Parteienwettbewerb in den deutschen Bundesländern.
2., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage,
Springer VS.
Prof. Dr. Christian Stecker
Project Director
Christian.Stecker [at] mzes.uni-mannheim.de
B2 Contexts for Democratic Governance: Political Institutions
B3 Democratic Multilevel Governance and Europeanization
Däubler, Thomas, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Democratic Representation in Multi-level Systems : the Vices and Virtues of Regionalisation.
[West European Politics Series]
Däubler, Thomas, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Regionalisation – virtue or vice? Assessing democratic representation in multi-level democracies.
[West European Politics, Vol. 41, Issue 3 ]
Ganghof, Steffen, Christoph Hönnige and Christian Stecker
Parlamente, Agendasetzung und Vetospieler. Festschrift für Herbert Döring.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Journal Articles
Gross, Martin, Jochen Müller, Christian Stecker and Marc Debus
(In Press):
Navigating complexity: exploring the changing dynamics of coalition avoidance in Germany, 1946-2023.
Regional and Federal Studies, (publ. online before print).
Debus, Marc, Noam Himmelrath and Christian Stecker
How a history of migration affects individuals’ political attitudes.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50, issue 8, pp. 1886-1903.
Jankowski, Michael, Anna-Sophie Kurella, Christian Stecker, Andreas Blätte, Thomas Bräuninger, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller and Susanne Pickel
Die Positionen der Parteien zur Bundestagswahl 2021: Ergebnisse des Open Expert Surveys.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift/German Political Science Quarterly, 63, pp. 53-72.
Paasch, Jana, and Christian Stecker
When Europe hits the subnational authorities: the transposition of EU directives in Germany between 1990 and 2018.
Journal of Public Policy, 41, issue 4, pp. 798 - 817.
Stecker, Christian
Wie Koalitionsdisziplin den parlamentarischen Mehrheitswillen blockieren kann.
GWP – Gesellschaft. Wirtschaft. Politik, 69, issue 1, pp. 71-77.
Bräuninger, Thomas, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Party Competition and Government Formation in Germany: Business as Usual or New Patterns?.
German Politics, 28, issue 1, pp. 80-100.
Kortmann, Matthias, Christian Stecker and Tobias Weiß
Filling a Representation Gap? How Populist and Mainstream Parties Address Muslim Immigration and the Role of Islam.
Representation: Journal of Representative Democracy, 55, issue 4, pp. 435-456.
Kortmann, Matthias, and Christian Stecker
Party competition and immigration and integration policies: a comparative analysis.
Comparative European Politics, 17, issue 1, pp. 72-91.
Stecker, Christian, and Marc Debus
Refugees Welcome? Zum Einfluss der Flüchtlingsunterbringung auf den Wahlerfolg der AfD bei der Bundestagswahl 2017 in Bayern.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift/German Political Science Quarterly, 60, issue 2, pp. 299-323.
Willumsen, David M., Christian Stecker and Klaus H. Goetz
Do electoral district size and diversity affect legislative behaviour?.
Australian Journal of Political Science, 54, issue 1, pp. 37-64.
Däubler, Thomas, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Assessing democratic representation in multi‐level democracies.
West European Politics, 41, issue 3, pp. 541-564.
Schröder, Valentin, and Christian Stecker
The Temporal Dimension of Issue Competition.
Party Politics, 24, issue 6, pp. 708–718.
Willumsen, David M., Christian Stecker and Klaus H. Goetz
The electoral connection in staggered parliaments: Evidence from Australia, France, Germany and Japan.
European Journal of Political Research, 57, issue 3, pp. 759-780.
Bräuninger, Thomas, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Modeling Preferences Using Roll Call Votes in Parliamentary Systems.
Political Analysis, 24, issue 2, pp. 189-210.
Stecker, Christian, and Markus Tausendpfund
Multidimensional government-citizen congruence and satisfaction with democracy.
European Journal of Political Research, 55, issue 3, pp. 492-511.
Stecker, Christian
The effects of federalism reform on the legislative process in Germany.
Regional and Federal Studies, 26, issue 5, pp. 604-624.
Stecker, Christian
How effects on party unity vary across votes.
