Trends and determinants of intergenerational educational inequality in sub-Saharan Africa for birth cohorts 1974 to 2003.
Sociology of Education, 97, Heft 2, S. 193-217.
Suchen in Publikationen nach
4977 Ergebnisse
The Effects of Combating Corruption on Institutional Trust and Political Engagement: Evidence from Latin America.
Political Science Research and Methods, 12, Heft 3, S. 633-642.
Accuracy of citizens' vote expectations in the 2024 Saxon state election.
[8th GESIS Political Science Research Roundtable, Mannheim, 23. Oktober 2024]
Citizen forecasting in Saxony 2024 - a pre-analysis plan.
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Citizen forecasting in the 2024 Saxon State election.
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The effect of individual and contextual characteristics on citizen forecasts’ accuracy – a meta-analysis.
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What affects citizen forecasts’ accuracy? - A meta-analysis.
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Young policy opinions and their Impact: Evidence on the substantive representation of age groups.
[14th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Köln, 04. bis 06. Juli 2024]
Analyzing politicians' body language during political speech based on videos.
[Annual Meeting of the DVPW Section Methods of Political Science, Bamberg, 26. bis 27. April 2024]