Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wessler
Project director
wessler [at]
+49-621-181-2842Postal Address
University Mannheim
Visiting Address
University Mannheim
B 6, 30-32
Research Interests
- Comparative and transnational communication studies
- Political communication
- Theory of public discourse and the public sphere
Professor for Media and Communication Studies
A3 Focus Groups of Societal Integration: Migration and Ethnic Minorities
B1 Conditions of Democratic Governance: Behaviour and Orientations of Citizens
B2 Contexts for Democratic Governance: Political Institutions
RP9 B3 Democratic Multilevel Governance and Europeanization
Wessler, Hartmut, and Michael Brüggemann
Transnationale Kommunikation: Eine Einführung.
Springer VS.
Wessler, Hartmut, Patrik Haffner and Eike Mark Rinke
Sonderheft Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft (M&K).
[Themenheft: Selbstbestimmung in der digitalen Welt, Vol. 66, issue 4]
Mazzoleni, Gianpietro, Kevin G. Barnhurst, Ikeda Ken'ichi, Rousiley C. M. Maia and Hartmut Wessler
The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication.
New York:
Wessler, Hartmut, and Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz
Grenzüberschreitende Medienkommunikation.
[Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft : Sonderband ; 2]
Journal Articles
Chan, Chung-hong, Hartmut Wessler, Marc Jungblut, Kasper Welbers, Scott Althaus, Joseph Bajjalieh and Wouter van Atteveldt
(In Press):
Challenging the Global Cultural Conflict Narrative: An Automated Content Analysis on How Perpetrator Identity Shapes Worldwide News Coverage of Islamist and Right-Wing Terror Attacks.
International Journal of Press-Politics, (publ. online before print).
Freudenthaler, Rainer, and Hartmut Wessler
(In Press):
How Alternative Are Alternative Media? Analyzing Speaker and Topic Diversity in Mainstream and Alternative Online Outlets.
Digital Journalism, (publ. online before print).
Jakob, Julia, Chung-hong Chan, Timo Dobbrick and Hartmut Wessler
(In Press):
Discourse integration in positional online news reader comments: Patterns of responsiveness across types of democracy, digital platforms, and perspective camps.
New Media & Society, (publ. online before print).
Jakob, Julia, Timo Dobbrick, Rainer Freudenthaler, Patrik Haffner and Hartmut Wessler
Is Constructive Engagement Online a Lost Cause? Toxic Outrage in Online User Comments Across Democratic Political Systems and Discussion Arenas.
Communication Research, 50, issue 4, pp. 508–531.
Jakob, Julia, Timo Dobbrick and Hartmut Wessler
The Integrative Complexity of Online User Comments Across Different Types of Democracy and Discussion Arenas.
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 28, issue 3, pp. 580-600.
Müller, Philipp, Chung-hong Chan, Katharina Ludwig, Rainer Freudenthaler and Hartmut Wessler
Differential Racism in the News: Using Semi-Supervised Machine Learning to Distinguish Explicit and Implicit Stigmatization of Ethnic and Religious Groups in Journalistic Discourse.
Political Communication, 40, issue 4, pp. 396-414.
Dobbrick, Timo, Julia Jakob, Chung-hong Chan and Hartmut Wessler
Enhancing Theory-Informed Dictionary Approaches with “Glass-box” Machine Learning: The Case of Integrative Complexity in Social Media Comments.
Communication Methods and Measures, 16, issue 4, pp. 303-320.
Freudenthaler, Rainer, and Hartmut Wessler
Mapping emerging and legacy outlets online by their democratic functions – agonistic, deliberative or corrosive?.
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 27, issue 2, pp. 417-438.
Rinke, Eike Mark, Timo Dobbrick, Charlotte Löb, Cäcilia Zirn and Hartmut Wessler
Expert-informed topic models for document set discovery.
Communication Methods and Measures, 16, issue 1, pp. 39-58.
Welbers, Kasper, Wouter van Atteveldt, Joe Bajjalieh, Dan Shalmon, Pradnyesh Joshi, Scott Althaus, Chung-hong Chan, Hartmut Wessler and Marc Jungblut
Linking event archives to news: a computational method for analyzing the gatekeeping process.
Communication Methods and Measures, 16, issue 1, pp. 59-78.
