Ou Zhou Yi Ti Hua Shi [Chinese edition of “Histoire politique de l’intégration européenne” enlarged with documents on the history of European integration].
China Social Sciences Press.
Dr. Fabrice Larat

former staff member
+49-621-181-2842Research Interests
- Interactions between the different forms of European Integration
- Political discourses and the construction of reality
- Instrumentalisation of history for political means
RP7 B3 Democratic Multi-level Governance
RP6 B3 Democracy and Multi-Level Governance
RP6 BI Associated Projects
RP5 B5 International Embeddedness of European Governance
RP1-3 Department III: Social Dimensions and the Political System of the European Community
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Larat, Fabrice
Histoire de l'intégration européenne (1945-2002).
La documentation Francaise.
[Les Etudes des la Documentation Francaise]
Kohler-Koch, Beate, and Fabrice Larat
European Multi-Level Governance. Contrasting Images in National Research.
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA:
Edward Elgar.
Kohler-Koch, Beate, and Fabrice Larat
Efficient and Democratic Governance in the European Union.
[CONNEX Report Series; 9]
Journal Articles
Kohler-Koch, Beate, and Fabrice Larat
Forschen für Europa. Wie nutzenorientiert soll (und kann) EU-finanzierte Forschung in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften sein?.
Zeitschrift für Politikberatung, 3, issue 4, pp. 473-486.
Larat, Fabrice
"L' Europe et ses passés douloureux": compte rendu de lecture de l´ouvrage de Georges Mink et Laure Neumayer.
Politique européenne, issue 24, pp. 154-156.
Larat, Fabrice
Ein Leben für die Freiheit der Kultur. François Bondy und die Einheit Europas.
Osteuropa, 57, issue 7, pp. 91-103.
Larat, Fabrice
L'Europe à la recherche d'une figure tutélaire. L'instrumentalisation de la symbolique carolingienne comme tentative de fondation d'un projet politique.
Politique européenne, issue 18, pp. 49-67.
Larat, Fabrice
CONNEX - ein Exzellenznetzwerk zum "Regieren im europäischen Mehrebenensystem".
Integration, 28, issue 2, pp. 179-182.
Larat, Fabrice
Present-ing the Past: Political Narratives on European History and the Justification of EU Integration.
German Law Journal, 6, issue 2, pp. 273-290.
Larat, Fabrice
Le Regioni nel sistema di multilevel governance. Adattare e trasformare la governance e le sue sfide.
Le institutioni del federalismo, XXV, issue 1, pp. 89-110.
Larat, Fabrice
L’idée d’Europe après guerre chez les chrétiens issus de la résistance et de l’opposition au nazisme.
L’Europe en Formation, issue 2, pp. 43-74.
Larat, Fabrice
Wie funktioniert die europäische Integration? Vorschlag für einen analytischen Rahmen (dt. Titel eines Beitrags in chinesicher Sprache).
Chinese Journal of European Studies, 3, pp. 24-47.
Larat, Fabrice
Litauens verkannter Beitrag: Vilnius als Kulisse einer "éducation européenne".
Osteuropa, issue 9/10, pp. 1190-1195.
Larat, Fabrice, and Beate Kohler-Koch
La dissémination du modèle communautaire de gouvernance comme processus d'adoption et d'adaptation.
Politique européenne, issue 2, pp. 87-106.
Larat, Fabrice
Les Allemands, leur imaginaire politique et le Parlement européen.
Critique internationale, issue 5, pp. 30-37.
Larat, Fabrice
L'idea d'Europa e la resistenza al nazismo: la testimonianza della narrativa.
Storia e memoria, 6, issue 2, pp. 7-25.
Book Chapters
Kohler-Koch, Beate, and Fabrice Larat
Introduction: Research on EU Multi-Level Governance.
Pp. xix-xxviii in:
Beate Kohler-Koch, Fabrice Larat
European Multi-Level Governance. Contrasting Images in National Research.
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA:
Edward Elgar.
Kohler-Koch, Beate, and Fabrice Larat
Pp. 1-10 in:
Beate Kohler-Koch, Fabrice Larat
Efficient and Democratic Governance in the European Union.
Larat, Fabrice
Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit und Zivilisierung Europas. Kommentar zu Konrad Jarausch und Christian Joerges.
Pp. 48-59 in:
Christian Joerges, Matthias Mahlmann, Ulrich K. Preuß
"Schmerzliche Erfahrungen" der Vergangenheit und der Prozess der Konstitutionalisierung Europas.
Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Kohler-Koch, Beate, and Fabrice Larat
Taking Stock of the Wealth of EU Governance Research.
Pp. 173-177 in:
Olivier Costa, Isabelle Janin
Democracy, European Governance and Social Sciences. What's Wrong with Europe?.
Éditions de Condé.
Larat, Fabrice
L’Allemagne face aux défis de la mondialisation.
Pp. 167-183 in:
Claire Demesmay, Hans Stark
Qui sont les Allemands?.
Presses du Septentrion.
Larat, Fabrice
Vergegenwärtigung von Geschichte und Interpretation der Vergangenheit: Zur Legitimation der europäischen Integration.
