Weighting Parties and Coalitions: How Coalition Signals Influence Voting Behavior.
The Journal of Politics, 79, issue 2, pp. 642-655.
Ph.D. Michael F. Meffert
former staff member
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Polls, Coalition Signals, and Strategic Voting: An Experimental Investigation of Perceptions and Effect.
European Journal of Political Research, 50, issue 5, pp. 636-667.
Meffert, Michael F., Sascha Huber, Thomas Gschwend and Franz Urban Pappi
More than wishful thinking: Causes and consequences of voters electoral expectations about parties and coalitions.
Electoral Studies, 30, issue 4, pp. 804-815.
Meffert, Michael F., and Thomas Gschwend
Polls, coalition signals and strategic voting: An experimental investigation of perceptions and effects.
European Journal of Political Research, 50, issue 5, pp. 636-667.
Meffert, Michael F., and Thomas Gschwend
Strategic Coalition Voting: Evidence from Austria.
Electoral Studies, 29, issue 3, pp. 339-349.
Book Chapters
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Strategic Voting.
Pp. 339-366 in:
Kai Arzheimer, Jocelyn Evans, Michael S. Lewis-Beck
The SAGE Handbook of Electoral Behaviour.
Bytzek, Evelyn, Thomas Gschwend, Sascha Huber, Eric Linhart and Michael F. Meffert
Koalitionssignale und ihre Wirkungen auf Wahlentscheidungen.
Pp. 393-418 in:
Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck
Wählen in Deutschland.
Meffert, Michael F., and Thomas Gschwend
Experimental Triangulation of Coalition Signals: Varying Designs, Converging Results.
Pp. 249-283 in:
Bernhard Kittel, Wolfgang J. Luhan, Rebecca B. Morton
Experimental Political Science: Principles and Practices.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Huber, Sascha, Thomas Gschwend, Michael F. Meffert and Franz Urban Pappi
Erwartungsbildung über den Wahlausgang und ihr Einfluss auf die Wahlentscheidung.
Pp. 561-584 in:
Oscar W. Gabriel, Bernhard Weßels, Jürgen W. Falter
Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2005.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Meffert, Michael F., and Thomas Gschwend
Strategisches Wählen in Mehrparteiensystemen: ein Gruppenexperiment.
Pp. 107-132 in:
Eric Linhart, Susumu Shikano
Parteienwettbewerb, Wählerverhalten und Koalitionsbildung. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Franz Urban Pappi.
Conference Presentations
Meffert, Michael F., and Thomas Gschwend
Polls, Coalition Signals, and Strategic Voting: An Experimental Investigation of Perceptions and Effects..
[8. Politicologenetmaal der Niederländisch-Flämischen Politikwissenschaftler, Berg en Dal, May 29th to May 30th, 2009]
Gschwend, Thomas, Michael F. Meffert, Sascha Huber and Franz Urban Pappi
More than Wishful Thinking: Causes and Consequences of Voter's Expectations about Election Outcomes.
[International Communication Association, Annual Meeting, Montréal, May 22nd to May 26th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Polls, Coalition Signals, and Strategic Voting: An Experimental Investigation of Perceptions and Effects.
[AK Wahlen, Annual Meeting, Duisburg, May 15th to May 16th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Strategic Coalition Voting: Evidence from Austria.
[Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Boston, Mass., August 28th to August 31st, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Strategic Voting under Proportional Representation and Coalition governments: A Laboratory Experiment.
[International Society for Political Psychology, Annual Meeting, Paris, July 09th to July 12th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Strategisches Wahlverhalten in Mehrparteiensystemen: Ein Gruppenexperiment.
[AK Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, DVPW, Annual Meeting, Mainz, June 27th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Voting for Coalitions? The Role of Coalition Preferences.
[Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 03rd to April 06th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Strategic Voting under Proportional Representation & Coalition Governments: A Simulation and Laboratory Experiment.
[Forschungskolloquium, Lambrecht/Pfalz, July 20th to July 21st, 2007]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Strategic Voting under Proportional Representation and Coalition Governments: A Case for Experimental Triangulation.
[International Conference on Experimental Methods in Political Science, Brüssel, December 14th, 2007]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Voting for Coalitions? The Role of Coalition Preferences and Expectations in Voting Behavior.
[Voters, Coalitions, and Democratic Accountability, Workshop, Exeter, October 05th to October 06th, 2007]
Gschwend, Thomas, Patric Andersson, Michael F. Meffert and Carsten Schmidt
Forecasting the Outcome of a National Election: The Influence of Expertise, Information, and Political Preferences.
[Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Dresden, June 19th to June 23rd, 2006]
Meffert, Michael F., Amber Joiner, Sungeun Chung and Leah Waks
Formation and Change of Candidate Preferences during Information Search: The Role of Issues, Candidates, and Message Valence.
[Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, September 01st to September 04th, 2005]