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4979 Ergebnisse

Naumann, Elias, Marvin Marcus Brinkmann und Katja Möhring (2024): The ethnic penalty in welfare deservingness: A factorial survey experiment on welfare chauvinism in pension attitudes in Germany. Journal of European Social Policy, 34, Heft 2, S. 190-202. mehr
Neumann, Manuel (2024): Keeping It Inside the Family – Explaining Differences in Men’s and Women’s Participation in Public, Semi-Public, and Private Discursive Spheres. [5th Annual Meeting of the German Political Psychology Network, Vienna, 19. bis 20. September 2024] mehr
Palomo-Lario, Carlos, und Luis Ortiz-Gervasi (2024): Inequality at the top. Educational expansion, financial constraints and opportunities of university graduation by social origin. European Societies, 26, Heft 5, S. 1472–1509. mehr
Palomo-Lario, Carlos, Irena Kogan, Stefanie Heyne und Jana Kuhlemann (2024): It takes two to court: Partnership formation in the context of forced migration. [RC28 Summer Meeting, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 06. bis 08. August 2024] mehr
Palomo-Lario, Carlos, Irena Kogan, Stefanie Heyne und Jana Kuhlemann (2024): It takes two to court: Partnership formation in the context of forced migration. [Seminar on Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, Venice, 18. bis 21. November 2024] mehr
Pankowska, Paulina, Ruben Bach, Florian Keusch und Alexandru Cernat (2024): Measuring Facebook use: The accuracy of self-reported data vs. digital trace data. [Web Data Opp Workshop, Barcelona, 18. bis 19. März 2024] mehr
Plavgo, Ilze (2024): How National investments in childcare mitigate skills shortages and social inequalities in Europe. [Workshop at the University of St. Gallen, School of Economics and Political Science, St. Gallen, 28. bis 29. Oktober 2024] mehr
Plavgo, Ilze (2024): Policy effects on employment & poverty: Evidence from policy complementarity assessments. [Informal Working Group on Social Investment launched by the Belgian presidency of the EU, gathering EU 27 Member states representatives, the Council ECOFIN EPSCO committees (EMCO SPC EPC EFC), the European Commission and the European Parliament, Brüssel, 09. Januar 2024] mehr
Plavgo, Ilze (2024): The role of social investments in childcare in dealing with skills shortage and socioeconomic inequalities in Europe: Do middle classes take it all?. [30th International Conference of Europeanists, Lyon, 03. bis 05. Juli 2024] mehr
Plavgo, Ilze, und Anton Hemerijck (2024): Fostering resilience: Welfare policy change across Europe between 2015 and 2019. S. 170-204 in: Anton Hemerijck, Manos Matsaganis, Francesco Corti, Andrea Parma, Ilze Plavgo (Hrsg.) Who's Afraid of the Welfare State Now?. Oxford: Oxford University Press. mehr
