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2752 Ergebnisse

Kogan, Irena, und Marge Unt (2005): The Role of Vocational Specificity of Educational Credentials for the Labour Market Entry in Estonia and Slovenia. [2005 Summer Meeting des Research Committee (RC) 28 Social Stratification and Mobility der International Sociological Association (ISA), Los Angeles, 18. bis 21. August 2005] mehr
Kogan, Irena, und Marge Unt (2005): Transition from School to Work in Transition Economies. European Societies, 7, Heft 2, S. 219-253. mehr
Kogan, Irena, und Yinon Cohen (2005): Next year in Jerusalem … or in Cologne? Selectivity Patterns and Economic Progress of Jewish Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel and Germany in the 1990s. [2005 Spring Meeting des Research Committee (RC) 28 Social Stratification and Mobility der International Sociological Association (ISA) on 'Welfare States and Social Inequality', Oslo, 05. bis 08. Mai 2005] mehr
Kogan, Irena, Ellu Saar und Marge Unt (2005): Transition from educational system to labour market in the European Union: A comparison between new and old members. [ECSR Conference 'Comparative European Studies. Assessing ten years of sociological reserach 1995-2005', Paris, 25. bis 26. November 2005] mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2005): Dominant trends and changing patterns in EU interest intermediation. [CONNEX User Workshop: 'Managing Interest Representation in the EU', Vilnius, 13. bis 15. Mai 2005] mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2005): European Governance and System Integration. European Governance Papers (EUROGOV), C-05-01, S. online. mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2005): Integrating Research on Efficient and Democratic Governance in a Multi-Level Europe. [New Modes of Governance, Steering Committe, Florence, EUI/RSC, 17. Januar 2005] mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2005): Multilevel Governance in Europe: Discourse is power. [Thematic Stocktaking Conference on Multilevel Government in Europe, Athens, 05. bis 07. Mai 2005] mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2005): Network Governance within and beyond an enlarged European Union. S. 35-53 in: Ami Verdun, Osvaldo Croci (Hrsg.) Institutional and Policy-Making Challenges to the European Union in the Wake of Eastern Enlargement. Manchester: Manchester Universtity Press. mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2005): Section 18 'Efficient and Democratic European Governance: Dynamics and Obstacles'; Panel 4 'The Institutional Shaping of EU-Society Relations: the Role of the European Comission'; presentation on 'Organisation of Interest and Democracy in the EU'. [Third ECPR Conference, Budapest, 08. bis 10. September 2005] mehr