Party Politics, 21, issue 5, pp. 791-802.
Stecker, Christian
Parties on the Chain of Federalism: Position-Taking and Multi-Level Party Competition in Germany.
West European Politics, 38, issue 6, pp. 1305-1326.
Müller, Jochen, and Christian Stecker
Zur Aussagekraft von Idealpunktschätzungen in parlamentarischen Systemen. Eine Analyse potentieller Auswahlverzerrungen.
Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, 8, pp. 85-111.
Delius, Martin, Michael Koß and Christian Stecker
„Ich erkenne also Fraktionsdisziplin grundsätzlich auch an...“ – Innerfraktioneller Dissens in der SPD-Fraktion der Großen Koalition 2005-2009.
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 44, issue 3, pp. 546-566.
Ganghof, Steffen, Christian Stecker, Sebastian Eppner and Katja Heeß
Flexible und inklusive Mehrheiten? Eine Analyse der Gesetzgebung der Minderheitsregierung in NRW.
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 43, issue 4, pp. 887-900.
Harle, Isabella, and Christian Stecker
Die Initiativtätigkeit des Bundesrates im Lichte der Parteipolitisierungshypothese.
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 42, issue 2, pp. 325-334.
Stecker, Christian
Bedingungsfaktoren der Fraktionsgeschlossenheit. Eine vergleichende Analyse der deutschen Länderparlamente.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 52, issue 3, pp. 424-447.
Stecker, Christian
Namentliche Abstimmungen als Währung individueller Verantwortlichkeit? Eine vergleichende Analyse der deutschen Länderparlamente.
Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 5, issue 2, pp. 303-328.
Stecker, Christian
Causes of Roll Call Vote supply.
Journal of Legislative Studies, 16, issue 4, pp. 438-459.
Stecker, Christian
The Land Election in Brandenburg 2009.
German Politics, 19, issue 2, pp. 254-261.
Zubek, Radoslaw, and Christian Stecker
Legislatures and Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from East Central Europe.
Journal of Public Policy, 30, issue 1, pp. 63-80.
Miller, Bernhard, and Christian Stecker
Consensus by Default? Interaction of Government and Opposition parties in the committees of the German Bundestag..
German Politics, 17, issue 3, pp. 305-322.
Book Chapters
Bräuninger, Thomas, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Die programmatischen Positionen der deutschen Parteien zur Bundestagswahl 2017: Ergebnisse einer Expertenbefragung.
Pp. 93-113 in:
Marc Debus, Markus Tepe, Jan Sauermann
Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie Band 11.
Springer VS.
Stecker, Christian
Germany. Heated debates but cooperative behaviour.
Pp. 35-52 in:
Elisabetta De Giorgi, Gabriella Ilonszki
Opposition parties in European legislatures. Conflict or consensus?.
Stecker, Christian
Parteien und Fraktionsgeschlossenheit auf der kommunalen Ebene.
Pp. 323-348 in:
Markus Tausendpfund, Angelika Vetter
Politische Einstellungen von Kommunalpolitikern im Vergleich.
Springer VS.
Ganghof, Steffen, and Christian Stecker
Investiture Rules in Germany: Stacking the Deck against Minority Governments.
Pp. 67-85 in:
Bjorn Erik Rasch, Shane Martin, José Antonio Cheibub
Parliaments and Government Formation: Unpacking Investiture Rules.
Oxford University Press.
Stecker, Christian, and Klaus H. Goetz
Government at the Centre.
Pp. 16-34 in:
Stephen Padgett, William E. Paterson, Reimut Zohlnhöfer
Developments in German Politics.
Houndmills, Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Ganghof, Steffen, and Christian Stecker
Das institutionelle Design parlamentarischer Demokratien: Zum Zusammenspiel von Wahl- und Gesetzgebungssystemen.
Pp. 217-236 in:
Steffen Ganghof, Christoph Hönnige, Christian Stecker
Parlamente, Agendasetzung und Vetospieler. Festschrift für Herbert Döring.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Web Publications
Debus, Marc, Julius Kölzer and Christian Stecker
Rekorde im Westen – welche Faktoren erklären die Zugewinne der AfD in Hessen und Bayern?,
DVPW-Blog more
Conference Presentations
Debus, Marc, Noam Himmelrath and Christian Stecker
How a history of migration affects citizens’ political attitudes.