Wessler, Hartmut
Ein Ideenforum für die „Vorsondierungen“ der Kommunikationswissenschaft.
Publizistik: Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung, 67, pp. 9-17.
Wessler, Hartmut, Scott Althaus, Chung-hong Chan, Marc Jungblut, Kasper Welbers and Wouter van Atteveldt
Multiperspectival Normative Assessment: The Case of Mediated Reactions to Terrorism.
Communication Theory, 32, issue 3, pp. 363–386.
Chan, Chung-hong, Joseph Bajjalieh, Loretta Auvil, Hartmut Wessler, Scott Althaus, Kasper Welbers, Wouter van Atteveldt and Marc Jungblut
Four best practices for measuring news sentiment using ‘off-the-shelf’ dictionaries: a large-scale p-hacking experiment.
Computational Communication Research, 3, issue 1, pp. 1-27.
Löb, Charlotte, and Hartmut Wessler
Mediated Deliberation in Deep Conflicts: How Might Deliberative Media Content Contribute to Social Integration Across Deep Divides?.
Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 17, issue 2, pp. 69-80.
Wozniak, Antal, Hartmut Wessler, Chung-hong Chan and Julia Lück
The Event-Centered Nature of Global Public Spheres: The UN Climate Change Conferences, Fridays for Future, and the (Limited) Transnationalization of Media Debates.
International Journal of Communication, 15, pp. 688–714.
Chan, Chung-hong, Hartmut Wessler, Eike Mark Rinke, Kasper Welbers, Wouter van Atteveldt and Scott Althaus
How Combining Terrorism, Muslim, and Refugee Topics Drives Emotional Tone in Online News: A Six-Country Cross-Cultural Sentiment Analysis.
International Journal of Communication, 14, pp. 3569–3594.
Chan, Chung-hong, Jing Zeng, Hartmut Wessler, Marc Jungblut, Kasper Welbers, Joseph Bajjalieh, Wouter van Atteveldt and Scott Althaus
Reproducible Extraction of Cross-lingual Topics (rectr).
Communication Methods and Measures, 14, issue 4, pp. 285-305.
Schäfer, Mike S., and Hartmut Wessler
Öffentliche Kommunikation in Zeiten künstlicher Intelligenz. Warum und wie die Kommunikationswissenschaft Licht in die Black Box soziotechnischer Innovationen bringen sollte.
Publizistik, 65, issue 3, pp. 307-331.
van Atteveldt, Wouter, Scott Althaus and Hartmut Wessler
The trouble with sharing your privates. Pursuing ethical open science and collaborative research across national jurisdictions using sensitive data.
Political Communication, 38, issue 1-2, pp. 192-198.
Halfmann, Annabell, Helena Dech, Jana Riemann, Leonie Schlenker and Hartmut Wessler
Moving closer to the action: How viewers’ experiences of eyewitness videos in TV news influence the trustworthiness of the reports.
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 96, issue 2, pp. 367–384.
Lück, Julia, Hartmut Wessler, Antal Wozniak and Diogenes Lycariao
Counterbalancing global media frames with nationally colored narratives: A comparative study of news narratives and news framing in the climate change coverage of five countries.
Journalism, 19, issue 12, pp. 1635–1656.
Lück, Julia, Hartmut Wessler, Rousiley Maia and Antal Wozniak
Journalist-source relations and the deliberative system: A network performance approach to investigating journalism’s contribution to facilitating public deliberation in a globalized world.
International Communication Gazette, 80, issue 6, pp. 509-531.
Wessler, Hartmut, Patrik Haffner and Eike Mark Rinke
Selbstbestimmung in der digitalen Welt: Über die Vorteile eines ebenenübergreifenden normativen Basiskonzepts für die empirische Erforschung der digitalen Kommunikation.
Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 66, issue 4, pp. 395-406.
Schieferdecker, David, and Hartmut Wessler
Bridging segregation via media exposure? Ingroup identification, outgroup distance, and low direct contact reduce outgroup appearance in media repertoires.
Journal of Communication, 67, issue 6, pp. 993–1014.
Wozniak, Antal, Hartmut Wessler and Julia Lück
Who prevails in the visual framing contest about the UN Climate Change Conferences?.
Journalism Studies, 18, issue 11, pp. 1433-1452.
