Mai 2023] mehr
