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4708 Ergebnisse

Quick, Michael (1994): Regional Territorial Units in Western Europe since 1945. Mannheim [EURODATA; 5] mehr
Rothenbacher, Franz (1994): Statistical Sources for Comparative European Social Research. International Social Science Journal (Blackwell/UNESCO), 142, S. 541-570. mehr
Vaubel, Roland (1994): The political economy of centralization and the European Community. Public Choice, 81, S. 151-190. mehr
Vaubel, Roland (1994): The public choice analysis of European integration: A survey. European Journal of Political Economy, 10, Heft 1, S. 227-249. mehr
Bruckner, Elke, und Karin Knaup (1993): Women´s and men´s friendships in a comparative perspective. European Sociological Review, 9, Heft 3, S. 249-266. mehr
Hofrichter, Jürgen (1993): The EUROBAROMETER Programme of the EC Commission; ZEUS, and the EUROBAROMETER Data Base. Mannheim [EURODATA; 4] mehr
Hofrichter, Jürgen (1993): Public Option on EC Membership of Turkey and Turkish People in the Countries of the European Community. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich III; 03] mehr
Müller, Walter (1993): Social structure, perception and evaluation of social inequality and party preferences. S. 94-117 in: Dagmar Krebs, Peter Schmidt (Hrsg.) New Directions in Attitude Measurement. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. mehr
Müller, Walter, und Wolfgang Karle (1993): Social Selection in Educational Systems in Europe. European Sociological Review, 9, Heft 1, S. 1-22. mehr
Müller, Walter, und Wolfgang Karle (1993): Social Selection in Educational Systems in Europe. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich I; 06] mehr
