Are incentive effects on response rates and nonresponse bias in large-scale face-to-face surveys generalizable to Germany? Evidence from ten experiments.
Public Opinion Quarterly, 79, issue 3, pp. 740-768.
Klaus Pforr
former staff member
klaus.pforr [at] gesis.org
RP8 A2 Spheres of Societal Integration: Family, Education, and Labour Markets
RP7 A2 Education, Labour Markets and Social Stratification
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Schröder, Jette, and Klaus Pforr
Der aktuelle Forschungsstand zum Zusammenhang zwischen Erwerbstätigkeit und Fertilität bei Frauen.
Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 21, issue 3, pp. 218-244.
Castiglioni, Laura, Klaus Pforr and Ulrich Krieger
The Effect of Incentives on Response Rates and Panel Attrition: Results of a Controlled Experiment..
Survey Research Methods , 2, issue 3, pp. 151-158.
Book Chapters
Brüderl, Josef, Volker Ludwig, Klaus Pforr and Nina Schumann
Praktische Anwendungsbeispiele zum Umgang mit den pairfam-Daten (Welle 1).
Pp. 27 - 48 in:
Josef Brüderl, Laura Castiglioni, Nina Schumann
Partnerschaft, Fertilität und intergenerationale Beziehungen: Ergebnisse der ersten Welle des Beziehungs- und Familienpanels.
Brüderl, Josef, Laura Castiglioni, Ulrich Krieger and Klaus Pforr
Design und Feldphase des Mini-Panels.
Pp. 45-76 in:
Michael Feldhaus, Johannes Huinink
Neuere Entwicklungen in der Beziehungs- und Familienforschung.
Pforr, Klaus
Implementation und Anwendung des multinominalen logistischen Regressionsmodells mit "fixed effects".
Universität Mannheim.
[Fachbereich Soziologie]
Papers / Reports
Brüderl, Josef, Laura Castiglioni, Ulrich Krieger and Klaus Pforr
Methodological Report Research Project "Mini-Panel zur Familien- und Beziehungsentwicklung".
Conference Presentations
Horr, Andreas, and Klaus Pforr
Wohnsegregation als Folge präferenzbasierter Wohnortwahlen. Eine agentenbasierte Simulation auf Basis empirischer Daten.
[Frühjahrstagung der Sektion „Modellbildung und Simulation“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Universität Konstanz, March 21st to March 22nd, 2013]
Pforr, Klaus, and Andreas Horr
Erweiterung der Messung von stated preferences auf zweidimensionale Güterbündel: Anwendung auf ethnische Präferenzen bei der Wohnortwahl.
[Rational Choice Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, Venice/San Servolo, November 26th to November 30th, 2012]
Brüderl, Josef, Klaus Pforr, Jette Schröder, Philipp Schütze and Nina Schumann
Does repeated measurement affect relationship quality and stability? An experimental study on panel conditioning.
[Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies International Conference, Bielefeld, September 26th to September 28th, 2011]
Brüderl, Josef, Laura Castiglioni, Jette Schröder, Elena Boldin, Julie Gast, Bernadette Huyer-May, Volker Ludwig, Klaus Pforr, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Mirte M.M. Scholten, Nina Schumann and Philipp Schütze
pairfam Waves 1 - 3: Field Report and Data Editing.
[Advisory Board Meeting of the pairfam-Project, München, September 21st, 2011]
Ludwig, Volker, Ulrich Krieger and Klaus Pforr
Brevity is the Soul of Wit! The Effect of Questionnaire Length on Item Nonresponse.
[European Survey Research Association 2011 Conference, Lausanne, July 18th to July 22nd, 2011]
Mathiak, Brigitte, Jette Schröder, Klaus Pforr and Volker Ludwig
Der Einsatz der Dokumentationssoftware QDDS im Beziehungs- und Familienpanel.
[5. Workshops der Panel Surveys in Deutschland, Wiesbaden, July 15th, 2011]
Pforr, Klaus
Implementation of a multinomial logit model with fixed effects.
[2011 German Stata Users Group Meeting, Bamberg, July 01st, 2011]
Brüderl, Josef, Laura Castiglioni, Ulrich Krieger, Volker Ludwig, Jasmin Passet, Klaus Pforr, Nina Schumann and Philipp Schütze
Design and Fieldwork of the Pairfam Panel: Waves 1 & 2.
[Advisory Board Meeting of the Pairfam-Project, Chemnitz, September 21st to September 22nd, 2010]
Brüderl, Josef, Laura Castiglioni, Ulrich Krieger, Volker Ludwig and Klaus Pforr
Reducing Seam Effects: Combining Dependent Interviewing and Event History Calendar Techniques in the German Family Panel.
[2nd Panel Survey Methods Workshop, Mannheim, July 05th to July 06th, 2010]
Krieger, Ulrich, Volker Ludwig and Klaus Pforr
The Effect of Questionnaire Length on Item Nonresponse.
[21st International Workshop on Household Survey Nonresponse 2010, Nürnberg, August 30th to September 01st, 2010]
Krieger, Ulrich, Josef Brüderl, Volker Ludwig and Klaus Pforr
How to collect life-courses with prospective panel surveys?.
[Gemeinsamer Workshop Panelprojekte SOEP-SHARE-NEPS-PAIRFAM, Bamberg, July 06th, 2009]
Krieger, Ulrich, Josef Brüderl, Volker Ludwig and Klaus Pforr
Reducing panel attrition through incentives: results from a controlled experiment.
[Gemeinsamer Workshop Panelprojekte SOEP-SHARE-NEPS-PAIRFAM, Bamberg, July 06th, 2009]
Krieger, Ulrich, Klaus Pforr and Volker Ludwig
Tracing life courses with prospective Panel surveys - the life history calendar of the pairfam German Family Panel Study.
[European Survey Research Association 2009 Conference, Warschau, June 30th to July 02nd, 2009]
Ludwig, Volker, Ulrich Krieger and Klaus Pforr
Design and fielding of the PAIRFAM Panel.
[PAIRFAM Advisory Board Meeting 2009, Bremen, July 03rd, 2009]
Pforr, Klaus
Pairfam - Study description and DDI documentation targets.
[DDI: Support Preservation, Management, Acces and Dissemination Systems for Social Science Data, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, October 26th to October 30th, 2009]
Brüderl, Josef, Laura Castiglioni, Ulrich Krieger and Klaus Pforr
The effects of incentives on attrition bias: results of an experimental study.
[1. Panel Survey Methods Workshop, Colchester, July 14th to July 15th, 2008]
Castiglioni, Laura, Josef Brüderl, Ulrich Krieger and Klaus Pforr
Konzeption des Beziehungs- und Familienentwicklungs-Panel.
[Ordentliche Schwerpunkttagung, DFG SPP 1611, München, June 12th to June 13th, 2008]
Castiglioni, Laura, and Klaus Pforr
The effect of incentives in reducing non-response bias in multi-actor survey.
[2nd ESRA Conference, Prag, June 25th to June 29th, 2007]
Krieger, Ulrich, Klaus Pforr and Laura Castiglioni
The Effect of Incentives on Response Rates and Panel Attrition: Results of a Controlled Experiment.
[Americal Association of Public Opinion Research 62nd Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, May 17th to May 20th, 2007]
Brüderl, Josef, Laura Castiglioni, Ulrich Krieger and Klaus Pforr
Rücklaufanalyse der ersten Welle des Mini-Panels zur Beziehungs- und Familienentwicklung.
[Ordentliche Schwerpunkttagung, DFG SPP 1611, Bremen, June 29th to June 30th, 2006]