Bildung in Frankreich. Eine Studie zum Wandel herkunfts- und geschlechtsspezifischen Bildungsverhaltens.
Leske +Budrich.
Dr. Hildegard Brauns
former staff member
RP5 A1 The Development of Social Structures in European Societies
RP1-3 Department I : Living Conditions and Inequality in the Relationship between Social Structure and the Welfare State
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Müller, Walter, Hildegard Brauns and Susanne Steinmann
Expansion und Erträge tertiärer Bildung in Deutschland, Frankreich und im Vereinigten Königreich.
Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 12, issue 1, pp. 37-62.
Brauns, Hildegard, Susanne Steinmann and Dietmar Haun
Die Konstruktion des Klassenschemas nach Erikson, Goldthorpe und Portocarero (EGP) am Beispiel nationaler Datenquellen aus Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien.
ZUMA-Nachrichten, 24, issue 46, pp. 7-42.
Brauns, Hildegard, Susanne Steinmann, Annick Kieffer and Catherine Marry
Does Education Matter? France and Germany in Comparative Perspective.
European Sociological Review, 15, issue 1, pp. 61-89.
Brauns, Hildegard, and Susanne Steinmann
Educational Reform in France, West-Germany, the United Kingdom and Hungary. Updating the CASMIN Educational Classification.
ZUMA-Nachrichten, 44, pp. 7-44.
Brauns, Hildegard
Soziale Herkunft und Bildungserfolg in Frankreich.
Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 28, issue 3, pp. 197-218.
Brauns, Hildegard
Vocational Education in Germany and France.
International Journal of Sociology: special issue on 'Globalization and Changes in Vocational Training Systems in Developing and Advanced Industrialized Countries', 28, issue 4, pp. 57-98.
Marry, Catherine, Annick Kieffer, Hildegard Brauns and Susanne Steinmann
France-Allemagne: Inégales avancées des femmes.
Revue Française de Sociologie, 39, issue 2, pp. 353-389.
Brauns, Hildegard
Zur Vereinbarkeit von Chancengleichheit und Eliteformation im Bildungswesen - das Beispiel Frankreichs.
Zeitschrift für internationale erziehungs- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung, 13, issue 1, pp. 13-47.
Book Chapters
Brauns, Hildegard, Markus Gangl and Stefani Scherer
Education and Unemployment Risks among Market Entrants: A Comparison of France, the United Kingdom and West Germany.
Pp. 328-345 in:
Jürgen H.P. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Christof Wolf
Advances in Cross-National Comparison. An European Working Book for Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables.
New York:
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher.
Brauns, Hildegard, Stefani Scherer and Susanne Steinmann
The CASMIN Educational Classification in International Comparative Research.
Pp. 196-221 in:
Christof Wolf
Advances in Cross-National Comparison. An European Working Book for Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables.
Kluwer Academic Plenum Publisher.
Brauns, Hildegard, and Susanne Steinmann
Bildung und Berufschancen: Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich.
Pp. 64-67 in:
Hermann Schwengel
Grenzenlose Gesellschaft. Sektionen, Forschungskomitees, Arbeitsgruppen.
Brauns, Hildegard, Markus Gangl and Stefani Scherer
Education and Unemployment: Patterns of Labour Market Entry in France, the United Kingdom and Germany.
Pp. 287-312 in:
David Raffe, Rolf van der Velden, Patrick Werquin
Education, the Labour Market and Transition in Youth: Cross-national Perspectives. Proceedings of the 1998 European Workshop..
MZES Working Papers
Brauns, Hildegard, Markus Gangl and Stefani Scherer
Education and Unemployment: Patterns of Labour Market Entry in France, the United Kingdom and Germany.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 6]
Marry, Catherine, Annick Kieffer, Hildegard Brauns and Susanne Steinmann
France-Allemagne: Inégales avancées des femmes. Evolutions comparées de l'éducation et de l'activité des femmes de 1971 à 1991.
[Arbeitsbereich I; 26]
Brauns, Hildegard, Dietmar Haun and Susanne Steinmann
Die Konstruktion eines international vergleichbaren Klassenschemas (EGP). Erwerbsstatistische Besonderheiten am Beispiel von Labour Force Surveys der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Frankreichs, Großbritanniens und Ungarns.
[Arbeitsbereich I; 22]
Brauns, Hildegard, Susanne Steinmann, Annick Kieffer and Catherine Marry
Does Education matter? France and Germany in Comparative Perspective.
[Arbeitsbereich I; 20]
Brauns, Hildegard, Walter Müller and Susanne Steinmann
Educational Expansion and Returns to Education. A Comparative Study on Germany, France, the UK, and Hungary.
[Arbeitsbereich I; 23]
Brauns, Hildegard, and Susanne Steinmann
Educational Reform in France, West-Germany, the United Kingdom and Hungary: Updating the CASMIN Educational Classification.
[Arbeitsbereich I; 21]
Papers / Reports
Brauns, Hildegard
Individual Labor Market Outcomes and the Impact of Institutions: Assessing the Micro-Macro Link in Comparative Perspective between Germany, France and the United Kingdom.
[GAFOSS Programme Book]
Gangl, Markus, and Hildegard Brauns
The Educational Stratification of Labour Market Entry: An Analysis of Structure and Trends across the European Union.
Mannheim, Maastricht, Marseille
[Walter Müller e.al. (ed.), A Comparative Analysis of Transitions from Education to Work in Europe Based on the European Community Labour Force Survey, pp 151-192. Report to the European Commission]
Müller, Walter, Hildegard Brauns, Thomas Couppié, Markus Gangl, Michèle Mansuy, Riccardo Welters and Maarten Wolbers
A Comparative Analysis of Transitions from Education to Work in Europe Based on the European Community Labour Force Survey.
Mannheim, Maastricht, Marseille
[Report to the European Commission]