Inclusion without Influence? NGOs in European Trade Policy.
Journal of Public Policy, 27, issue 1, pp. 79-101.
Dr. Andreas Dür
former staff member
+49-621-181-2842Research Interests
- International trade policies
- European external trade policy
- International and Comparative Political Economy
- Theories of European integration
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Dür, Andreas, and Dirk De Bièvre
The Question of Interest Group Influence.
Journal of Public Policy, 27, issue 1, pp. 1-12.
Dür, Andreas
Conflict Resolution in Transatlantic Economic Relations: What Can We Learn from the Early 1970s?.
Bologna Center Journal of International Affairs, 8, pp. 57-68.
Dür, Andreas, and Dirk De Bièvre
Constituency Interests and Delegation in European and American Trade Policy.
Comparative Political Studies, 38, issue 10, pp. 1271-1296.
Book Chapters
Dür, Andreas, and Dirk De Bièvre
The Question of Interest Group Influence.
Pp. 26-43 in:
Beate Kohler-Koch, Dirk De Bièvre, William A. Maloney
Opening EU-Governance to Civil Society - Gains and Challenges.
Dür, Andreas
Discriminating among Rival Explanations: Some Tools for Small-n Researchers.
Pp. 183-200 in:
Thomas Gschwend, Frank Schimmelfennig
Research Design in Political Science. How to Practice What They Preach.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Dür, Andreas
Einige Anregungen zur Auswahl zwischen konkurrierenden Erklärungsansätzen in Y-zentrierter Forschung.
Pp. 281-302 in:
Thomas Gschwend, Frank Schimmelfennig
Forschungsdesign in der Politikwissenschaft. Probleme - Strategien - Anwendungen.
Campus Verlag.
MZES Working Papers
De Bièvre, Dirk, and Andreas Dür
Delegation and Control in European and American Trade Policy.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 82]
Dür, Andreas
Protecting Exporters: Discrimination and Transatlantic Trade Liberalization, 1932-2003.
European University Institute.
Papers / Reports
De Bièvre, Dirk, and Andreas Dür
Delegation and Agency Control in European and American Trade Policy.
Dür, Andreas
Avoiding Deadlock: Veto Players and the Offsetting Effects of Institutions in European Trade Policy.
Dür, Andreas
Theorizing the Contagious Effects of Regionalism: European Integration and Transatlantic Trade Relations, 1957-1963.
[EUI Working Papers, Political and Social Sciences Department]
Conference Presentations
De Bièvre, Dirk, and Andreas Dür
Inclusion without Influence? Civil Society Involvement in European Trade Policy and Introduction: Interest Group Influence in European Policy Making.
[Workshop on the influence of interest groups in European Policy Making, Vienna, June 09th, 2006]
De Bièvre, Dirk, and Andreas Dür
The EU's Pursuit of Non-trade goals in the WTO.
[Eighth Workshop of the European RTN Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance, Universiteit Maastricht, September 29th to September 30th, 2005]
Dür, Andreas
Interest Group Power in the EU: Access, Influence and Resources.
[The State of the Art in EU Interest Representation, Leiden, April 14th to April 16th, 2005]
Dür, Andreas
Liberalising European Trade in the 1960s and After: Collusion, Market Size or Bargaining Power?.
[Seventh Workshop of the European Research Training Network: 'Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance', Prague, May 16th to May 19th, 2005]
Dür, Andreas
Liberalising European Trade in the 1960s and After: Collusion, Market Size or Bargaining Power?.
[Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, September 01st to September 04th, 2005]
Dür, Andreas
Liberalising European Trade in the 1960s and After: Collusion, Market Size or Bargaining Power?.
[Third ECPR Conference, Budapest, September 08th to September 10th, 2005]
De Bièvre, Dirk, and Andreas Dür
Delegation and Agency Control in European and American Trade Policy.
[European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Joint Sessions of Workshops, Uppsala, April 13th to April 18th, 2004]
De Bièvre, Dirk, and Andreas Dür
Delegation and Agency Control in European and American Trade Policy.
[4th Workshop of the European Research Training Network (RTN) Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance, Technische Universität München, February 29th to March 05th, 2004]
Dür, Andreas
Assessing Bargaining Efficiency: A Comparison of the IGCs of 2000 and of 2003-04.
[ECSA Denmark Annual Conference, Odense, September 24th to September 25th, 2004]
Dür, Andreas
Avoiding Deadlock: Veto Players and Offsetting Effects.
[5th Workshop of the European Research Training Network (RTN) Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance, University of Westminster, June 07th to June 11th, 2004]
Dür, Andreas
Avoiding Deadlock: Veto Players and the Offsetting Effects of Institutions in European Trade Policy.
[6th Workshop of the European Research Training Network (RTN) Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance, Odense, September 20th to September 23rd, 2004]