Challenging the Global Cultural Conflict Narrative: An Automated Content Analysis on How Perpetrator Identity Shapes Worldwide News Coverage of Islamist and Right-Wing Terror Attacks.
International Journal of Press-Politics, 29, issue 4, pp. 1064-1089.
Dr. Chung-hong Chan
External Fellow and Project Director
chung-hong.chan [at] gesis.org
A3 Focus Groups of Societal Integration: Migration and Ethnic Minorities
B1 Conditions of Democratic Governance: Behaviour and Orientations of Citizens
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Chan, Chung-hong, Rainer Freudenthaler and Philipp Müller
Developing a synthetic news corpus to validate generic frame detection methods.
SCM Studies in Communication and Media, 13, issue 1, pp. 101-124.
Jakob, Julia, Chung-hong Chan, Timo Dobbrick and Hartmut Wessler
Discourse integration in positional online news reader comments: Patterns of responsiveness across types of democracy, digital platforms, and perspective camps.
New Media & Society, 26, issue 11, pp. 6796-6814.
Müller, Philipp, Chung-hong Chan, Katharina Ludwig, Rainer Freudenthaler and Hartmut Wessler
Differential Racism in the News: Using Semi-Supervised Machine Learning to Distinguish Explicit and Implicit Stigmatization of Ethnic and Religious Groups in Journalistic Discourse.
Political Communication, 40, issue 4, pp. 396-414.
Chan, Chung-hong
sweater: Speedy Word Embedding Association Test and Extras Using R.
Journal of Open Source Software, 7, issue 72, (article no. 4036), pp. 1-8.
Chan, Chung-hong, and Christiane Grill
The Highs in Communication Research: Research Topics With High Supply, High Popularity, and High Prestige in High-Impact Journals.
Communication Research, 49, issue 5, pp. 599–626.
Dobbrick, Timo, Julia Jakob, Chung-hong Chan and Hartmut Wessler
Enhancing Theory-Informed Dictionary Approaches with “Glass-box” Machine Learning: The Case of Integrative Complexity in Social Media Comments.
Communication Methods and Measures, 16, issue 4, pp. 303-320.
Welbers, Kasper, Wouter van Atteveldt, Joe Bajjalieh, Dan Shalmon, Pradnyesh Joshi, Scott Althaus, Chung-hong Chan, Hartmut Wessler and Marc Jungblut
Linking event archives to news: a computational method for analyzing the gatekeeping process.
Communication Methods and Measures, 16, issue 1, pp. 59-78.
Wessler, Hartmut, Scott Althaus, Chung-hong Chan, Marc Jungblut, Kasper Welbers and Wouter van Atteveldt
Multiperspectival Normative Assessment: The Case of Mediated Reactions to Terrorism.
Communication Theory, 32, issue 3, pp. 363–386.
Zeng, Jing, Chung-hong Chan and Mike S. Schäfer
Contested Chinese Dreams of AI? Public discourse about Artificial intelligence on WeChat and People’s Daily Online.
Information, Communication & Society, 25, issue 3, pp. 319-340.
Chan, Chung-hong, and Jing Zeng
A cross-national diagnosis of infodemics: comparing the topical and temporal features of misinformation around COVID-19 in China, India, the US, Germany and France.
Online Information Review, 45, issue 4, pp. 709-728.
Chan, Chung-hong, Joseph Bajjalieh, Loretta Auvil, Hartmut Wessler, Scott Althaus, Kasper Welbers, Wouter van Atteveldt and Marc Jungblut
Four best practices for measuring news sentiment using ‘off-the-shelf’ dictionaries: a large-scale p-hacking experiment.
Computational Communication Research, 3, issue 1, pp. 1-27.
Wozniak, Antal, Hartmut Wessler, Chung-hong Chan and Julia Lück
The Event-Centered Nature of Global Public Spheres: The UN Climate Change Conferences, Fridays for Future, and the (Limited) Transnationalization of Media Debates.
International Journal of Communication, 15, pp. 688–714.
Chan, Chung-hong, Hartmut Wessler, Eike Mark Rinke, Kasper Welbers, Wouter van Atteveldt and Scott Althaus
How Combining Terrorism, Muslim, and Refugee Topics Drives Emotional Tone in Online News: A Six-Country Cross-Cultural Sentiment Analysis.
International Journal of Communication, 14, pp. 3569–3594.
Chan, Chung-hong, and Marius Sältzer
oolong: An R package for validating automated content analysis tools.
Journal of Open Source Software, 5, issue 55, (article no. 2461).