Pp. 240-262 in:
Matthias Schöning, Stefan Seidendorf
Reichweiten der Verständigung. Intellektuellendiskurse zwischen Nation und Europa.
Universitätsverlag Winter.
Larat, Fabrice
Internationaler Schutz von Menschenrechten am Beispiel des Europarats (in russischer Sprache).
Pp. 177-231 in:
S. Pankofsky
Europäische Integration: aktueller Zustand und Perspektiven.
Europäische Universität für Geisteswissenschaften.
Larat, Fabrice
Internationaler Schutz von Menschenrechten am Beispiel des Europarats (russischer Originaltitel).
Pp. 177-231 in:
Europäische Integration: aktueller Zustand und Perspektiven (russischer Originaltitel).
Europäische Universität für Geisteswissenschaften.
Larat, Fabrice
Entre Bonn, Berlin et Bruxelles, l'opinion publique allemande face à l'Europe.
Pp. 121-142 in:
Bruno Cautrès, Dominique Reynié
Les opinions publiques face à l'Europe.
Presse de Science Po.
Larat, Fabrice
Instrumentalisierung des kollektiven Gedächtnisses und europäische Integration.
Pp. 187-201 in:
Frankreich Jahrbuch.
Leske + Budrich.
Larat, Fabrice
Instrumentalisierung des kollektiven Gedächtnisses und europäische Integration.
Pp. 187-201 in:
Frankreich Jahrbuch 2000 : Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Geschichte, Kultur.
Leske + Budrich.
Larat, Fabrice
L'Europe et ses grands hommes: le prix Chalemagne entre commémoration et distinction.
Pp. 263-278 in:
Andrée Bachoud, Josefina Cuesta, Michel Trebitsch
Les intellectuels et l'Europe de 1945 à nos jours.
Publications universitaires Denis-Diderot.
Larat, Fabrice
L'idea d'Europa tra cattolici provenienti dalla Resistenza e dall'opposizione al nazismo.
Pp. 387-411 in:
Alfredo Canavero, Jean-Dominique Durand
Il fattore religioso nell'integrazione europea.
Larat, Fabrice
Prägende Erfahrung: Regionale Reaktionen auf europäische Politik.
Pp. 153-181 in:
Beate Kohler-Koch
Interaktive Politik in Europa. Regionen im Netzwerk der Integration.
Leske + Budrich.
Larat, Fabrice, and Michèle Knodt
Styles de politique et échange politique territorialisé: l'exemple des régions francaises et allemandes.
Pp. 247-271 in:
Emmanuel Négrier, Bernard Jouve
Que gouvernent les régions d' europe? Échanges politiques et mobilisations régionales.
MZES Working Papers
Grote, Jürgen R., Michèle Knodt and Fabrice Larat
Convergence et variation de styles régionaux de politique dans le cadre des politiques communautaires.
[Arbeitsbereich III; 17]
Larat, Fabrice
Mehrebenensystem und Regionalentwicklung in Frankreich: Tendenzen und Hypothesen.
[Arbeitsbereich III; 19]
Conference Presentations
Larat, Fabrice
National feeling and EU integration: The challenge of heterogeneity and of civilizing our way to deal with history.
[Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, NECE conference, 'Citizenship Education Facing Nationalism and Populism in Europe', Sofia, November 06th to November 08th, 2008]
Larat, Fabrice
Opening the black box: Reflexions on the nature and function of research integration.
["How does research integration work?", Brussels, June 17th, 2008]
Larat, Fabrice
Round table "Gains and disadvantages of large research projects/ EU research policy and the experience of NEWGOV and CONNEX".
[CONNEX/NEWGOV Dissemination Conference "EU Governance: Are we on the right track?", European Commission, Brussels, April 10th, 2008]
Larat, Fabrice
Split collective memory in Europe after Eastern enlargement: a challenge for the EU?.
[Polish Academy of sciences, round table, Warsaw, October 29th, 2008]
Larat, Fabrice
An ever closer Union, Understanding the Process of Integration in Europe since 1945.
[European Model and its Impact on the World, Yunnan University, Kunming, September 18th to September 21st, 2007]
Larat, Fabrice
Building the European Research Arena: A Contribution to the Process of European Integration?.
[Politics in Europe. Interactions between domestic and supranational arenas, University of Sienna, May 23rd, 2007]
Larat, Fabrice
Citizenship Education and adressing the Culture of Memory in Western Europe.
[Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, NECE Workshop The Impacts of National Identities for European Integration as a Focus of Citizenship Education, Tallinn, September 08th to September 11th, 2007]
Larat, Fabrice
How to define European identity?.
[Workshop on European Identity, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, April 01st to April 04th, 2007]
Larat, Fabrice
Interkulturelles Forschungsmanagement 15.-16.06.2007 und 06.-07.07.2007.
[Fortbildungsseminar Interkulturelles Forschungsmanagement, Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, Karlsruhe, June 15th to June 16th, 2007]
Larat, Fabrice
Introduction into the history of European integration.
[Diplome des hautes études européennes et internationales (D.H.E.E.I.) - Filière trilingue, Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales, October 19th, 2007]
Larat, Fabrice
La France et l´Union Européenne.