Knop, Katharina, Julian S. Öncü, Jana Penzel, Theresa S. Abele, Tobias Brunner, Peter Vorderer and Hartmut Wessler
Offline time is quality time: Comparing within-group self-disclosure in mobile messaging applications and face-to-face interactions.
Computer in Human Behavior, 55, issue B, pp. 1076-1084.
Lück, Julia, Antal Wozniak and Hartmut Wessler
Networks of Coproduction: How Journalists and Environmental NGOs Create Common Interpretations of the UN Climate Change Conferences.
International Journal of Press/Politics, 21, issue 1, pp. 25-47.
Wessler, Hartmut, Antal Wozniak, Lutz Hofer and Julia Lück
Global multimodal news frames on climate change. A comparison of five democracies around the world.
International Journal of Press/Politics, 21, issue 4, pp. 423-445.
Wessler, Hartmut, Eike Mark Rinke and Charlotte Löb
Should we be Charlie? A deliberative take on religion and secularism in mediated public spheres.
Journal of Communication, 66, issue 2, pp. 314-327.
Vorderer, Peter, Christoph Klimmt, Diana Rieger, Eva Baumann, Dorothée Hefner, Karin Knop, Nicola Krömer, Jutta Mata, Thilo von Pape, Thorsten Quandt, Sabine Reich, Leonard Reinecke, Sabine Trepte, Sabine Sonnentag and Hartmut Wessler
Der mediatisierte Lebenswandel - Permanently online, permanently connected.
Publizistik, 60, issue 3, pp. 259-276.
Wozniak, Antal, Julia Lück and Hartmut Wessler
Frames, Stories, and Images: The Advantages of a Multimodal Approach in Comparative Media Content Research on Climate Change.
Environmental Communication, 9, issue 4, pp. 469-490.
Brüggemann, Michael, and Hartmut Wessler
Transnational communication as deliberation, ritual and strategy.
Communication Theory, 24, issue 4, pp. 394-414.
Wessler, Hartmut, and Eike Mark Rinke
Deliberative performance of television news in three types of democracy: Insights from the United States, Germany, and Russia.
Journal of Communication, 64, issue 5, pp. 827-851.
Rinke, Eike Mark, Hartmut Wessler, Charlotte Löb and Carina Weinmann
Deliberative qualities of generic news frames: Assessing the democratic value of strategic game and contestation framing in election campaign coverage.
Political Communication, 30, issue 3, pp. 474-494.
Book Chapters
Wessler, Hartmut, Rainer Freudenthaler, Julia Jakob and Patrik Haffner
Pp. 45-59 in:
Isabelle Borucki, Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw, Stefan Marschall, Thomas Zerback
Handbuch Politische Kommunikation.
Springer VS.
Wessler, Hartmut
Internetkonzerne und algorithmische Fantasie. Wie algorithmische Systeme die öffentliche Kommunikation verändern und wie Alternativen entwickelt werden können.
Pp. 89-108 in:
Christiane Schnell, Sabine Pfeiffer, Roland Hardenberg
Gutes Arbeiten im digitalen Zeitalter.
Wessler, Hartmut
Constructive engagement across deep divides – what it entails and how it changes our role as communication scholars.
Pp. 137-152 in:
Adrienne Russell, Matthew Powers
Rethinking media research for changing societies.
Cambridge University Press.
Wessler, Hartmut, Diana Rieger, Jonathan Cohen and Peter Vorderer
Permanent connections around the globe. Cross-cultural differences and intercultural linkages in POPC.
Pp. 188-196 in:
Peter Vorderer, Dorothée Hefner, Leonard Reinecke, Christoph Klimmt
Permanently online, permanently connected: Living and communicating in a POPC world.
New York, London:
Lück, Julia, Hartmut Wessler and Antal Wozniak
Journalistische Narrative in der Klimaberichterstattung: Eine vergleichende Inhaltsanalyse zur Identifikation und Erklärung journalistischer Erzählungen in Zeitungsnachrichten.
Pp. 333-347 in:
Markus Beiler, Benjamin Bigl
100 Jahre Kommunikationswissenschaft in Deutschland : von einem Spezialfach zur Integrationsdisziplin.
Wessler, Hartmut, Christoph Kilian Theil, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Angelika Storrer and Marc Debus
'Wikiganda' : Detecting Bias in Multimodal Wikipedia Entries.
