(In Press):
Teaching Constructive Replications in the Behavioral and Social Sciences Using Quantitative Data.
Teaching of Psychology, (publ. online before print).
Dr. Johanna Gereke
MZES Fellow and project director
Johanna.Gereke [at] mzes.uni-mannheim.de
+49-621-181-2804Postal Address
University Mannheim, MZES
Visiting Address
University Mannheim, MZES
A5, 6
Building A
A3 Focus Groups of Societal Integration: Migration and Ethnic Minorities
Journal Articles
Gereke, Johanna, Delia Baldassarri and Max Schaub
Prosociality Beyond In-Group Boundaries: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment on Selection and Intergroup Interactions in a Multiethnic European Metropolis.
Sociological Science.
Hellyer, Joshua, and Johanna Gereke
The shadow of fear: hate crime victimization and stress after Charlottesville.
Frontiers in Psychology, 15, (article no. 1384470).
Auer, Daniel, Johanna Gereke and Max Schaub
Spiritual practices predict migration behavior.
Scientific reports, 13, (article no. 12535), pp. 1-7.
Gereke, Johanna, and Didier Ruedin
Shared Nationality in Social Exchange: A Trust Vignette Experiment in the United States, South Africa, and Switzerland.
Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 9, (e-only), pp. 1-9.
Hellyer, Joshua, Emily Hellriegel, Johanna Gereke and Reinhard Schunck
Pretty unequal? Immigrant-native differences in returns to physical attractiveness in Germany.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 215, pp. 107-119.
Kretschmer, David, Johanna Gereke, Fabian Winter and Nan Zhang
No Differential Effects of Classroom Ethnic Composition on Native and Immigrant Friendship Segregation: A Comment on Smith et al. 2016.
American Journal of Sociology, 129, issue 2, pp. 570-585.
Gereke, Johanna, Joshua Hellyer, Jan Behnert, Saskia Exner, Alexander Herbel, Felix Jäger, Dean Lajic, Štěpán Mezenský, Vu Anh, Tymoteusz Ogłaza, Jule Schabinger, Anna Sokolova, Daria Szafran, Noah Tirolf, Susanne Veit and Nan Zhang
Demographic change and group boundaries in Germany: The effect of projected demographic decline on perceptions of who has a migration background.
Sociological Science, 9, issue May, pp. 206-220.
Gereke, Johanna, Max Schaub and Delia Baldassarri
Immigration, integration and cooperation: experimental evidence from a public goods game in Italy.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48, issue 15, pp. 3761-3788.
Zhang, Nan, Johanna Gereke and Delia Baldassarri
Everyday Discrimination in Public Spaces: A Field Experiment in the Milan Metro.
European Sociological Review, 38, issue 5, pp. 679–693.
Schaub, Max, Johanna Gereke and Delia Baldassari
Strangers in Hostile Lands: Exposure to Refugees and Right-Wing Support in Germany’s Eastern Regions.
Comparative Political Studies, 54, issue 3-4, pp. 686–717.
Gereke, Johanna, Max Schaub and Delia Baldassarri
Gendered Discrimination Against Immigrants: Experimental Evidence.
Frontiers in Sociology, 2020, issue 5, (article no. 59), pp. 1-10 (e-only).
Schaub, Max, Johanna Gereke and Delia Baldassarri
Does Poverty Undermine Cooperation in Multiethnic Settings? Evidence from a Cooperative Investment Experiment.
Journal of Experimental Political Science, 7, issue 1, pp. 27-40.
Gereke, Johanna, Max Schaub and Delia Baldassarri
Ethnic diversity, poverty and social trust in Germany: Evidence from a behavioral measure of trust.
PLOS ONE, 13, issue 7, (online).
Book Chapters
Gereke, Johanna, and Heiko Rauhut
Öffentliche Güter und kollektives Handeln.
Pp. 200-214 in:
Andreas Tutić
Rational Choice.
De Gruyter.
Web Publications
Gereke, Johanna, and Klarita Gerxhani
Experimental Economics and Experimental Sociology,
Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Economics and Finance more
Conference Presentations
Hellyer, Joshua, and Johanna Gereke
Can Physical Attractiveness Close the Immigrant-Native Trust Gap?.
[IMEBESS 7th Annual Conference, Lisbon, May 18th to May 20th, 2023]
Hellyer, Joshua, and Johanna Gereke
A “Beauty Premium” for Whom? The combined effects of ethnicity and attractiveness on trust.
