Protected by Faith? Religion and COVID-19 Vaccination among Immigrant and Native Young Adults in Germany.
[SSSR+RRA 2022 Annual Meeting , Baltimore, MD, 11. bis 13. November 2022]
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3296 Ergebnisse
Split Questionnaire Designs for Online Surveys: The Impact of Module Construction on Imputation Quality.
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General-purpose imputation of planned missing data in social surveys: Different strategies and their effect on correlations.
Statistics Surveys, 16, S. 182-209.
Did the GDPR Increase Trust in Data Collectors? Evidence from Observational and Experimental Data.
Information, Communication & Society, 25, Heft 14, S. 2101-2121.
Pandemics Initially Spread Among People of Higher (Not Lower) Social Status: Evidence From COVID-19 and the Spanish Flu.
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Accumulation or absorption? Changing disparities of household non-employment in Europe during the Great Recession.
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The "Mixed Bag” of Segregation – On Positive and Negative Associations with Migrants’ Acculturation.
European Journal of Social Psychology, 52, Heft 3, S. 457-471.
Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: PNAS, 119, Heft 44, (article no. e2203150119), pp. 1-8.
Political Elites and the `War on Truth'.
Journal of Public Economics, 206, Heft February 2022, (article no. 104585).
Political Polarization and Bargaining Delays: Evidence from the German Federal States.
[Paneltagung: Jetzt wird regiert - Aktuelle Herausforderungen der deutschen Koalitionsdemokratie, (virtual conference), 30. bis 31. März 2022]