[29th International Conference of Europeanists, Reykjavik, June 27th to June 29th, 2023]
Blätte, Andreas, Marcel Lewandowsky, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Amusement, laughter and applause: Alternative sources for ideal point estimation?.
[77th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, April 04th to April 07th, 2019]
Blätte, Andreas, Marina König, Marcel Lewandowsky, Jochen Müller, Christian Stecker and Tobias Weiß
Nach Köln…“ – Die Flüchtlingskrise, die Kölner Silvesterereignisse und der parlamentarische Diskurs.
[Workshop: The Established Populists. The implications of the AfD’s success, MZES, Mannheim, May 24th, 2019]
Blätte, Andreas, Marcel Lewandowsky, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Policing, Muslims and Populism Parliamentary Discourse in Germany during the European Migrant Crisis.
[77th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, April 04th to April 07th, 2019]
Paasch, Jana, and Christian Stecker
Better late than never? EU Implementation beyond the National Level – An Analysis of the Sixteen German Regional Parliaments between 1990 and 2018.
[ECPR General Conference, Wrocław, September 04th to September 07th, 2019]
Paasch, Jana, and Christian Stecker
Better late than never? EU Implementation beyond the National Level – An Analysis of the Sixteen German Regional Parliaments between 1990 and 2018.
[Annual DSE-ECSA Conference 2019: Europe and the Rule of Law, Aarhus, October 03rd to October 04th, 2019]
Paasch, Jana, and Christian Stecker
EU Implementation beyond the National Level – An Analysis of the Sixteen German Regional Parliaments between 1990 and 2018.
[5th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Leiden, June 27th to June 29th, 2019]
Schnaudt, Christian, and Christian Stecker
Immigration and integration as ‘flash issues’: How the refugee crisis has altered electoral behavior in Europe.
[9th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Belfast, June 20th to June 22nd, 2019]
Schnaudt, Christian, and Christian Stecker
Immigration and integration as ‘flash issues’: How the refugee crisis has altered electoral behavior in Europe.
[4th International ESS Conference “Turbulent times in Europe: Instability, insecurity and inequality", MZES, Mannheim, April 15th to April 17th, 2019]
Bräuninger, Thomas, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Business as usual? Party competition and government formation in Germany following the refugee crisis.
[Jahrestagung des DVPW Arbeitskreises Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, Oldenburg, May 31st to June 01st, 2018]
Bräuninger, Thomas, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Jamaica, minority government or grand coalition? Government formation after the Bundestagwahl 2017.
[44th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of German Politics (IASGP), GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne, May 29th to May 30th, 2018]
Bräuninger, Thomas, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Party Competition and Government Formation in Germany: Business as Usual or New Patterns?.
[27. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Frankfurt am Main, September 25th to September 28th, 2018]
Kortmann, Matthias, Christian Stecker and Tobias Weiß
Politicizing Islam: How Populism Changes the Relevance of Islam in Electoral Manifestos.
[Workshop ‘Minding the Gap? The Populist Surge and its Consequences for Representation’, WZB, Berlin, June 07th to June 08th, 2018]
Paasch, Jana, Christian Stecker and Jale Tosun
Party Competition and Implementation of European Law in the Multi-level Polity of Germany.
[ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, August 22nd to August 25th, 2018]
Stecker, Christian, and Marc Debus
Refugees Welcome? The presence of refugees and the electoral success of the right-wing populist AfD in Germany.
[8th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, June 21st to June 23rd, 2018]
Debus, Marc, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Group-serving bias and confirmation bias von Wählern im Spiegel der Politbarometerdaten.
[Wählerverhalten und Parteiensystem im Wandel - 40 Jahre Politbarometer. Symposium anlässlich des 40-jährigen Bestehens des Politbarometers, Universität Mannheim, November 23rd, 2017]
Paasch, Jana, and Christian Stecker
Better late than never? – The transposition of EU directives in the German regional parliaments between 1990 and 2016.
