Outstanding thesis on young immigrants’ host country identification: Dr. Lars Leszczensky receives Bojanovsky Research Award
MZES Postdoc Fellow Dr. Lars Leszczensky has been granted this year's research award of the Prof. Dr. Anna und Prof. Dr. Jörg Jiri Bojanovsky Foundation. The foundation supports the empirical research of young scientists in the field of social, inter-individual, or cultural processes.
Sociologist Lars Leszczensky has received the award for his dissertation "Tell Me Who Your Friends Are? Disentangling the Interplay of Young Immigrants’ Host Country Identification and Their Friendships with Natives" which has also received this year's Lorenz-von-Stein Award for the best dissertation in the Mannheim social sciences (see press release (in German)).
The award ceremony for both awards took place at the annual celebration of the Mannheim School of Social Sciences.
(July 5, 2017)