Project News
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Follow-up funding for project "Referendum 'Stuttgart 21'"
The Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg has granted follow-up funding for Professor Dr. Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck's and Professor Dr. Thorsten Faas' project B1.11 "Referendum 'Stuttgart 21'". » more The Thyssen Foundation has granted funding for Professor Henning Hillmann's and Professor Christina Gathmann's research on immigrants' labour market integration
The Fritz Thyssen Foundation has granted funding for Professor Henning Hillmann's project A3.12 (in cooperation with Professor Christina Gathmann, University of Heidelberg), titled "Occupational Li » more DFG funding for Dr. Galina Zapryanova's research on Euroscepticism
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted funding for Dr. Galina Zapryanova's project B3.8 "Framing Europe: Eurosceptic Cues and Citizen Attitudes". » more Professor Beate Kohler receives funding for research on business associations
The Fritz Thyssen Foundation has granted funding for Professor Beate Kohler's project B3.15 "Coping with Change: The Re-Organisation of German Business Associations" until 2017. » more Follow-up funding for Professor Wessler's research on media events in the area of climate change
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted follow-up funding for Professor Hartmut Wessler's project B3.10 "Sustainable Media Events? » more Follow-up funding for research on adolescents’ social networks and their ethnic identifications
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted follow-up funding for Professor Frank Kalter's project A3.3 "Friendship and Identity in School". The project will be continued for three years. » more Long-term funding for the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES)
The DFG (German Research Foundation) has granted long-term funding for the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) until 2017. » more DFG funding for Professor Irena Kogan's and Tobias Roth's research on social networks
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted funding for Professor Irena Kogan's and Dr. Tobias Roth's project A2.3 "Social Networks and the Transition from Education to Work". » more DFG funding for Professor Wessler's research project on mediated contestation
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted funding for the first phase of Professor Hartmut Wessler's project B2.12 "Mediated Contestation in Comparative Perspective". » more DFG fundig for Dr. Thomas Däubler's project "The Personal(ized) Vote and Parliamentary Representation"
MZES Postdoc Fellow Dr. » more