Committed Democrats? How Trade-off Specific Cues Affect Expressions of Support for Liberal and Democratic Principles.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 65, issue 3, pp. 553-568.
Lea Gärtner, née Manger
Former project staff
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Rettig, Leonie, Lea Gärtner and Harald Schoen
Facing trade-offs: The variability of public support for climate change policies.
Environmental Science & Policy, 147, pp. 244-254.
Gärtner, Lea, and Harald Schoen
Experiencing climate change: revisiting the role of local weather in affecting climate change awareness and related policy preferences.
Climatic Change, 167, issue 3-4, (article no. 31/2021).
Gärtner, Lea, Alexander Wuttke and Harald Schoen
Who Talks and Who Listens? How Political Involvement Influences the Potential for Democratic Deliberation in Everyday Political Talk.
Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 17, issue 2, pp. 13-30.
Gärtner, Lea, Konstantin Gavras and Harald Schoen
What tips the scales? Disentangling the mechanisms underlying post-electoral gains and losses in democratic support.
Electoral Studies, 67, issue October, (article: 102210).
Book Chapters
Gärtner, Lea, Harald Schoen and Alexander Wuttke
Ties That No Longer Bind? Effects and Responsiveness of Party Attachments in a Period of Crises.
Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf
The Changing German Voter.
Oxford University Press.
Gärtner, Lea, and Alexander Wuttke
Eingeschlossen in der Filter Bubble? Politische Kommunikationsnetzwerke im Wahlkampf.
Pp. 97-110 in:
Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf
Zwischen Polarisierung und Beharrung: Die Bundestagswahl 2017.
Gärtner, Lea
Who Builds the Media? Actors‘ Influence over German Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change.
University of Mannheim.
Conference Presentations
Gärtner, Lea, Konstantin Gavras and Harald Schoen
Up and Down With Voters’ Democratic Support: Disentangling the Causal Mechanisms of Winner-Loser Effects in a Multi-Party System.
[Jahrestagung des DVPW-Arbeitskreises „Wahlen und politische Einstellungen“, (virtual conference), November 12th to November 13th, 2020]
Gärtner, Lea, Alexander Wuttke and Harald Schoen
Who talks and who listens? Examining moderators of conversation effects on vote choice.
[The Deliberative Quality of Communication Conference, MZES, Mannheim, November 08th, 2018]
Manger, Lea, Alexander Wuttke and Harald Schoen
Dynamische Modellierung politischer Diskussionsnetzwerke.
[Wahlstudientreffen DACH, Lausanne, April 12th to April 13th, 2018]
Manger, Lea, Alexander Wuttke and Harald Schoen
Dynamische Modellierung von politischen Diskussionsnetzwerken und ihr Einfluss auf das Wahlverhalten im Mehrparteiensystem.
[Tagung des AK Wahlen zur Bundestagswahl 2017, WZB, Berlin, May 24th to May 25th, 2018]