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152 Ergebnisse

Hinich, Melvin J., und Michael C. Munger (1997): New Issues and the Dynamics of Political Choice. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich II; 16] mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (1997): The European Union Facing Enlargement: Still a System sui generis?. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich III; 20] mehr
König, Thomas, und Thomas Bräuninger (1997): The Constitutional Choice of Rules. An Application of the Absolute and Relative Power Concepts to European Legislation. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich II; 17] mehr
Scheiwe, Kirsten (1997): New Demands for Social Protection - Changing Family Structures, Women's Roles and Institutional Responses. The Case of the German Long-term Care Insurance. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich I; 19] mehr
Thurner, Paul W., und Angelika Eymann (1997): Policy-Specific Alienation and Indifference in the Calculus of Voting: A Simultaneous Model of Party Choice and Abstention. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich II; 18] mehr
van der Meer, Marc (1997): Trade Union Development in Spain. Past Legacies and Current Trends. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich I; 18] mehr
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard, und Jelle Visser (1996): European Labor and Transnational Solidarity: Challenges, Pathways, and Barriers. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich I; 11] mehr
Hallerberg, Mark (1996): The Common Pool Problem in European Parliaments: The Interrelationship of Electoral and Legislative Institutions. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich II; 14] mehr
Henning, Christian H.C.A. (1996): The Agricultural Advisory Committees of the Commission: Access for National Lobbying or Coordinating Supranational Policies?. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich II; 12] mehr
Jurado Guerrero, Teresa, und Manuela Naldini (1996): Is the South so different? Italian and Spanish Families in Comparative Perspective (The International Project on Family Changes and Family Policies). Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich I; 12] mehr