Pp. 201-224 in:
Ognyan Seizov, Janina Wildfeuer
New studies in multimodality: Conceptual and methodological elaborations.
London, New York:
Wessler, Hartmut, and Eike Mark Rinke
Journalismus und Politik.
Pp. 639-653 in:
Martin Löffelholz, Liane Rothenberger
Handbuch Journalismustheorien.
Springer VS.
Debus, Marc, Heiner Stuckenschmidt and Hartmut Wessler
On the Use of Different Modalities in Political Communication: Evidence from German Election Manifestos.
Pp. 211-225 in:
Janina Wildfeuer
Building Bridges for Multimodal Research: International Perspectives on Theories and Practices of Multimodal Analysis.
Frankfurt am Main:
Peter Lang.
Ponzetto, Simone, Hartmut Wessler, Lydia Weiland, Stephan Kopf, Wolfgang Effelsberg and Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Automatic Classification of Iconic Images Based on a Multimodal Model. An Interdisciplinary Project.
Pp. 193-210 in:
Janina Wildfeuer
Building bridges for multimodal research. International perspectives on theories and practices of multimodal analysis.
Bern, New York:
Peter Lang.
Wessler, Hartmut
Deliberativeness in political communication.
Pp. 139-140 in:
Wolfgang Donsbach
The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication.
Wiley Blackwell.
Wessler, Hartmut, and Eike Mark Rinke
Pp. 637-650 in:
Steffen Mau, Nadine Schöneck
Handwörterbuch zur Gesellschaft Deutschlands.
3rd ed.,
Springer VS.
Wessler, Hartmut, and Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz
Grenzüberschreitende Medienkommunikation. Konturen eines Forschungsfeldes im Prozess der Konsolidierung.
Pp. 5-18 in:
Hartmut Wessler, Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz
Grenzüberschreitende Medienkommunikation.
Wessler, Hartmut
Identifying global public sphere moments.
Pp. 437-455 in:
Jan Fredrik Hovden, Karl Knapskog
Hunting high and low. Skriftfest til Jostein Gripsrud pa 60-arsdagen.
Scandinavian Academic Press.
Wessler, Hartmut
Jürgen Habermas – Theoretiker und Praktiker der öffentlichen Debatte.
Pp. 285-290 in:
Susanne Fengler, Tobias Eberwein, Julia Jorch
Theoretisch praktisch ?! Anwendungsoptionen und gesellschaftliche Relevanz der Kommunikations- und Medienforschung.
Papers / Reports
Ludwig, Katharina, Philipp Müller, Rainer Freudenthaler, Chung-hong Chan and Hartmut Wessler
Implizite und explizite Stigmatisierung von ethnisch-gelesenen Gruppen in der deutschen Medienöffentlichkeit im Jahr 2022.
[MZES Fokus; 4]
Schäfer, Mike, Peter Berglez, Hartmut Wessler, Elisabeth Eide, Brigitte Nerlich and Saffron O'Neill
Investigating mediated climate change communication: A best-practice guide.
[School of Education and Communication Research Report; 6]
Web Publications
Wessler, Hartmut, and Rainer Freudenthaler
Public Sphere,
Oxford Bibliographies in Communication (11 January 2018)
Wessler, Hartmut, Julia Lück and Antal Wozniak
Communication, negotiation, and influence at international climate change meetings and summits,
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science (April 2017)
Wessler, Hartmut, and Charlotte Löb
Jürgen Habermas,
Oxford Bibliographies Online: Communication ( 26 October 2015)
Conference Presentations
Freudenthaler, Rainer, Chung-hong Chan, Katharina Ludwig, Philipp Müller and Hartmut Wessler
One language model fits all? On the challenges of adopting an automated measure of racialized group stigmatization for Tweets.
[73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, May 25th to May 29th, 2023]
Wessler, Hartmut
How can AI help to improve democratic public debate?.
[Düsseldorf AI Conference 2023 "Chances and Challenges of AI-driven Decision-Making" , Düsseldorf, June 19th, 2023]
Wessler, Hartmut
Public sphere theory in the age of generative artificial intelligence: Some thoughts on an unlikely alliance.
