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2752 Ergebnisse

Hofäcker, Dirk (2011): Book Review: Anthony Chiva and Jill Manthorpe (eds.)(2009). Older Workers in Europe. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 6, Heft 1, S. IX-XII. mehr
Hofäcker, Dirk (2011): Determinanten der Frühverrentung: Ergebnisse der Testnutzung des Datensatzes 'Biographiedaten ausgewählter Sozialversicherungsträger in Deutschland (BASID)'. [Workshop zur Erstnutzung des Datensatzes 'Biografiedaten ausgewählter Sozialversicherungsträger in Deutschland (BASiD)', Berlin, 06. bis 07. Oktober 2011] mehr
Hofäcker, Dirk (2011): Determinanten von Erwerbsarbeit und Ruhestand. [Die 50+ Generation in Europa: Erkenntnisse durch SHARE, Wien, 30. Mai 2011] mehr
Hofäcker, Dirk (2011): Determinants of older workers' employment and retirement transitions: a cross-national comparison. [Social Relations in Turbulent Times. 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Genf, 07. bis 10. September 2011] mehr
Hofäcker, Dirk (2011): A Recipe for Coping with the Challenge of Globalization? Trends in Labour Market Flexibilzation and Life Course Inequality in Denmark. S. 149-176 in: Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Sandra Buchholz, Dirk Hofäcker, Kathrin Kolb (Hrsg.) Globalized Labour Markets and Social Inequality in Europe. Houndsmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. mehr
Hofäcker, Dirk, und Hans-Peter Blossfeld (2011): Globalization, Uncertainty and its Effects on Early Family and Employment Lives - An Introduction. S. 9-38 in: Dirk Hofäcker, Sonia Bertolini (Hrsg.) Youth on Globalised Labour Markets: Rising Uncertainty and its Effects on Early Employment and Family Lives in Europe. Opladen & Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich. mehr
Hofäcker, Dirk, und Jana Chaloupková (2011): Between standardization and diversity: A cross-national comparison of family trajectories and life course norms in European countries. [Social Relations in Turbulent Times. 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Genf, 07. bis 10. September 2011] mehr
Hofäcker, Dirk, und Jana Chaloupková (2011): Family structures and Family Norms – An International Comparison. [TransEurope Workshop 'Women’s employment in an enlarged Europe – Current developments and their socio-political background', Tallinn, 28. bis 30. April 2011] mehr
Hofäcker, Dirk, und Jana Chaloupková (2011): Patterns of family life courses in Europe - between standardization and diversity: A cross-national comparison of family trajectories and life course norms in European countries. Bamberg [TransEurope Working Paper] mehr
Hofäcker, Dirk, Johann Bacher und Michael Ruland (2011): GlobalIndex – Clustering Time Series. [Five Years of TransEurope Project. Transnationalisation and Changing Life Course Inequality in Europe, Sofia, 20. bis 21. Mai 2011] mehr