[European Model and Its Impact on the World, Yunnan University, Kunming, September 18th to September 21st, 2007]
Larat, Fabrice
Das Management von EU-Forschungsprojekten: Eine Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und Verwaltung?.
[Kolloquium: Probleme und Ergebnisse der Wissenschaftsorganisation und des Wissenschaftsmanagement, Deutsche Hochschule für Verwaltung, Speyer, November 22nd, 2006]
Larat, Fabrice
Der Marshallplan Initiator der europäischen Einigung.
[Podiumsdiskussion, Europa-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, May 12th, 2006]
Larat, Fabrice
Europes Bitter Experience and the Constitutionalisation Process.
[Comment on Christian Joerges paper: Unitas in Pluralitate as a Constitutional Commitment: Towards a Horizontal Constitutionalism, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, October 20th to October 21st, 2006]
Larat, Fabrice
Introduction into the history of European integration.
[Seminar, Institute Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Nice, October 13th, 2006]
Larat, Fabrice
Konzeptioneller Rahmen des Forschungsmanagement" / "Störungen im Projektmanagement und ihre Ursachen.
[Seminar: Interkulturelles Forschungsmanagement, Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, Karslruhe, December 08th to December 09th, 2006]
Larat, Fabrice, and Tannelie Blom
Linking European and EU Studies"/ "Demonstration of Teaching Method: Research Oriented Teaching.
[How To Teach EU-Studies, European Studies Center, Beijing, March 23rd to March 25th, 2006]
Larat, Fabrice
Paper: The role of the acquis historique communautaire in EU-governance.
[IPSA World Congress, Fukuoka, July 09th to July 13th, 2006]
Larat, Fabrice
Presentation of CONNEX Database GOVDATA.
[IPSA World Congress, Fukuoka, July 10th to July 13th, 2006]
Larat, Fabrice
Presentation of CONNEX Database GOVDATA.
[ECPR - Standing Group in the European Union, Third Pan-European Conference on the EU Politics, Istanbul, September 21st to September 23rd, 2006]
Larat, Fabrice
Trends in EU Governance Research.
[NIG/CONNEX Research Colloquium: Democracy and the European Union, University of Maastricht, October 18th to October 20th, 2006]
Larat, Fabrice
CONNEX: Efficient and Democratic Governance in a Multi-Level Europe.
[Humanities & Social Sciences Research Forum: Diverse Dialogues across Europe, Nicosia, January 27th to January 28th, 2005]
Larat, Fabrice
CONNEX: Efficient and democratic governance int he EU.
[Italian-German Expert Meeting on FP6 Project management & FP7 perspectives, Villa Vigoni, Como, June 09th, 2005]
Larat, Fabrice
Die Präsenz der Geschichte im Konstitutionalisierungsprozess der EU, oder: Wie die europäische Integration durch Reinterpretation der Vergangenheit begründet wird.
[Reichweiten der Verständigung, Nationalisierung und Europäisierung intellektueller Kommunikation, Universität Konstanz, February 18th to February 19th, 2005]
Larat, Fabrice
Introduction à l'histroire de l'intégration européenne.
[Unterrichtsmodul 'Europäische Integration', Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Nice, October 14th, 2005]
Larat, Fabrice
Squarring the circle : New FP6 instruments as a Challenge for the Research Community.
[Towards a European research Area, Research Institute for Public Administration, Speyer, October 19th to October 21st, 2005]
Larat, Fabrice
A quoi sert l'intégration euopéenne?.
[Speech, Deutsch-Französischer Kulturkreis, Bibliothek Victor-Hugo, Heidelberg, May 06th, 2004]
Larat, Fabrice
Bedeutung und Auswirkung von politische Erzählungen im Europäischen Integrationsprozess.
[Workshop: 'Communicating Europe. Die Europäische Union - Imagined Community und demokratische Handlungsfelder', Wien, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, May 25th, 2004]
Larat, Fabrice, and Stefan Seidendorf
Justifying European Integration: the role of political narratives on European history in the process of EU constitutionalisation.
[Workshop der Projektgruppe 'The shadows of the Past over the constitutionalization of Europe', Florenz, Europäische Hochschulinstitute, July 02nd to July 03rd, 2004]
Larat, Fabrice
Romain Gary ou l'esprit de résistance.
[Lecture on the occasion of 'Lire en Fête 2004', service culturel de l'Ambassade de France en République de Biélorussie, Bibliothèque Pouchkine, Minsk, October 22nd, 2004]
Larat, Fabrice
Romain Gary/Emile Ajar ou la tentation d'être.
[Contribution to the Journée d'études Romain Gary 'Les Trente ans d'Emile Ajar', Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, Paris, March 06th, 2004]
Larat, Fabrice
The Schuman declaration and the establishment of the European Community for Steel and Coal”,.
[2nd Workshop 'Training of the Trainers', Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, March 23rd, 2004]
Larat, Fabrice
Understanding the History of European Integration as a Whole: Suggestion for an Analytical Framework.
[Kolloquium 'Department of Government and International Studies', Baptist University Hong Kong, October 28th, 2004]