[4th Annual Conference on Experimental Sociology (ACES), Utrecht, August 31st to September 02nd, 2022]
Hellyer, Joshua, Emily Hellriegel, Johanna Gereke and Reinhard Schunck
Pretty unequal? Ethnicity, Gender and Returns to Physical Attractiveness in Germany.
[CEPDISC'22 Conference on Discrimination, Vejle, Denmark, October 24th to October 26th, 2022]
Bauer, Gerrit, Nate Breznau, Johanna Gereke, Jan H. Höffler, Rima-Maria Rahal, Joachim K. Rennstich and Hannah Soiné
Teaching Replication in the Social Sciences (Workshop).
[Virtual Unconference on Open Scholarship Practices in Education Research, (virtual conference), February 09th, 2021]
Bauer, Gerrit, Nate Breznau, Johanna Gereke, Jan H. Höffler, Rima-Maria Rahal, Joachim K. Rennstich and Hannah Soiné
Teaching Replication in the Social Sciences (Workshop).
[Open Science and Replicability in the Behavioural and Social Sciences, (virtual conference), April 30th, 2021]
Gereke, Johanna, Delia Baldassarri and Max Schaub
Between in-group selection & economic interdependence: A lab-in-the-field experiment on intergroup contact in a multiethnic European metropolis.
[Annual Conference of Experimental Sociology (ACES) 2021, Ascona, September 17th to September 19th, 2021]
Gereke, Johanna, Joshua Hellyer and Nan Zhang
Do trigger events trigger stress? Hate crime victimization and stress after Charlottesville.
[ECSR Annual Conference 2021, (virtual conference), October 07th to October 08th, 2021]
Gereke, Johanna, and Didier Ruedin
Trusting and reciprocating trust of citizens versus non-citizens: experimental evidence from the U.S., South Africa and Switzerland.
[3rd Academy of Sociology Conference, (virtual conference), September 29th to October 01st, 2021]
Gereke, Johanna, Max Schaub and Delia Baldassari
Ethnic diversity and cooperation in complex societies: sanctioning in homogeneous and mixed groups.
[Sixth International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (IMEBESS), Utrecht, May 02nd to May 04th, 2019]
Schunck, Reinhard, and Johanna Gereke
Does it really pay to be beautiful? A longitudinal study of physical attractiveness on labor market success.
[6th parfaim User Conference, Köln, May 16th to May 17th, 2019]
Schunck, Reinhard, Johanna Gereke and Kim-Mi Nguyen
Sozialer Status und physische Attraktivität. Die Auswirkungen des relativen sozialen Status auf die Attraktivitätswahrnehmung.
[Tagung "Soziale Wirkung physischer Attraktivität", Düsseldorf, December 13th to December 14th, 2019]
Zhang, Nan, Johanna Gereke and Delia Baldassarri
Covert discrimination is unaffected by immigrants' socioeconomic status.
[2nd Academy of Sociology Conference: "Digital Societies", Konstanz, September 25th to September 27th, 2019]
Zhang, Nan, Johanna Gereke and Delia Baldassarri
Covert discrimination is unaffected by immigrants' socioeconomic status.
[Neuchâtel Graduate Conference "Innovative Approaches to Migration and Mobility Studies", Neuchâtel, September 12th to September 13th, 2019]
Gereke, Johanna, Max Schaub and Delia Baldassarri
Altruism, trust and right-wing support in the presence of newcomers: Eastern Germany after the refugee crisis.
[5th International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (IMEBESS), Florence, May 03rd to May 05th, 2018]
Gereke, Johanna, Max Schaub and Delia Baldassarri
Ethnic Diversity and In- and Out-group Cooperation: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Milan.
[The 6th Migration Conference (TMC), Lisbon, June 26th to June 28th, 2018]
Gereke, Johanna, Max Schaub and Delia Baldassarri
Ethnic Diversity and In- and Out-group Cooperation: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Milan.
[5th International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (IMEBESS), Florence, May 03rd to May 05th, 2018]
Schaub, Max, Johanna Gereke and Delia Baldassarri
Foreigners in hostile hinterlands: First-time exposure and right-wing support after the refugee crisis in Germany.
[Analytische Soziologie: Theorie und empirische Anwendungen, Venice, November 12th to November 15th, 2018]