Equipping the Offline Population with Internet Access in an Online Panel. Does It Make a Difference?.
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 12, issue 1, pp. 80–93.
Dr. Carina Cornesse

Project director
carina.cornesse [at] uni-mannheim.de
+49-621-181-2842Postal Address
University of Mannheim
SFB 884
Visiting Address
University of Mannheim, SFB 884
B 6, 30-32
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Jäckle, Annette, Carina Cornesse, Alexander Wenz and Mick P. Couper
Measuring expenditure with a mobile app: Do probability-based and nonprobability panels differ?.
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 12, issue 5, pp. 1224-1253.
Cornesse, Carina, Annelies G. Blom, Marie-Lou Sohnius, Marisabel Gonzalez Ocanto, Tobias Rettig and Marina Ungefucht
Experimental Evidence on Panel Conditioning Effects when Increasing the Surveying Frequency in a Probability-Based Online Panel.
Survey Research Methods, 17, issue 3, pp. 323-339.
Cornesse, Carina, and Annelies G. Blom
Response Quality in Nonprobability and Probability-based Online Panels.
Sociological Methods & Research, 52, issue 2, pp. 879–908.
Cornesse, Carina, Ulrich Krieger, Marie-Lou Sohnius, Marina Fikel, Sabine Friedel, Tobias Rettig, Alexander Wenz, Sebastian Juhl, Roni Lehrer, Katja Möhring, Elias Naumann, Maximiliane Reifenscheid and Annelies G. Blom
From German Internet Panel to Mannheim Corona Study: Adaptable probability-based online panel infrastructures during the pandemic.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, Statistics in Society, 185, issue 3, pp. 773-797.
Cornesse, Carina, Marisabel Gonzalez Ocanto, Marina Fikel, Sabine Friedel, Ulrich Krieger, Tobias Rettig and Annelies G. Blom
Measurement Instruments for Fast and Frequent Data Collection During the Early Phase of COVID-19 in Germany: Reflections on the Mannheim Corona Study.
Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences, 4, (article no. 2), pp. 1-7.
Cornesse, Carina, Barbara Felderer, Marina Fikel, Ulrich Krieger and Annelies G. Blom
Recruiting a Probability-Based Online Panel via Postal Mail: Experimental Evidence.
Social Science Computer Review, 40, issue 5, pp. 1259-1284.
Blom, Annelies G., Alexander Wenz, Carina Cornesse, Tobias Rettig, Marina Fikel, Sabine Friedel, Katja Möhring, Elias Naumann, Maximiliane Reifenscheid and Ulrich Krieger
Barriers to the Large-Scale Adoption of the COVID-19 Contact-Tracing App in Germany: Survey Study.
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23, issue 3, (article no. e23362).
Cornesse, Carina, and Ines Schaurer
The Long-Term Impact of Different Offline Population Inclusion Strategies in Probability-Based Online Panels: Evidence From the German Internet Panel and the GESIS Panel.
Social Science Computer Review, 39, issue 4, pp. 687–704.
Höhne, Jan Karem, Carina Cornesse, Stephan Schlosser, Mick P. Couper and Annelies G. Blom
Looking up Answers to Political Knowledge Questions in Web Surveys.
Public Opinion Quarterly, 84, issue 4, pp. 986–999.
Mata, Jutta, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Katja Möhring, Ulrich Krieger, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel, Carina Cornesse, Annelies G. Blom and Elias Naumann
Health behaviors and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal population-based survey in Germany.
Social Science & Medicine, 287, issue October 2021, (article no. 114333).
Möhring, Katja, Elias Naumann, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Ulrich Krieger, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel, Carina Cornesse and Annelies G. Blom
The COVID-19 pandemic and subjective well-being: longitudinal evidence on satisfaction with work and family.
European Societies, 23, issue suppl. 1, pp. S601-S617.
Blom, Annelies G., Carina Cornesse, Sabine Friedel, Ulrich Krieger, Marina Fikel, Tobias Rettig, Alexander Wenz, Sebastian Juhl, Roni Lehrer, Katja Möhring, Elias Naumann and Maximiliane Reifenscheid
High-Frequency and High-Quality Survey Data Collection: The Mannheim Corona Study.
Survey Research Methods, 14, issue 2, pp. 171-178.
Blom, Annelies G., Carina Cornesse, Joseph W. Sakshaug and Alexander Wenz
Recent advances in probability-based and nonprobability survey research.
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 8, issue 1, pp. 2-3.
Cornesse, Carina, Annelies G. Blom, David Dutwin, Jon A. Krosnick, Edith de Leeuw, Stéphane Legleye, Josh Pasek, Darren Pennay, Benjamin Phillips, Joseph W. Sakshaug, Bella Struminskaya and Alexander Wenz
A Review of Conceptual Approaches and Empirical Evidence on Probability and Nonprobability Sample Survey Research.
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 8, issue 1, pp. 4-36.
Cornesse, Carina
The Utility of Auxiliary Data for Survey Response Modeling: Evidence from the German Internet Panel.
Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF), Special issue: ‘Fieldword Monitoring Strategies for Interviewer-Administered Surveys’, (e-only).