[Public Sphere in the Age of Conflict and Systemic Crises, London, September 07th to September 08th, 2023]
Müller, Philipp, Chung-hong Chan, Katharina Ludwig, Rainer Freudenthaler and Hartmut Wessler
Differential Racism in the News: Using Semi-Supervised Machine Learning to Distinguish Explicit and Implicit Stigmatization of Ethnic and Religious Groups in Journalistic Coverage.
[72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Paris, May 26th to May 30th, 2022]
Müller, Philipp, Katharina Ludwig, Chung-hong Chan, Rainer Freudenthaler and Hartmut Wessler
Gruppenbezogener Rassismus im politischen Journalismus? Eine automatisierte Analyse expliziter und impliziter Stigmatisierungen ethnischer und religiöser Gruppen in der medialen Öffentlichkeit Deutschlands.
[Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppen "Journalistik/Journalismusforschung" und "Kommunikation und Politik", Trier, September 29th to September 30th, 2022]
Chan, Chung-hong, Adrian Rauchfleisch, Hartmut Wessler, Pilipp Müller and Katharina Ludwig
Estimation of differential implicit media bias.
[71st Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 27th to May 31st, 2021]
Dobbrick, Timo, Julia Jakob and Hartmut Wessler
The (De)civilizing Impact of an Inclusive Actor Set in News Articles on Associated User Debates.
[Three-Country Conference on Communication Science - DACH 21, (virtual conference), April 07th to April 09th, 2021]
Jakob, Julia, Timo Dobbrick and Hartmut Wessler
(Un)sophisticated Reasoning? The Integrative Complexity of User-Generated Debates Across Political Systems and Online Discussion Arenas.
[71th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 27th to May 31st, 2021]
Jakob, Julia, Timo Dobbrick, Rainer Freudenthaler, Patrik Haffner and Hartmut Wessler
The End of Constructive Engagement Online? Toxic Outrage in User-Generated Debates Across Political Systems and Online Discussion Arenas.
[71th Annual International Communication Association Conference, Preconference: Comparative Perspectives on Negativity, Incivility, and Toxic Talk, (virtual conference), May 27th, 2021]
Althaus, Scott, Joseph Bajjalieh, Marc Jungblut, Dan Shalmon, Wouter van Atteveldt, Kasper Welbers and Hartmut Wessler
Is It Easier to Scare Us or Piss Us Off? The Impact of Terrorist Attacks on News Discourse Across 74 Years of New York Times Reporting.
[70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 20th to May 26th, 2020]
Chan, Chung-hong, Hartmut Wessler, Wouter van Atteveldt and Scott Althaus
Are Right-Wing Attackers Also Terrorists? An Automated Content Analysis on How Perpetrator Identity Shapes Worldwide English-Language News Coverage of Islamist and Right-Wing Attacks.
[70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 20th to May 26th, 2020]
Chan, Chung-hong, Jing Zeng, Hartmut Wessler, Marc Jungblut, Kasper Welbers, Joseph Bajjalieh, Wouter van Atteveldt and Scott Althaus
Reproducible Extraction of Cross-Lingual Topics Using R.
[70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 20th to May 26th, 2020]
Jakob, Julia, Timo Dobbrick, Patrik Haffner and Hartmut Wessler
What Facilitates Constructive Engagement? A Dictionary-Based Comparison of Outrage and Recognition Across Online Platforms.
[70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 20th to May 26th, 2020]
Jakob, Julia, Timo Dobbrick and Hartmut Wessler
What Promotes Sophisticated Reasoning? The Integrative Complexity of User-Generated Political Debates Across Different Types of Democracy and Online Discussion Arenas.
[11th Colloquium of the Nachwuchsnetzwerk politische Kommunikation (NapoKo), (virtual conference), November 26th to November 27th, 2020]
Welbers, Kasper, Wouter van Atteveldt, Scott Althaus, Hartmut Wessler, Joseph Bajjalieh, Chung-hong Chan and Marc Jungblut
Media Portrayal of Terrorist Events: Using Computational Text Analysis to Link News Items to the Global Terrorism Database.
[70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 20th to May 26th, 2020]
Welbers, Kasper, Wouter van Atteveldt, Chung-hong Chan, Hartmut Wessler and Scott Althaus
Suspect by Association: Untangling Semantic Relations Between Muslim Communities and Terrorism in the News.