Chan, Chung-hong, Jing Zeng, Hartmut Wessler, Marc Jungblut, Kasper Welbers, Joseph Bajjalieh, Wouter van Atteveldt and Scott Althaus
Reproducible Extraction of Cross-lingual Topics (rectr).
Communication Methods and Measures, 14, issue 4, pp. 285-305.
Chan, Chung-hong, Cassius Siu-lun Chow and King-Wa Fu
Echoslamming: how incivility interacts with cyberbalkanization on the social media in Hong Kong.
Asian Journal of Communication, 29, issue 4, pp. 307-327.
Chan, Chung-hong, Junior Yuner Zhu, Cassius Siu-lun Chow and King-Wa Fu
The intertwined cyberbalkanizations of Facebook pages and their audience: an analysis of Facebook pages and their audience during the 2014 Hong Kong Occupy Movement.
Journal of Computational Social Science, 2, issue 2, pp. 183–205.
Liang, Hai, Isaac Chun-Hai Fung, Zion Tsz Ho Tse, Jingjing Yin, Chung-hong Chan, Laura E. Pechta, Belinda J. Smith, Rossmary D. Marquez-Lameda, Martin I. Meltzer and King-Wa Fu
How did Ebola information spread on Twitter: broadcasting or viral spreading?.
BMC Public Health, 19, (Article number: 438 (2019)).
Chan, Chung-hong, and King-Wa Fu
The “Mutual Ignoring” Mechanism of Cyberbalkanization: Triangulating Big Data Analysis and Agent-Based Modeling.
Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 15, issue 4, pp. 378-387.
Fung, Isaac Chun-Hai, Jing Zeng, Chung-hong Chan, Hai Liang, Jingjing Yin, Zhaochong Liu, Zion Tsz Ho Tse and King-Wa Fu
Twitter and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, South Korea, 2015: a Multi-lingual Study.
Infection, Health and Disease, 23, issue 1, pp. 10-16.
Chan, Chung-hong, and King-Wa Fu
The Relationship Between Cyberbalkanization and Opinion Polarization: Time-Series Analysis on Facebook Pages and Opinion Polls During the Hong Kong Occupy Movement and the Associated Debate on Political Reform.
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 22, issue 5, pp. 266–283.
Zeng, Jing, Chung-hong Chan and King-Wa Fu
How Social Media Construct “Truth” Around Crisis Events: Weibo's Rumor Management Strategies After the 2015 Tianjin Blasts.
Policy & Internet, 9, issue 3, pp. 297–320.
Book Chapters
Ludwig, Katharina, Chung-hong Chan, Rainer Freudenthaler, Philipp Müller and Hartmut Wessler
Differenzieller Rassismus in den Nachrichten: Implizite und explizite Stigmatisierungen.
Pp. 113-130 in:
Christian Nürnbergk, Jörg Haßler, Jonas Schützeneder, Nina Schumacher
Politischer Journalismus: Konstellationen, Muster, Dynamiken.
Papers / Reports
Ludwig, Katharina, Philipp Müller, Rainer Freudenthaler, Chung-hong Chan and Hartmut Wessler
Implizite und explizite Stigmatisierung von ethnisch-gelesenen Gruppen in der deutschen Medienöffentlichkeit im Jahr 2022.
[MZES Fokus; 4]
Conference Presentations
Freudenthaler, Rainer, Philipp Müller, Katharina Ludwig and Chung-hong Chan
Mapping patterns of ethnic group coverage in German news media and social media to detect traces of racial prejudice and political alliance-building.
[21st IMISCOE Annual Conference, Lissabon, July 02nd to July 05th, 2024]
Freudenthaler, Rainer, Philipp Müller, Katharina Ludwig and Chung-hong Chan
Muster der Berichterstattung über ethnische Gruppen in deutschen Nachrichtenmedien und sozialen Medien.
[DeZIM-Tagung 2024, Mannheim, October 09th to October 11th, 2024]
Müller, Philipp, Rainer Freudenthaler, Katharina Ludwig and Chung-hong Chan
An experimental survey approach for the semantic validation of word embedding biases.
[74th Annual ICA Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, June 20th to June 24th, 2024]
Freudenthaler, Rainer, Chung-hong Chan, Katharina Ludwig, Philipp Müller and Hartmut Wessler
One language model fits all? On the challenges of adopting an automated measure of racialized group stigmatization for Tweets.
[73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, May 25th to May 29th, 2023]
Chan, Chung-hong
An R Package for Detecting Biases in Word Embeddings.
