Project News
Please note that the MZES does not offer internships.
DFG funding for Professor Florian Keusch, Professor Frauke Kreuter and colleagues: integrating data donation in survey infrastructure
Florian Keusch, Frauke Kreuter, Mark Trappmann (University of Bamberg), and Valerie Hase (LMU Munich) have been granted funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the MZES project A2.220 » more DFG funding for Roni Lehrer’s research on the causes and consequences of prime ministerial change
MZES Fellow Dr. Roni Lehrer has been granted funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for his project B2.2022 “Causes and Consequences of Prime Ministerial Change“. » more DFG funding for Prof. Sabine Carey’s research on the public support for human rights
Prof. » more Funding for Dr. Alexander Wenz’ project on smartphone-based data collection
Dr. » more War in Ukraine: Professor Harald Schoen receives additional funding for research on European common defence and shared security
The Volkswagen Foundation has approved additional funding for Professor Harald Schoen’s and External Fellow Dr. Matthias Mader’s project B3.1839 “Fighting Together, Moving Apart? » more Federal funding for Prof. Richard Traunmüller’s research on discriminatory attitudes in the everyday life of authorities
Prof. » more DFG funding for Prof. Henning Hillmann, Dr. Philipp Brandt, and Jeremy Kuhnle's research on immigrants’ career changes in German organizations
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted funding for Prof. Henning Hillmann, Dr. Philipp Brandt, and Jeremy Kuhnle's project A3.1820 “Immigrants’ Career Changes in German Organizations”. » more DFG funding for Professor Herbert Bless and colleagues for research on financial inequalities and their consequences
The DFG has granted funding for the project A2.2016 “Objective and Subjectively Experienced Financial Inequalities in Income and Wealth and Their Consequences” by Professor Herbert Bless and collea » more Federal funding for Dr. Julian Bernauer’s research on drop-out and long-term studies
Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) hast granted funding for Dr. » more Professor Harald Schoen receives additional funding for research on European common defence and shared security in times of COVID-19
The Volkswagen Foundation has approved funding for Professor Harald Schoen’s additional component “European Common Defence and Shared Security in Times of COVID-19” to the project B3.1839. » more