[70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 20th to May 26th, 2020]
Chan, Chung-hong, Joseph Bajjalieh, L. Auvil, Hartmut Wessler, Scott Althaus, K. Welbers and W. van Atteveldt
Using ‘off-the-shelf’ sentiment dictionaries without revalidation: a p-hacking experiment.
[5th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), Amsterdam, July 17th to July 20th, 2019]
Wessler, Hartmut
Emotional underpinnings of constructive engagement. Rereading deliberative theory.
[Workshop "Engaging the Skeptics?! Epistemic (In)Justice, Public Participation, and Moral Expertise in Health Discourses", Göttingen, March 04th to March 05th, 2019]
Wessler, Hartmut
Emotional underpinnings of deliberation.
[69th Annual ICA Conference, Washington, DC, May 24th to May 28th, 2019]
Wessler, Hartmut
Responsible terrorism coverage. How media can cover attacks without serving terrorist agendas.
[Hertie School of Governance: Frontline Research on Terrorism Event Series, Berlin, September 30th, 2019]
Wessler, Hartmut
Three entry points for a deliberative theory of emotions.
[Lubral 2019 - II International Symposium on Philosophy and Communication: Luso-Brazilian-German, Covilha, June 26th to June 29th, 2019]
Wessler, Hartmut
Which norms of public communication apply in autocratic contexts?.
[Workshop "Theorizing Publics under Authoritarian Rule", Berlin, June 19th to June 21st, 2019]
Wozniak, Antal, Julia Lück and Hartmut Wessler
The episodic nature of global public spheres: The UN Climate Change Conferences and the transnationalization of media debates.
[69th Annual ICA Conference, Washington, DC, May 24th to May 28th, 2019]
Wessler, Hartmut
Comparing sentiments in media coverage on refugees, Islam and terrorism. A six-country study.
[SCANPUB Summer Symposium, Bergen, August 30th to August 31st, 2018]
Wessler, Hartmut
From Textual-Plus-Visual to Multimodal Framing Analysis.
[68th Annual ICA Conference, Prague, May 24th to May 28th, 2018]
Wessler, Hartmut
How Can Communication Support Constructive Engagement Across Deep Divides?.
[Symposium "The Shifting Landscape of Public Communication", Seattle, WA, October 25th to October 26th, 2018]
Wessler, Hartmut, and Chung-hong Chan
Using Text Analytics Methods to Provide New Insights for Research on Contentious Processes.
[Text Analytics Applications for Monitoring and Understanding Contentious Processes, Urbana, IL, January 31st to February 04th, 2018]
Lück, Julia, Hartmut Wessler, Rousiley Maia and Antal Wozniak
Journalist-source relations and the deliberative system: A network performance approach to investigating journalism‘s contributions to facilitating public deliberation in a globalized world.
[67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA, May 25th to May 29th, 2017]
Rinke, Eike Mark, Cäcilia Zirn, Charlotte Löb and Hartmut Wessler
Big-Data-Forschung als Interaktion zwischen Topic Models und Expertendaten: Ein neuer Ansatz zur Erfassung der thematischen Vernetzung nationaler Onlinedebatten.
[62nd Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Heinrich-Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, March 30th to April 01st, 2017]
Rinke, Eike Mark, Cäcilia Zirn, Charlotte Löb and Hartmut Wessler
Combining expert surveys and topic modeling to identify unknown issues in multinational media discourses.
[67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA, May 26th to May 29th, 2017]
Wessler, Hartmut
Against false oppositions: Rediscovering mediated deliberation in non-deliberative contexts.
[67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA, May 25th to May 29th, 2017]
Löb, Charlotte, Eike Mark Rinke and Hartmut Wessler
Measuring mediated contestation: Four dimensions of democratic news cultures.
[International Communication Association Preconference on "Media Performance and Democracy: Defining and Measuring the Quality of News", Fukuoka, June 09th, 2016]
Wozniak, Antal, Hartmut Wessler and Julia Lück
Global convergence or national segmentation? The discursive role of the UN Climate Change Conferences in the transnational mediated public sphere.
