Divided We Unite: The Nature of Partyism and the Role of Coalition Partnership in Europe.
American Political Science Review, 118, Heft 1, S. 69-87.
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4708 Ergebnisse
Numbers, Selectivity and Generosity. The Conditional Nature of Immigration Policy Preferences.
Comparative Political Studies, 57, Heft 2, S. 187-381.
The shadow of fear: hate crime victimization and stress after Charlottesville.
Frontiers in Psychology, 15, (article no. 1384470).
Is it a match? The congruence of partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German population.
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Are male Muslim immigrants perceived as a particular threat in Western countries? Evidence from a factorial survey experiment in Germany.
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The Effect of Germany’s Federalism on Student Success : The “Index of Commitment“ as Comparative Measure for Study and Examination Regulations.
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Effect of social class on personal control beliefs.
Journal of Personality, 92, Heft 4, S. 1086-1099.
Measuring Implicit Political Extremism through Implicit Association Tests.
Public Opinion Quarterly, 88, Heft 1, S. 175–192.
Outgroup mobility threat – how much intergenerational integration is wanted?.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50, Heft 1, S. 149-172.