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4979 Ergebnisse

Kraus, Franz, und Bernhard Schimpl-Neimanns (2001): The Dissemination of Official Microdata in International Comparison. Report for the Commission on Improving the Informational Infrastructure between Science and Statistics (KVI). CD-ROM. Wege zu einer besseren informationellen Infrastruktur: Gutachten der vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung eingesetzten Kommission zur Verbesserung der informationellen Infrastruktur zwischen Wissenschaft und Statistik. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. mehr
Kraus, Franz, Adam Guy und Alessio Fiacco (2001): The System of Social Surveys in the United Kingdom. Mannheim [EuReporting working paper series] mehr
Kraus, Franz, Bo Møller und Lone Solbjerghøj (2001): Official statistics in Denmark: Socio-economic microdata for research. Mannheim [EuReporting working paper series] mehr
Kraus, Franz, Marcel Emami und Luc Schneider (2001): Meta-data about major soico-economic official surveys in Western Europe: technical description of the EuReporting modules and databases on the Internet. Mannheim [Official Surveys in Western Europe. EuReporting working paper series] mehr
Lohmann, Henning (2001): Self-employed or employee, full-time or part-time? Gender differences in the determinants and conditions for self-employment in Europe and the US. Mannheim [Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 38] mehr
Maucher, Mathias (2001): The Interplay of Cash and Tax Benefits for Children in Ten European Countries. EURODATA Newsletter, Heft 12/13, S. 1-17. mehr
Müller, Walter (2001): Education and labour market outcomes: commonality or divergence?. S. 287-308 in: Max Haller (Hrsg.) The Making of the European Union. Heidelberg: Springer. mehr
Müller, Walter (2001): "Mobility, Social" (Stichwort). S. 9918-9924 in: International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier. mehr
Müller, Walter, und Wolfgang Karle (2001): Social Selection in Educational Systems in Europe. S. 717-749 in: Stephen J. Ball (Hrsg.) Sociology of Education. London: Routledge. mehr
Müller, Walter, Henning Lohmann und Silvia Luber (Hrsg.) (2001): Self-employment in Advanced Economies (III)+(IV). Amonk, NY: Sharpe. [Special issues des International Journal of Sociology, vol. 31; 1+2] mehr