[Launch Conference of the University of Brighton Centre for Research in Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics, University of Brighton, UK, April 28th to April 29th, 2016]
Zirn, Cäcilia, Eike Mark Rinke, Charlotte Löb and Hartmut Wessler
Big data research as interaction between topic models and expert data: A new approach to capturing national online debates.
[3rd GESIS Computational Social Science Winter Symposium 2016, Cologne, Germany, November 30th to December 01st, 2016]
Debus, Marc, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Angelika Storrer and Hartmut Wessler
Wikiganda: How neutral is Wikipedia?.
[BreMM15: Second Bremen Conference on Multimodality, Universität Bremen, September 21st to September 22nd, 2015]
John, Kristina, Hartmut Wessler and Scott Althaus
Global Coverage of Climate Change Stories about Small Island Developing States: A Worldwide Comparison from 1979 to 2012.
[65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 21st to May 25th, 2015]
Wessler, Hartmut, and Maria Röder-Tzellos
Achieving citizenship through communication: Five types of mediated participation in the Egyptian uprising 2011.
[65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 21st to May 25th, 2015]
Wessler, Hartmut, Antal Wozniak, Lutz Hofer and Julia Lück
Global multimodal news frames on climate change.
[65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 21st to May 25th, 2015]
Wessler, Hartmut
Methodological perspectives for a systemic approach to deliberation.
[Third Colloquium Deliberative System and Interconnected Media, Belo Horizonte, November 04th to November 06th, 2015]
Wessler, Hartmut
Multiperspectival normative assessment of political media content.
[Third Colloquium Deliberative System and Interconnected Media, Belo Horizonte, November 04th to November 06th, 2015]
Wessler, Hartmut
Networks of coproduction: How journalists and NGOs interact during UN climate change conferences.
[International Conference "Transnational Mega-Events and Global Environmental Governance", Institut des sciences de la communication, Paris, July 06th, 2015]
Wessler, Hartmut
Strengthening the systemic approach to deliberation in political communication research.
[Third Colloquium Deliberative System and Interconnected Media, Belo Horizonte, November 04th to November 06th, 2015]
Debus, Marc, Heiner Stuckenschmidt and Hartmut Wessler
On the Use of Different Modalities in Political Communication: Evidence from German Election Manifestos.
[First Bremen Conference on Multimodality "Bridging the Gap between Here and There: Combining Multimodal Analysis from International Perspectives", University of Bremen, September 10th to September 13th, 2014]
Ponzetto, Simone Paolo, Hartmut Wessler, Lydia Weiland, Stephan Kopf, Wolfgang Effelsberg and Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Automatic Classification of Iconic Images Based on a Multimodal Model. An Interdisciplinary Project.
[First Bremen Conference on Multimodality 'Bridging the Gap between Here and There: Combining Multimodal Analysis from International Perspectives', Universität Bremen, September 10th to September 13th, 2014]
Wessler, Hartmut
Mediendebatten und politische Deutungen in der Klimadiskussion.
[2. Oldenburger Symposium energy 2050, Oldenburg, May 13th to May 14th, 2014]
Wessler, Hartmut, Antal Wozniak, Lutz Hofer and Julia Lück
Sustainable media events? Media coverage of the UN climate conferences in democratic countries.
[5th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Lisbon, November 12th to November 15th, 2014]
Wozniak, Antal, Julia Lück and Hartmut Wessler
Visual strategies and representations: How journalists and PR professionals coproduce the images of climate change..
[64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle, WA, May 22nd to May 26th, 2014]
Rinke, Eike Mark, and Hartmut Wessler
Multiperspectival normative assessment of mediated contestation.
[Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, London, June 17th to June 21st, 2013]
Wessler, Hartmut, and Eike Mark Rinke
Deliberative strengths and weaknesses in television news: Insights from the US, Germany, and Russia.
[63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, London, June 17th to June 21st, 2013]
Wessler, Hartmut, Julia Lück and Antal Wozniak
Networks of coproduction: How mainstream NGOs and journalists create common interpretations of the UN climate summits.
[63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), London, June 17th to June 21st, 2013]
Rinke, Eike Mark, Hartmut Wessler, Charlotte Löb and Carina Weinmann
Deliberative qualities of generic news frames: Assessing the democratic value of strategic game and contestation framing in election campaign coverage.
[Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ, May 24th to May 28th, 2012]