Naumann, Elias, Katja Möhring, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel, Carina Cornesse and Annelies G. Blom
COVID‐19 Policies in Germany and their Social, Political, and Psychological Consequences.
European Policy Analysis, 6, issue 2, pp. 191-202.
Blom, Annelies G., Jessica M. E. Herzing, Carina Cornesse, Joseph W. Sakshaug, Ulrich Krieger and Dayana Bossert
Does the Recruitment of Offline Households Increase the Sample Representativeness of Probability-Based Online Panels? Evidence from the German Internet Panel.
Social Science Computer Review, 35, issue 4, pp. 498-520.
Cornesse, Carina, and Annelies G. Blom
Book Review: Online Panel Research. A Data Quality Perspective.
Journal of Official Statistics, 31, issue 4, pp. 809-812.
Book Chapters
Juhl, Sebastian, Roni Lehrer, Annelies G. Blom, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Ulrich Krieger, Marina Fikel, Carina Cornesse, Elias Naumann, Katja Möhring and Maximiliane Reifenscheid
Preferences for centralized decision-making in times of crisis: the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany.
Pp. 1–27 in:
Jan Sauermann, Markus Tepe, Marc Debus
Jahrbuch für Handlungs-und Entscheidungstheorie: Band 12.
Springer VS.
Papers / Reports
Jäckle, Annette, Carina Cornesse, Alexander Wenz and Mick P. Couper
Measuring expenditure with a mobile app: Do probability-based and nonprobability panels differ?.
[Understanding Society Working Paper; 2024-09]
Blom, Annelies G., Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Elias Naumann, Katja Möhring, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel and Carina Cornesse
Die Mannheimer Corona-Studie: Das Leben in Deutschland im Ausnahmezustand; Bericht zur Lage vom 20. März bis 29. April 2020.
Blom, Annelies G., Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Elias Naumann, Katja Möhring, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel, Carina Cornesse and Julian Axenfeld
Die Mannheimer Corona-Studie: Das Leben in Deutschland im Ausnahmezustand; Bericht zur Lage vom 20. März bis 31. März 2020.
Blom, Annelies G., Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Elias Naumann, Katja Möhring, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel and Carina Cornesse
The Mannheim Corona Study: Life in Germany in a State of Emergency; Report for March 20 to July 09, 2020.
Blom, Annelies G., Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Elias Naumann, Katja Möhring, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel and Carina Cornesse
The Mannheim Corona Study: Life in Germany in a State of Emergency; Report for March 20 to June 30, 2020.
Blom, Annelies G., Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Elias Naumann, Katja Möhring, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel and Carina Cornesse
The Mannheim Corona Study: Life in Germany in a State of Emergency; Report for March 20 to May 28, 2020.
Juhl, Sebastian, Roni Lehrer, Annelies G. Blom, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Elias Naumann, Katja Möhring, Ulrich Krieger, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel and Carina Cornesse
Die Mannheimer Corona-Studie: Demokratische Kontrolle in der Corona-Krise.
Juhl, Sebastian, Roni Lehrer, Annelies G. Blom, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Elias Naumann, Katja Möhring, Ulrich Krieger, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel and Carina Cornesse
Die Mannheimer Corona-Studie: Gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz politischer Maßnahmen und befürchtete Konsequenzen für die Wirtschaft.
Lehrer, Roni, Sebastian Juhl, Annelies G. Blom, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Elias Naumann, Katja Möhring, Ulrich Krieger, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel and Carina Cornesse
Die Mannheimer Corona-Studie: Die vier Phasen des Social Distancing in Deutschland.
Möhring, Katja, Elias Naumann, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Annelies G. Blom, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel and Carina Cornesse
Die Mannheimer Corona-Studie: Schwerpunktbericht zu Erwerbstätigkeit und Kinderbetreuung.
Möhring, Katja, Friederich Heinemann, Elias Naumann, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Annelies G. Blom, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel and Carina Cornesse
Die Mannheimer Corona-Studie: Schwerpunktbericht zum subjektiven Arbeitslosigkeitsrisiko der Beschäftigten in Deutschland.
Möhring, Katja, Elias Naumann, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Annelies G. Blom, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel and Carina Cornesse
Die Mannheimer Corona-Studie: Schwerpunktbericht zur Erwerbstätigkeit in Deutschland 20.3.-15.4.2020.
Möhring, Katja, Elias Naumann, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Andreas P. Weiland, Annelies G. Blom, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel and Carina Cornesse
Die Mannheimer Corona-Studie: Schwerpunktbericht zur Nutzung und Akzeptanz von Homeoffice in Deutschland während des Corona-Lockdowns.
Naumann, Elias, Jutta Mata, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Katja Möhring, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel, Carina Cornesse and Annelies G. Blom
Die Mannheimer Corona-Studie: Schwerpunktbericht zum Angstempfinden in der Bevölkerung; Untersuchungszeitraum 20. März bis 16. April 2020.
Web Publications
Möhring, Katja, Elias Naumann, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Annelies G. Blom, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Roni Lehrer, Sebastian Juhl, Ulrich Krieger, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel and Carina Cornesse
Inequality in employment during the Corona lockdown: Evidence from Germany,
JESP European Social Policy Blog, 2020 more