Delaying Retirement. Progress and Challenges of Active Ageing in Europe, the United States and Japan.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Moritz Heß
former staff
RP9 A1 Institutions of Societal Integration: Market Economies, Organisations, and Welfare States
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Heß, Moritz
Expected and preferred retirement age in Germany.
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 51, issue 1, pp. 98–104.
Heß, Moritz, Jürgen Bauknecht and Sebastian Pink
Working Hours Flexibility and Timing of Retirement: Findings from Europe.
Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 30, issue 5, pp. 478-494.
Heß, Moritz, Elias Naumann and Leander Steinkopf
Population Ageing, the Intergenerational Conflict, and Active Ageing Policies – a Multilevel Study of 27 European Countries.
Journal of Population Ageing, 10, issue 1, pp. 11-23.
Naumann, Elias, Moritz Heß and Leander Steinkopf
Die Alterung der Gesellschaft und der Generationenkonflikt in Europa.
Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 44, issue 6, pp. 426-446.
Heß, Moritz, Christian von Scheve, Jürgen Schupp and Gert G. Wagner
Members of German Federal Parliament More Risk-Loving Than General Population.
DIW Economic Bulletin, 3, issue 4, pp. 20-24.
Book Chapters
Heß, Moritz
Germany: A Successful Reversal of Early Retirement?.
Pp. 147-169 in:
Dirk Hofäcker, Moritz Heß, Stefanie König
Delaying Retirement. Progress and Challenges of Active Ageing in Europe, the United States and Japan.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Heß, Moritz, Stefanie König and Dirk Hofäcker
Retirement Transitions Under Changing Institutional Conditions: Towards Increasing Inequalities? Comparing Evidence from 13 Countries.
Pp. 363-378 in:
Dirk Hofäcker, Moritz Heß, Stefanie König
Delaying Retirement. Progress and Challenges of Active Ageing in Europe, the United States and Japan.
Palgrave Macmillan.
König, Stefanie, Moritz Heß and Dirk Hofäcker
Trends and Determinants of Retirement Transition in Europe, the USA and Japan: A Comparative Overview.
Pp. 23-51 in:
Dirk Hofäcker, Moritz Heß, Stefanie König
Delaying Retirement. Progress and Challenges of Active Ageing in Europe, the United States and Japan.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Hofäcker, Dirk, Moritz Heß and Elias Naumann
Changing retirement transitions in times of paradigmatic political change: towards growing inequalities?.
Pp. 205-226 in:
Cornelius Torp
Challenges of Ageing: Retirement, Pensions and Intergenerational Justice.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Heß, Moritz
Preferred and Expected Retirement Age in Germany and Europe.
University of Mannheim.
Papers / Reports
Heß, Moritz, Christian von Scheve, Jürgen Schupp and Gert G. Wagner
Volksvertreter sind risikofreudiger als das Volk.
[DIW Wochenbericht]
Conference Presentations
Heß, Moritz
Age - Stereotypes and their Effect on Retirement Intentions.
[11th Annual ESPAnet Conference, Poznan University of Economics, September 05th to September 07th, 2013]
Heß, Moritz
Ageism in Europe: New Findings from the Cultural Map of the World and the European Social Survey.
[20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Seoul, June 23rd to June 27th, 2013]
Hofäcker, Dirk, and Moritz Heß
Erwerbstätigkeit älterer Arbeitnehmer im Übergang von der Frühverrentung zum ‚aktiven Altern‘ – Lebenslaufsoziologische Perspektiven.
[Experten-Workshop des Bundesinstituts für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB) „Potenziale gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe älterer Menschen“, Wiesbaden, December 05th, 2012]