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Der Mannheimer Kommunal-O-Mat zur Gemeinderatswahl 2019
Erstmals gab es zur Kommunalwahl 2019 einen Wahl-O-Maten der mit kommunalpolitische Themen bestückt und damit zu einem Kommunal-O-Maten wurde. » more
DGPuK Theory Award for Professor Hartmut Wessler
MZES project director Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wessler has received the Theory Award of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) for his book "Habermas and the Media". » more
Call for papers: special issue "Citizens, Media and Politics in Challenging Times" of the Journal of Public Deliberation
Please see PDF below for submission guidelines and all further information. The deadline for manuscripts to be considered for the special issue is July 31, 2019. » more
Growing up in Diverse Societies – The Integration of the Children of Immigrants in England, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden
The new book "Growing up in Diverse Societies" by Professor Frank Kalter and colleagues uses data from England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden to build a comprehensive image of ethnic minority » more
Buchvorstellung mit Professor Frank Kalter: “Growing up in Diverse Societies” – die Integration von Jugendlichen in England, Deutschland, den Niederlanden und Schweden
Das DeZIM-Institut lädt für den 17. Oktober 2018 um 18:00 Uhr zu folgender Veranstaltung in das Literaturforum des Brecht-Hauses ein: » more
Professor Thomas Winzen awarded Best Book Prize of the Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES)
The UACES 2018 prize for best book was awarded to Thomas Winzen, for his book "Constitutional preferences and parliamentary reform: Explaining national parliaments’ adaptation to European integrati » more
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Podiumsdiskussion am 11. September zu Hass und Häme in der politischen Debatte
Start der neuen Veranstaltungsreihe „Hass und Intoleranz in der offenen Gesellschaft“ » more
Professor Frauke Kreuter wins ASA Links Lecture Award
MZES project director Professor Frauke Kreuter is the most recent winner of the American Statistical Association Links Lecture Award. » more
Bojanovsky Research Award for Jing Shen, Ph.D.
MZES researcher Jing Shen has been granted this year's research award of the Prof. Dr. Anna und Prof. Dr. Jörg Jiri Bojanovsky Foundation. » more
Veranstaltungshinweis: Welche Integration, wie messen? DeZIM-AL#2 mit Gästen aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft
"Welche Integration, wie messen? » more