[72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Paris, May 26th to May 30th, 2022]
Chan, Chung-hong
Bayesian (Comparative) Journalism Studies.
[72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Paris, May 26th to May 30th, 2022]
Müller, Philipp, Chung-hong Chan, Katharina Ludwig, Rainer Freudenthaler and Hartmut Wessler
Differential Racism in the News: Using Semi-Supervised Machine Learning to Distinguish Explicit and Implicit Stigmatization of Ethnic and Religious Groups in Journalistic Coverage.
[72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Paris, May 26th to May 30th, 2022]
Müller, Philipp, Katharina Ludwig, Chung-hong Chan, Rainer Freudenthaler and Hartmut Wessler
Gruppenbezogener Rassismus im politischen Journalismus? Eine automatisierte Analyse expliziter und impliziter Stigmatisierungen ethnischer und religiöser Gruppen in der medialen Öffentlichkeit Deutschlands.
[Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppen "Journalistik/Journalismusforschung" und "Kommunikation und Politik", Trier, September 29th to September 30th, 2022]
Chan, Chung-hong, Adrian Rauchfleisch, Hartmut Wessler, Pilipp Müller and Katharina Ludwig
Estimation of differential implicit media bias.
[71st Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 27th to May 31st, 2021]
Chan, Chung-hong, Hartmut Wessler, Wouter van Atteveldt and Scott Althaus
Are Right-Wing Attackers Also Terrorists? An Automated Content Analysis on How Perpetrator Identity Shapes Worldwide English-Language News Coverage of Islamist and Right-Wing Attacks.
[70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 20th to May 26th, 2020]
Chan, Chung-hong, Jing Zeng, Hartmut Wessler, Marc Jungblut, Kasper Welbers, Joseph Bajjalieh, Wouter van Atteveldt and Scott Althaus
Reproducible Extraction of Cross-Lingual Topics Using R.
[70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 20th to May 26th, 2020]
Welbers, Kasper, Wouter van Atteveldt, Scott Althaus, Hartmut Wessler, Joseph Bajjalieh, Chung-hong Chan and Marc Jungblut
Media Portrayal of Terrorist Events: Using Computational Text Analysis to Link News Items to the Global Terrorism Database.
[70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 20th to May 26th, 2020]
Welbers, Kasper, Wouter van Atteveldt, Chung-hong Chan, Hartmut Wessler and Scott Althaus
Suspect by Association: Untangling Semantic Relations Between Muslim Communities and Terrorism in the News.
[70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 20th to May 26th, 2020]
Chan, Chung-hong, and Christiane Grill
Understanding Supply and Demand in Communication Research: A Computational Approach.
[69th Annual ICA Conference, Washington DC, May 24th to May 28th, 2019]
Chan, Chung-hong, Joseph Bajjalieh, L. Auvil, Hartmut Wessler, Scott Althaus, K. Welbers and W. van Atteveldt
Using ‘off-the-shelf’ sentiment dictionaries without revalidation: a p-hacking experiment.
[5th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), Amsterdam, July 17th to July 20th, 2019]
Yen, Chia-Yi, Mia Huai-Wen Chang and Chung-hong Chan
A Computational Analysis of the Dynamics of R Style Based on 94 Million Lines of Code from All CRAN Packages in the Past 20 Years.
[useR! 2019 conference, Toulouse, July 09th to July 12th, 2019]
Chan, Chung-hong, Yuner Zhu, Cassius Siu-lun Chow and King-Wa Fu
Building a dual-layer theory of cyberbalkanization: an analysis of Facebook pages and their audience during the 2014 Hong Kong Occupy Movement.
[68th Annual ICA Conference, Prague, May 24th to May 28th, 2018]
Chan, Chung-hong, Cassius Siu-lun Chow and King-Wa Fu
Echoslamming: how incivility interacts with cyberbalkanization on the social media.
[68th Annual ICA Conference, Prague, May 24th to May 28th, 2018]
Grill, Christiane, Anne Schäfer, Charlotte Löb and Chung-hong Chan
Citizens, Media and Politics in Challenging Times: Perspectives on the Deliberative Quality of Communication.
[The Deliberative Quality of Communication Conference 2018, MZES, Mannheim, November 08th to November 09th, 2018]
Wessler, Hartmut, and Chung-hong Chan
Using Text Analytics Methods to Provide New Insights for Research on Contentious Processes.
[Text Analytics Applications for Monitoring and Understanding Contentious Processes, Urbana, IL, January 31st to February 04th, 2018]