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8906 Ergebnisse

Haensch, Anna-Carolina, Leah von der Heyde und Alexander Wenz (2024): Can large language models predict how people vote? Evidence from Germany. [10th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), Philadelphia, PA, 17. bis 20. Juli 2024] mehr
Hagemann, Daniel, Henrik Domansky, Stefan Marschall und Constantin Wurthmann (2024): A Better Way of Mapping Political Landscapes? Estimating Party Positions by Using Voting Advice Application Data. [ECPR General Conference, Dublin, 12. bis 15. August 2024] mehr
Hahm, Hyeonho, David Hilpert und Thomas König (2024): Divided We Unite: The Nature of Partyism and the Role of Coalition Partnership in Europe. American Political Science Review, 118, Heft 1, S. 69-87. mehr
Helbling, Marc, Rahsaan Maxwell und Richard Traunmüller (2024): Numbers, Selectivity and Generosity. The Conditional Nature of Immigration Policy Preferences. Comparative Political Studies, 57, Heft 2, S. 187-381. mehr
Hellyer, Joshua (2024): Facial attractiveness does not modify the perceived trustworthiness of ethnic minority men. Scientific Reports, 14, (article no. 27093) pp. 1-10. mehr
Hellyer, Joshua, und Johanna Gereke (2024): The shadow of fear: hate crime victimization and stress after Charlottesville. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, (article no. 1384470), pp. 1-12. mehr
Hellyer, Joshua, Johanna Gereke, Reinhard Schunck, Emily Hellriegel, Eva Zschirnt und Susanne Veit (2024): Pretty hireable? The causal effects of physical attractiveness and migration background on hiring discrimination in Germany. [Seminar on Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, Venice, 18. bis 21. November 2024] mehr
Hellyer, Joshua, Yavar Asghari, Johanna Gereke und Nan Zhang (2024): Religiosity and trust across ethnic boundaries. [Jahrestreffen des Netzwerks für empirisch-analytische Sozialforschung zu Muslim:innen (NAFS) "New Frontiers in Muslim Studies", Berlin, 16. bis 17. September 2024] mehr
Hemerijck, Anton, Ilze Plavgo, Brian Burgoon, Daniel Alves Fernandes, Heta Pöyliö und Annika Lehmus-Sun (2024): Social Investment Returns over the Life Course. San Domenico [EUI / RSC Working Paper] mehr
Heyne, Stefanie, Irena Kogan und Jana Kuhlemann (2024): Is it a match? The congruence of partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German population. [Workshop "Experimental Research on ethnic diversity, discrimination, and pro-sociality in European societies", Mannheim, 13. bis 15. März 2024] mehr