[4th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Basel, June 29th to July 01st, 2017]
Kortmann, Matthias, and Christian Stecker
Party Competition and Policies of Immigrant Integration in Germany.
[ECPR General Conference, Prague, September 07th to September 10th, 2016]
Paasch, Jana, and Christian Stecker
Backbenchers to the Front? Parliamentary Questions in National Parliaments as a Communicative Instrument in EU Affairs.
[3rd General Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Munich, June 30th to July 02nd, 2016]
Popa, Sebastian Adrian, Jan Rosset and Christian Stecker
What favors the congruence between citizens and their governments? Multi-dimensional ideological congruence and party systems.
[ECPR General Conference, Charles University, Prague, September 07th to September 10th, 2016]
Popa, Sebastian Adrian, Jan Rosset and Christian Stecker
What favors the congruence between citizens and their governments? Multidimensional ideological congruence and party systems.
[6th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Brussels, June 23rd to June 25th, 2016]
Rosset, Jan, and Christian Stecker
Policy Congruence in Europe: A Multidimensional Approach.
[Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, Universität Basel, January 21st to January 22nd, 2016]
Rosset, Jan, and Christian Stecker
Policy Congruence in Europe: A Multidimensional Approach.
[ECPR General Conference, Charles University, Prague, September 07th to September 10th, 2016]
Stecker, Christian
Parteimitgliedschaft und Parteipolitisierung der kommunalen Ebene.
[Workshop "Politische Orientierungen von Kommunalpolitikern im Vergleich", Stuttgart, February 26th, 2016]
Stecker, Christian
Stoßen Mehrheitskoalitionen auf Länderebene an ihre Grenzen und welche Alternativen gäbe es?.
[Tagung der DVPW-Sektion „Regierungssystem und Regieren in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland“, Schwäbisch Gmünd, November 18th to November 19th, 2016]
Willumsen, David M., Christian Stecker and Klaus H. Goetz
When to review, when to oppose? Bicameralism and legitimacy in the Australian Senate.
[ECPR General Conference, Charles University, Prague, September 07th to September 10th, 2016]
Kortmann, Matthias, and Christian Stecker
Party Competition and Policies of Immigrant Integration in Germany.
[5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, June 25th to June 27th, 2015]
Müller, Jochen, and Christian Stecker
Disentangling parties' policy shifts: "Law and Order" in European Manifestos.
[26. wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, September 21st to September 25th, 2015]
Schröder, Valentin, and Christian Stecker
Was wirklich zählt: Namentliche Abstimmungen als Kommunikationsmittel von Koalitionsparteien.
[26. wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, September 21st to September 25th, 2015]
Stecker, Christian
Caught in the Core – How majority coalitions prevent median policies.
[65th Political Studies Association Annual International Conference, Sheffield, March 30th to April 01st, 2015]
Stecker, Christian
Less conflict in times of crisis? Government-Opposition Dynamics in Germany.
[22nd International Conference of Europeanists, Sciences Po, Paris, July 08th to July 10th, 2015]
Stecker, Christian, and Markus Tausendpfund
Multi-dimensional government-citizen congruence and satisfaction with democracy.
[5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, June 25th to June 27th, 2015]
Goetz, Klaus H., Christian Stecker and David M. Willumsen
Heterotemporal Parliamentarism: Does staggered membership renewal matter?.
[ECPR Joint Sessions, Universidad de Salamanca, April 10th to April 15th, 2014]
Bräuninger, Thomas, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Strategic voting in roll calls. Pitfalls of ideal point estimation in parliamentary systems.
[71st Annual Conference - Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 11th to April 14th, 2013]
Bräuninger, Thomas, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker
Strategic voting in roll calls. Pitfalls of ideal point estimation in parliamentary systems.
[3rd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Barcelona, June 20th to June 22nd, 2013]
Müller, Jochen, and Christian Stecker
Dimensionality and legislative voting. Evidence from the German Länder.
[4th ECPR Graduate Conference, Bremen, July 04th to July 06th, 2012]
Müller, Jochen, and Christian Stecker
Political Dimensionality in the German state parliaments.
[Dreiländertagung von SVPW, DVPW und ÖGPW, Basel, January 13th to January 14th, 2011]