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4708 Ergebnisse

König, Thomas (1995): From Intergovernmentalism to Party Politics? An Institutional Power Analysis of European Multi-Chamber Legislation from 1958 to 1995. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich II; 11] mehr
Müller, Walter, Susanne Steinmann und Renate Ell (1995): Education and Labour Market Entry in Germany. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich I; 10] mehr
Nuvolati, Giampaolo (1995): Towards a Qualitative Catalogue of Social Indicators for Italy. EURODATA Newsletter, 1, S. 21-22. mehr
Pappi, Franz Urban, und Thomas König (1995): Peak Organisations in policy domain networks. The German and American labour policy domain compared. S. 41-53 in: Martin G. Everett, Keith Rennols (Hrsg.) International Conference on Social Networks, London. Greenwich: Greenwich University Press. mehr
Quick, Michael (1995): Country Profile: Ireland. EURODATA Newsletter, Heft 1, S. 30-32. mehr
Quick, Michael (1995): The Webserver of the EURODATA Research Archive. EURODATA Newsletter, Heft 1, S. 25-26. mehr
Rieger, Elmar (1995): Protective Shelter or Straitjacket? An Institutional Analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. S. 194-230 in: Stephan Leibfried, Paul Pierson (Hrsg.) European Social Policy. Between Fragmentation and Integration.. Washington, D. C.: Brookings. mehr
Rieger, Elmar, und Stephan Leibfried (1995): Globalization and the Western Welfare State. An Annotated Bibliography. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich I, Bibliographie; 2] mehr
Rothenbacher, Franz (1995): The 1990 Population Censuses in East and South-East Europe. EURODATA Newsletter, 2, S. 19-20. mehr
Rothenbacher, Franz (1995): European Social Indicators. EURODATA Newsletter, 2, S. 21-23. mehr
